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Re: 7.6.9 New version hangs on connecting
Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 11:42 am
by ArianMohlmann
I did enter a pass key in FAH Control. Does this also not work?
Thanks for the further tips. Although it seems weird to not be able to update in a standard way.
Re: 7.6.9 New version hangs on connecting
Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 4:32 am
by PantherX
ArianMohlmann wrote:I did enter a pass key in FAH Control. Does this also not work?...
Can you please elaborate?
I haven't read of any issues when you use FAHControl to enter the passkey.
Re: 7.6.9 New version hangs on connecting
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 6:38 pm
by ArianMohlmann
You mentioned I do not have a passkey.Although I entered one. That's all I know.
Removing the data for Linux distributions I can' t find anywhere.
I uninstalled the software. One system is now on Fedora 32 latest.
One is on Fedora 20.
A new passkey is created. As I don' t know where to set an option to remove the data. I will attempt to install the new version without removing dta.
Re: 7.6.9 New version hangs on connecting
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 6:53 pm
by ArianMohlmann
No luck. Now reported is:
On client "local"

Access denied, invalid password
Where do we go from here?
Please explain step by step.
Should data be removed please explain how in detail.
Should application be removed (again) etc...
Newly generated password seems not to be accepted.
Re: 7.6.9 New version hangs on connecting
Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 4:43 am
by PantherX
Uninstall the client on Linux and ensure these directories are deleted:
/etc/fahclient -> Delete the fahclient folder
/var/lib/fahclient -> Delete the fahclient folder
I am not sure if you're thinking that the Passkey is the same as password. They are both different items.
Passkey -> It is a 32 characters long string that is generated from your username and email address. This is sensitive information and shouldn't be shared. Using passkey will allow you to get bonus points once you qualify for it.
Password -> It is used to securely connect to FAHControl from another system remotely.
My Linux experience is limited so I am not sure on how to install the client on your system. I am aware that a new V7.6.13 has been released.
Re: 7.6.9 New version hangs on connecting
Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 4:46 am
by ajm
This could help: viewtopic.php?f=106&t=34148
Re: 7.6.13 New version hangs on connecting
Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 7:02 pm
by ArianMohlmann
All specified folders removed.
Now 7.6.13 is installed.
No luck. No where I can find where to put my passkey. Few....
On client "local"

Access denied, invalid password
Still the same issue.
Re: 7.6.9 New version hangs on connecting
Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 7:07 pm
by ajm
The passkey has to be in /etc/fahclient/config.xml, like that:
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Network -->
<proxy v=":8080"/>
<!-- Slot Control -->
<power v="full"/>
<!-- User Information -->
<passkey v="XXXXXXXXX"/>
<team v="182116"/>
<user v="ajm"/>
<!-- Folding Slots -->
-<slot type="CPU" id="0">
<cpus v="20"/>
<slot type="GPU" id="1"/>
You can simply edit the file.
Re: 7.6.9 New version hangs on connecting
Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 7:14 pm
by Joe_H
To add passkey, in Web Control click on Change Identity. You can leave any fields already filled in unchanged.
In FAHControl use Configure - Identity.