Page 2 of 3


Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:22 pm
by bruce
The server was from Thu Dec 3 07:00:10 PST 2009 and was back on-line before Thu Dec 3 09:05:10 PST 2009.

Your post was right in the middle of that time frame.


Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 7:54 pm
by Grandpa_01
It's in Reject mode


Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:13 am
by Grandpa_01
It's in reject again along with trhe rest of the ATI servers. NO WU's :eo

Our Very efficient ATI servers are down again

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:29 pm
by Grandpa_01

Code: Select all

[16:03:55] Completed 100%
[16:03:55] Successful run
[16:03:55] DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000
[16:04:05] Reserved 218920 bytes for xtc file; Cosm status=0
[16:04:05] Allocated 218920 bytes for xtc file
[16:04:05] - Reading up to 218920 from "work/wudata_09.xtc": Read 218920
[16:04:05] Read 218920 bytes from xtc file; available packet space=786211544
[16:04:05] xtc file hash check passed.
[16:04:05] Reserved 33528 33528 786211544 bytes for arc file=<work/wudata_09.trr> Cosm status=0
[16:04:05] Allocated 33528 bytes for arc file
[16:04:05] - Reading up to 33528 from "work/wudata_09.trr": Read 33528
[16:04:05] Read 33528 bytes from arc file; available packet space=786178016
[16:04:05] trr file hash check passed.
[16:04:05] Allocated 560 bytes for edr file
[16:04:05] Read bedfile
[16:04:05] edr file hash check passed.
[16:04:05] Allocated 0 bytes for logfile
[16:04:05] Could not open/read logfile=<work/wudata_09.log>; Cosm status=-1
[16:04:05] GuardedRun: success in DynamicWrapper
[16:04:05] GuardedRun: done
[16:04:05] Run: GuardedRun completed.
[16:04:08] - Writing 253520 bytes of core data to disk...
[16:04:08] Done: 253008 -> 252045 (compressed to 99.6 percent)
[16:04:08]   ... Done.
[16:04:09] - Shutting down core 
[16:04:09] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
[16:04:13] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
[16:04:13] Unit 9 finished with 94 percent of time to deadline remaining.
[16:04:13] Updated performance fraction: 0.951504
[16:04:13] Sending work to server
[16:04:13] Project: 5732 (Run 1, Clone 36, Gen 347)

[16:04:13] + Attempting to send results [December 13 16:04:13 UTC]
[16:04:13] - Reading file work/wuresults_09.dat from core
[16:04:13]   (Read 252557 bytes from disk)
[16:04:13] Connecting to
[16:04:34] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:04:34] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[16:04:34]     (
[16:04:34] + Retrying using alternative port
[16:04:34] Connecting to
[16:04:55] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:04:55] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[16:04:55]     (
[16:04:55] - Error: Could not transmit unit 09 (completed December 13) to work server.
[16:04:55] - 1 failed uploads of this unit.
[16:04:55]   Keeping unit 09 in queue.
[16:04:55] Trying to send all finished work units
[16:04:55] Project: 5732 (Run 1, Clone 36, Gen 347)

[16:04:55] + Attempting to send results [December 13 16:04:55 UTC]
[16:04:55] - Reading file work/wuresults_09.dat from core
[16:04:55]   (Read 252557 bytes from disk)
[16:04:55] Connecting to
[16:05:17] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:05:17] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[16:05:17]     (
[16:05:17] + Retrying using alternative port
[16:05:17] Connecting to
[16:05:38] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:05:38] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[16:05:38]     (
[16:05:38] - Error: Could not transmit unit 09 (completed December 13) to work server.
[16:05:38] - 2 failed uploads of this unit.

