If such an error message is written into the code, would it not be a good idea to send the results back on detection of this warning and inform the WU writer, rather than just deleteing them and starting a new one?
Code: Select all
# SMP Client ##################################################################
Folding@Home Client Version 6.02
Launch directory: /home/williams/Folding@Home/LinuxSMP1
Executable: ./fah6
Arguments: -forceasm -smp -advmethods
By using the -forceasm flag, you are overriding
safeguards in the program. If you did not intend to
do this, please restart the program without -forceasm.
If work units are not completing fully (and particularly
if your machine is overclocked), then please discontinue
use of the flag.
[06:06:44] - Ask before connecting: No
[06:06:44] - User name: DocJonz (Team 35947)
[06:06:44] - User ID: 1380EE5D0603FD45
[06:06:44] - Machine ID: 1
[06:06:44] Loaded queue successfully.
[06:06:44] + Processing work unit
[06:06:44] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe
[06:06:44] Core found.
[06:06:44] Working on Unit 04 [September 2 06:06:44]
[06:06:44] + Working ...
[06:06:44] *------------------------------*
[06:06:44] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[06:06:44] Version 1.74 (November 27, 2006)
[06:06:44] Preparing to commence simulation
[06:06:44] - Ensuring status. Please wait.
[06:06:46] Project: 2665 (Run 3, Clone 986, Gen 44)
[06:06:46] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[06:06:46] Entering M.D.
[06:07:03] on if available.
[06:07:03] Entering M.D.
NODEID=2 argc=15
NODEID=3 argc=15
NODEID=0 argc=15
NODEID=1 argc=15
Written by David van der Spoel, Erik Lindahl, Berk Hess, and others.
Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
Copyright (c) 2001-2004, The GROMACS development team,
check out http://www.gromacs.org for more information.
This inclusion of Gromacs code in the Folding@Home Core is under
a special license (see http://folding.stanford.edu/gromacs.html)
specially granted to Stanford by the copyright holders. If you
are interested in using Gromacs, visit www.gromacs.org where
you can download a free version of Gromacs under
the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
(single precision)
[06:07:10] Protein: HGG in water
[06:07:10] Writing local files
starting mdrun 'HGG in water'
250000 steps, 500.0 ps.
[06:07:10] Completed 155864 out of 250000 steps (62 CompletedExtra SSE boost OK.
[06:07:10] 0 steps (62 percent)
[06:07:11] Extra SSE boost OK.
Step 155960 Warning: pressure scaling more than 1%, mu: 3572.44 3572.44 3572.44
Step 155960 Warning: pressure scaling more than 1%, mu: 3572.44 3572.44 3572.44
Step 155960 Warning: pressure scaling more than 1%, mu: 3572.44 3572.44 3572.44
Step 155960 Warning: pressure scaling more than 1%, mu: 3572.44 3572.44 3572.44
[06:07:45] Warning: long 1-4 interactions
[0]0:Return code = 0, signaled with Segmentation fault
[0]1:Return code = 0, signaled with Segmentation fault
[0]2:Return code = 0, signaled with Segmentation fault
[0]3:Return code = 0, signaled with Segmentation fault
[06:07:49] CoreStatus = 0 (0)
[06:07:49] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0x0
[06:07:49] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
Code: Select all
# SMP Client ##################################################################
Folding@Home Client Version 6.02
Launch directory: /home/williams/Folding@Home/LinuxSMP1
Executable: ./fah6
Arguments: -local -forceasm -smp
By using the -forceasm flag, you are overriding
safeguards in the program. If you did not intend to
do this, please restart the program without -forceasm.
If work units are not completing fully (and particularly
if your machine is overclocked), then please discontinue
use of the flag.
[06:07:49] - Ask before connecting: No
[06:07:49] - User name: DocJonz (Team 35947)
[06:07:49] - User ID: 67F77E12465234F2
[06:07:49] - Machine ID: 1
[06:07:49] Loaded queue successfully.
[06:07:49] + Processing work unit
[06:07:49] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe
[06:07:49] Core found.
[06:07:49] Working on Unit 05 [September 2 06:07:49]
[06:07:49] + Working ...
[06:07:50] *------------------------------*
[06:07:50] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[06:07:50] Version 1.74 (November 27, 2006)
[06:07:50] Preparing to commence simulation
[06:07:50] - Ensuring status. Please wait.
[06:07:51] Project: 2665 (Run 3, Clone 823, Gen 46)
[06:07:51] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[06:07:51] Entering M.D.
[06:08:08] on if available.
[06:08:08] Entering M.D.
NODEID=1 argc=15
NODEID=0 argc=15
NODEID=2 argc=15
NODEID=3 argc=15
Written by David van der Spoel, Erik Lindahl, Berk Hess, and others.
Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
Copyright (c) 2001-2004, The GROMACS development team,
check out http://www.gromacs.org for more information.
This inclusion of Gromacs code in the Folding@Home Core is under
a special license (see http://folding.stanford.edu/gromacs.html)
specially granted to Stanford by the copyright holders. If you
are interested in using Gromacs, visit www.gromacs.org where
you can download a free version of Gromacs under
the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
(single precision)
[06:08:15] Protein: HGG in water
[06:08:15] Writing local files
[06:08:15] Protein: HGG in water
[06:08:15] Writing local files
starting mdrun 'HGG in water'
250000 steps, 500.0 ps.
[06:08:16] ercent)
[06:08:16] Extra SSE boost OK.
[06:08:16] 0 steps (35 percent)
[06:08:16] Extra SSE boost OK.
Step 89580 Warning: pressure scaling more than 1%, mu: 975.497 975.497 975.497
Step 89580 Warning: pressure scaling more than 1%, mu: 975.497 975.497 975.497
[06:10:34] Warning: long 1-4 interactions
Step 89580 Warning: pressure scaling more than 1%, mu: 975.497 975.497 975.497
Step 89580 Warning: pressure scaling more than 1%, mu: 975.497 975.497 975.497
[0]0:Return code = 0, signaled with Segmentation fault
[0]1:Return code = 0, signaled with Segmentation fault
[0]2:Return code = 0, signaled with Segmentation fault
[0]3:Return code = 0, signaled with Segmentation fault
[06:10:39] CoreStatus = 0 (0)
[06:10:39] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0x0
[06:10:39] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
[0]0:Return code = 18
[0]1:Return code = 0, signaled with Quit
[0]2:Return code = 0, signaled with Quit
[0]3:Return code = 0, signaled with Quit
[06:15:02] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[06:15:02] + Attempting to get work packet
[06:15:02] - Connecting to assignment server
[06:15:02] - Successful: assigned to (
[06:15:02] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[06:15:02] Loaded queue successfully.