Using DropBox to monitor clients in remote locations

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Using DropBox to monitor clients in remote locations

Post by zdanger »

Hey everyone, I thought I'd share this. Anyways, there's this program called DropBox that allows you to sync files between computers by installing the software and putting any files into the My DropBox folder in My Documents. I made a batch file that copies the F@H folders and puts them in the My DropBox folder on my office pc which syncs with my home pc. I added a scheduled task that runs every hour that runs the batch file. I added the folders that sync in Fahmon on my home pc, and there you have it, the ability to monitor the performance on remote pcs. There's only one slight problem.... DropBox is still in private beta :cry: . I'm sure there's other programs out there that do the same thing as DropBox, so if anyone out there knows of one, I'm sure that it'd work the same way.
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Re: Using DropBox to monitor clients in remote locations

Post by toTOW »

Thank you for your input.

You can also use FTP to centralize your files ... for example, CuteFTP as some synchronization and scheduling features ...

Folding@Home beta tester since 2002. Folding Forum moderator since July 2008.
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