[16:05:38] + Attempting to send results [December 13 16:05:38 UTC]
[16:05:38] - Reading file work/wuresults_09.dat from core
[16:05:38]   (Read 252557 bytes from disk)
[16:05:38] Connecting to
[16:05:59] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:05:59] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[16:05:59]     (
[16:05:59] + Retrying using alternative port
[16:05:59] Connecting to
[16:06:20] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:06:20] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[16:06:20]     (
[16:06:20]   Could not transmit unit 09 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[16:06:20] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server
[16:06:20] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[16:06:20] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:06:20] - Will indicate memory of 4095 MB
[16:06:20] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:06:20] Connecting to
[16:06:41] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:06:41] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[16:06:41] Connecting to
[16:07:02] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:07:02] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[16:07:02] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[16:07:02] - Attempt #1  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[16:07:10] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:07:10] - Will indicate memory of 4095 MB
[16:07:10] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:07:10] Connecting to
[16:07:31] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:07:31] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[16:07:31] Connecting to
[16:07:52] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:07:52] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[16:07:52] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[16:07:52] - Attempt #2  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[16:08:08] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:08:08] - Will indicate memory of 4095 MB
[16:08:08] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:08:08] Connecting to
[16:08:29] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:08:29] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[16:08:29] Connecting to
[16:08:50] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:08:50] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[16:08:50] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[16:08:50] - Attempt #3  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[16:09:23] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:09:23] - Will indicate memory of 4095 MB
[16:09:23] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:09:23] Connecting to
[16:09:44] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:09:44] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[16:09:44] Connecting to
[16:10:05] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:10:05] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[16:10:05] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[16:10:05] - Attempt #4  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[16:10:53] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:10:53] - Will indicate memory of 4095 MB
[16:10:53] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:10:53] Connecting to
[16:11:14] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:11:14] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[16:11:14] Connecting to
[16:11:35] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:11:35] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[16:11:35] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[16:11:35] - Attempt #5  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[16:12:56] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:12:56] - Will indicate memory of 4095 MB
[16:12:56] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:12:56] Connecting to
[16:13:18] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:13:18] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[16:13:18] Connecting to
[16:13:39] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:13:39] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[16:13:39] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[16:13:39] - Attempt #6  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[16:16:26] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:16:26] - Will indicate memory of 4095 MB
[16:16:26] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:16:26] Connecting to
[16:16:47] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:16:47] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[16:16:47] Connecting to
[16:17:08] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:17:08] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[16:17:08] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[16:17:08] - Attempt #7  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[16:22:38] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:22:38] - Will indicate memory of 4095 MB

Code: Select all

[16:04:18] Completed 100%
[16:04:18] Successful run
[16:04:18] DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000
[16:04:29] Reserved 221004 bytes for xtc file; Cosm status=0
[16:04:29] Allocated 221004 bytes for xtc file
[16:04:29] - Reading up to 221004 from "work/wudata_06.xtc": Read 221004
[16:04:29] Read 221004 bytes from xtc file; available packet space=786209460
[16:04:29] xtc file hash check passed.
[16:04:29] Reserved 33528 33528 786209460 bytes for arc file=<work/wudata_06.trr> Cosm status=0
[16:04:29] Allocated 33528 bytes for arc file
[16:04:29] - Reading up to 33528 from "work/wudata_06.trr": Read 33528
[16:04:29] Read 33528 bytes from arc file; available packet space=786175932
[16:04:29] trr file hash check passed.
[16:04:29] Allocated 560 bytes for edr file
[16:04:29] Read bedfile
[16:04:29] edr file hash check passed.
[16:04:29] Allocated 0 bytes for logfile
[16:04:29] Could not open/read logfile=<work/wudata_06.log>; Cosm status=-1
[16:04:29] GuardedRun: success in DynamicWrapper
[16:04:29] GuardedRun: done
[16:04:29] Run: GuardedRun completed.
[16:04:33] - Writing 255604 bytes of core data to disk...
[16:04:33] Done: 255092 -> 254101 (compressed to 99.6 percent)
[16:04:33]   ... Done.
[16:04:33] - Shutting down core 
[16:04:33] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
[16:04:35] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
[16:04:35] Unit 6 finished with 89 percent of time to deadline remaining.
[16:04:35] Updated performance fraction: 0.904843
[16:04:35] Sending work to server
[16:04:35] Project: 5735 (Run 0, Clone 36, Gen 440)

[16:04:35] + Attempting to send results [December 13 16:04:35 UTC]
[16:04:35] - Reading file work/wuresults_06.dat from core
[16:04:35]   (Read 254613 bytes from disk)
[16:04:35] Connecting to
[16:04:56] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:04:56] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[16:04:56]     (
[16:04:56] + Retrying using alternative port
[16:04:56] Connecting to
[16:05:17] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:05:17] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[16:05:17]     (
[16:05:17] - Error: Could not transmit unit 06 (completed December 13) to work server.
[16:05:17] - 1 failed uploads of this unit.
[16:05:17]   Keeping unit 06 in queue.
[16:05:17] Trying to send all finished work units
[16:05:17] Project: 5735 (Run 0, Clone 36, Gen 440)

[16:05:17] + Attempting to send results [December 13 16:05:17 UTC]
[16:05:17] - Reading file work/wuresults_06.dat from core
[16:05:17]   (Read 254613 bytes from disk)
[16:05:17] Connecting to
[16:05:38] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:05:38] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[16:05:38]     (
[16:05:38] + Retrying using alternative port
[16:05:38] Connecting to
[16:06:00] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:06:00] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[16:06:00]     (
[16:06:00] - Error: Could not transmit unit 06 (completed December 13) to work server.
[16:06:00] - 2 failed uploads of this unit.

