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Re: An issue with some teams

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 7:33 pm
by 7im
Jesse_V wrote:
7im wrote:This is a very low priority in the grand scheme of things, way down on the priority list. I know this from past experience with a similar request, made while you were still in Jr. High.
Science comes first, I understand. I'd rather see Alzheimer's/cancer cured before this, but this certainly isn't that low. I am pleased though that you've been participating in F@h 7+ years ago. Congrats on that!
7im wrote:And this is the internet. There is no filter, and attempting anything more than a basic filter of the easy and obvious childish attempts at humor in naming a team is a waste of time, IMO. You're certainly welcome to YO, but it won't change the priority of this request. Been there, done that, didn't change then. Not going to change much now. Sorry.
Quite frankly that is a sad excuse. I simply refuse to accept it. Just because the Internet is open doesn't mean inappropriate behavior should be tolerated at a scientific endeavor. If that were the case, we wouldn't have filters on what new forum members couldn't post. Internet-wide filters have been tried before (the Great Firewall of China and the ridiculous SOPA comes to mind) but that's not what I'm requesting at all. I'm saying we need to delete/modify these teams because it poorly reflects on the PG and F@h, and that's something I'd like to take care of. As I've stated before, there will be little we can do to prevent them from putting their URL as the team URL, but their name is more obvious/public and is the main cause of my gripe. I'm a bit saddened by your "this is a waste of time" response. I have been respecting you as much as Bruce or the other Site Admins/Janitors, which is just shy of the level of the PG. I thought we were better than that, and I strive for better standards. Especially over the last several months I have put a lot of time and effort into significantly improving F@h to the best of my ability. At least I can try and put out a problem and argue for my solution. Response thus far to this thread has been favorable, indicating to me that people actually do care about taking care of this in a timely manner. As with a couple of my other threads, I will continue to reiterate this, until it gets pushed forward and addressed, or there are some strong arguments put up against it. At least I can persevere. I'm a bit saddened that it appears that you haven't been doing the same.

The childish or smutty antics of a few reflect nothing upon fah. It's sad that you think so little of fah that fah could be tarnished so easily with so little.

We'll agree that we have different ways of spending our free time effectively. Feel free to continue to, IMO, wasting your time pestering PG with this request. While I, you, and others have made small inroads with similar requests, it will never meet your puritanical standards.