#edit 21 dec 09 -> just to clarify, maxFah has still not been ported, and is no longer available for download. Any questions regarding the code used are welcome and will be answerd when time allows.
( not always in order and subject to change )
While everything should be fairly easy, there are a few notes to make.
- First and foremost, this is not to install additional clients, but to install clients on a clean system ( no existing clients! ).
- Do not install in program files or mydocuments with vista even with uac off, you can, but it's not ensured to work ( I didn't make this mandetory but people should really avoid those places )! It's adviced to use a short path like c:\fah.
- Do not edit any files in the data folder, and use the gui for configuring client. While it *should* never cause serieus problems, it does read certain values from stored info when using the gui and if you configure the client manually those will not correspond with the real settings. I could have choosen to read all settings at program startup but it would mean a 30s delay per client ( give or take, I'm on the very high side here ) and I found that to be not acceptable.
- Using the gui for editing the clients is slower then using the console, the only added advantage is having a gui. I could increase speed but it would go at a cost I don't think is reasonable. I never had a failure in setting the correct values, but checking afterwards is always a good thing imo and configuring a client does not have to be done when the client is stopped so there is no reall loss.
- The EOC xml feed is used for displaying some of the data in the main form, and to keep track of uploaded wu's ( which isn't working fully atm so, the column which says 'Points in update' will always display 0. The same goes for Number of EUE's. ) Thank Jason for this feature, and don't forget to visit the EOC forums once in a while
- On startup of the monitoring/managemt application, if you're not connected to the internet, or have a firewall blocking the program, it can take up to 20 seconds before the main form will show. This is because before creation of the form two checks are done, one for acces to fah-web.stanford.edu the other to extremeoverclocking.com ( it treis to ping the two sites, and the timeout is set to 10s each on default). If the ping succeeds the startup is allot quicker
- It will autoupdate the xml feed and signature image from the eoc servers with the least possible overhead ( eg, the updates are downloaded once per 3 hours, starting after the latest available update, and on a net failure it will wait 15 minutes before retrying ).
- Right now, the application does store the frames in the statistics folder, but since the format of the file is changing every day I will not be able to read data files from older version and there is no option to not store them as they will be dynamicly used for frame times and reference times by the monitor. However, the next update I hope will include a fully functional page for display the statistical data and therefore will likely be unable to read any of the files stored by this beta.
- While during initial setup the preferred settings which I've flagged as 'locked' can not be changed, this is not true for subsequent configurations. So, if you want to run Deino as a service for instance, right now I don't change the service account and dependancies automaticly so you still have to do this.
- When configuring a running client to either be installed as a service, or a running service to run in console mode, the client will be restarted after the configuration changes have been made regardless of when the last checkpoint was written. Stop a client after a frame/checkpoint, then change the configuration.
*For installation of smp clients, you already need to run as admin, but to run the monitor you also have to run it as an admin as it needs the 'allow debugging' acces token. Edit: even running as admin doesn't properly allow acces to that information, I need to set the acces token tomorrow but for now if you encounter maxFah not starting in monitoring mode add "-nowmi" to the shortcut created by the installer and it will bypass the functions. They were only used to be able to ignore clients running with -config/configonly or -send x/all arguments and not count them as running.
Download link - > link removed due to project being suspended. -> download,unzip,run the exe, after install, copy dll's to where you installed ( to be safe ).
*15-4-2009 I will make a temporary install solution tomorrow to fix the issues with dll's not being registerd. I planned on finishing the wix class after the statistics where all done but that will take longer then making a seperate binary which can regsvr all the dependancies ( edit will be the 17th )
I scan every file I upload with Avira and Comodo, and then submit it to virustotal for assurance but I can never 100% guarantee a file being virus free, and my site can also be hacked into so I would advice anyone who downloads anything to be prudent and scan for virusses as well.
Drop in replacement ( only for those who have an existing install ) - > link removed due to project being suspended.
The assembly is not obfuscated or in any way made to be hard to dissasemble, though I think it would be nicer to ask for the source or wait till I'm finished as it will be gpl'd at that time. Untill then, every piece of code is copyrighted by me with the small exception of the .net queue.dat parsing class which can be downloaded here http://www.mtm78.nl/binaries/Queue.dat.txt and which contains some credit given to various people and a notice on how to implement the class. Note that this class is 99% done, the queueevent subroutine is critical in handling/generating statistics data and is still subject to change.
The google code page is located at -> link removed due to project being suspended.