[16:06:00] + Attempting to send results [December 13 16:06:00 UTC]
[16:06:00] - Reading file work/wuresults_06.dat from core
[16:06:00]   (Read 254613 bytes from disk)
[16:06:00] Connecting to
[16:06:21] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:06:21] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[16:06:21]     (
[16:06:21] + Retrying using alternative port
[16:06:21] Connecting to
[16:06:42] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:06:42] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[16:06:42]     (
[16:06:42]   Could not transmit unit 06 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[16:06:42] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server
[16:06:42] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[16:06:42] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:06:42] - Will indicate memory of 4095 MB
[16:06:42] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:06:42] Connecting to
[16:07:03] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:07:03] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[16:07:03] Connecting to
[16:07:24] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:07:24] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[16:07:24] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[16:07:24] - Attempt #1  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[16:07:36] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:07:36] - Will indicate memory of 4095 MB
[16:07:36] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:07:36] Connecting to
[16:07:57] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:07:57] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[16:07:57] Connecting to
[16:08:18] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:08:18] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[16:08:18] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[16:08:18] - Attempt #2  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[16:08:30] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:08:30] - Will indicate memory of 4095 MB
[16:08:30] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:08:30] Connecting to
[16:08:51] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:08:51] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[16:08:51] Connecting to
[16:09:12] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:09:12] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[16:09:12] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[16:09:12] - Attempt #3  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[16:09:33] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:09:33] - Will indicate memory of 4095 MB
[16:09:33] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:09:33] Connecting to
[16:09:54] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:09:54] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[16:09:54] Connecting to
[16:10:15] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:10:15] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[16:10:15] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[16:10:15] - Attempt #4  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[16:11:02] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:11:02] - Will indicate memory of 4095 MB
[16:11:02] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:11:02] Connecting to
[16:11:23] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:11:23] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[16:11:23] Connecting to
[16:11:45] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:11:45] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[16:11:45] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[16:11:45] - Attempt #5  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[16:13:12] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:13:12] - Will indicate memory of 4095 MB
[16:13:12] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:13:12] Connecting to
[16:13:33] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:13:33] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[16:13:33] Connecting to
[16:13:54] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:13:54] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[16:13:54] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[16:13:54] - Attempt #6  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[16:16:48] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:16:48] - Will indicate memory of 4095 MB
[16:16:48] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:16:48] Connecting to
[16:17:09] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:17:09] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[16:17:09] Connecting to
[16:17:30] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:17:30] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[16:17:30] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[16:17:30] - Attempt #7  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[16:22:52] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:22:52] - Will indicate memory of 4095 MB

Re: Our Very efficient ATI servers are down again

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:59 pm
by brityank
They're back. Network's getting clobbered, plus my Vista seems to quit trying after the third attempt to connect so I have to restart F@H on it, even though I can get anywhere else on the web. :e?:


Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 3:39 pm
by Grandpa_01
In reject mode again


Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:33 pm
by codysluder
I don't know whether this server needs new hardware or the upgraded server code, but I vote that it be put at the top of the list for upgrade.


Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 5:14 pm
by Grandpa_01
codysluder wrote:I don't know whether this server needs new hardware or the upgraded server code, but I vote that it be put at the top of the list for upgrade.
I second that


Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:41 am
by Grandpa_01
Time to kick it again


Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:18 pm
by RAH
Just take some TNT and get rid of it.
Down again.

When are you going to build some redundant servers?
I'm to old, but I know some good IT people. I'm sure
they can get it going for you. With all the hardware,
software changes, things have only gone down hill
since 2003.


Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:05 pm
by gwildperson
It's not a question of redundancy, it's a question of capacity. The redundancy is built into the Collection Servers, but they've been so overloaded that it's laughable. The only solution is to add enough server hardware to handle all of the normal loads with enough extra capacity to handle peak loads.


Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:24 am
by Zagen30
Well, one of my ATI cards, which had been sitting idle for a few hours, just got a new WU.


Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:01 am
by toTOW
There used to be some redundancy : we had two servers for ATI, both and ... but it's been a long time since hasn't been used :(

Me or server?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:15 am
by kpe1950
Is this a server issue or is the problem on my side?
I looked up the IP, " GPU vspg2v2 vvoelz full Reject".

Code: Select all

[07:53:48] Loaded queue successfully.
[07:53:48] Deleting incompletely fetched item (4) from queue position #2
[07:53:48] - Warning: Could not delete all work unit files (2): Core file absent
[07:53:48] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[07:53:48] - Autosending finished units... [January 25 07:53:48 UTC]
[07:53:48] + Attempting to get work packet
[07:53:48] Trying to send all finished work units
[07:53:48] - Will indicate memory of 4094 MB
[07:53:48] Project: 5733 (Run 3, Clone 113, Gen 460)
[07:53:48] - Detect CPU.[07:53:48] - Read packet limit of 540015616...  Vendor: GenuineIntel, Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 10
Set to 524286976.
[07:53:48] - Connecting to assignment server

[07:53:48] Connecting to
[07:53:48] + Attempting to send results [January 25 07:53:48 UTC]
[07:53:48] - Reading file work/wuresults_01.dat from core
[07:53:48]   (Read 252934 bytes from disk)
[07:53:48] Connecting to
[07:53:49] Posted data.
[07:53:49] Initial: 0000; + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[07:53:49] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[07:53:49] - Attempt #1  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[07:53:50] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[07:53:50] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[07:53:50]     (
[07:53:50] + Retrying using alternative port
[07:53:50] Connecting to
[07:53:51] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[07:53:51] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[07:53:51]     (
[07:53:51] - Error: Could not transmit unit 01 (completed January 25) to work server.
[07:53:51] - 4 failed uploads of this unit.
[07:53:51] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[07:53:51] + Attempting to send results [January 25 07:53:51 UTC]
[07:53:51] - Reading file work/wuresults_01.dat from core
[07:53:51]   (Read 252934 bytes from disk)
[07:53:51] Connecting to
[07:53:51] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[07:53:51]   (Got status 503)
[07:53:51] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[07:53:51]     (
[07:53:51] + Retrying using alternative port
[07:53:51] Connecting to
[07:53:52] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[07:53:52]   (Got status 503)
[07:53:52] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[07:53:52]     (
[07:53:52]   Could not transmit unit 01 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[07:53:52] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server
[07:53:52] - Autosend completed
[07:54:08] + Attempting to get work packet
[07:54:08] - Will indicate memory of 4094 MB
[07:54:08] - Connecting to assignment server
[07:54:08] Connecting to
[07:54:09] Posted data.
[07:54:09] Initial: 0000; + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[07:54:09] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[07:54:09] - Attempt #2  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[07:54:33] + Attempting to get work packet
[07:54:33] - Will indicate memory of 4094 MB
[07:54:33] - Connecting to assignment server
[07:54:33] Connecting to
[07:54:33] Posted data.
[07:54:33] Initial: 0000; + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[07:54:33] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[07:54:33] - Attempt #3  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[07:55:07] + Attempting to get work packet
[07:55:10] - Will indicate memory of 4094 MB
[07:55:10] - Connecting to assignment server
[07:55:10] Connecting to
[07:55:10] Posted data.
[07:55:10] Initial: 0000; + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[07:55:10] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[07:55:10] - Attempt #4  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[07:55:56] + Attempting to get work packet
[07:55:56] - Will indicate memory of 4094 MB
[07:55:56] - Connecting to assignment server
[07:55:56] Connecting to
[07:55:57] Posted data.
[07:55:57] Initial: 0000; + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[07:55:57] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[07:55:57] - Attempt #5  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[07:57:26] + Attempting to get work packet
[07:57:26] - Will indicate memory of 4094 MB
[07:57:26] - Connecting to assignment server
[07:57:26] Connecting to
[07:57:27] Posted data.
[07:57:27] Initial: 0000; + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[07:57:28] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[07:57:28] - Attempt #6  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[08:00:21] + Attempting to get work packet
[08:00:21] - Will indicate memory of 4094 MB
[08:00:21] - Connecting to assignment server
[08:00:21] Connecting to
[08:00:22] Posted data.
[08:00:22] Initial: 0000; + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[08:00:22] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[08:00:22] - Attempt #7  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.


Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:14 am
by toTOW
It's not you, the server is in reject mode :(