Are you asking where to find it in the v7 or the v8 log entries? For v7 it will be a few lines before the WU is started, assuming you are using the log created by the client.
Here is an example from one of my Mac's:
Code: Select all
07:09:50:WU00:FS00:Running FahCore: /usr/local/bin/FAHCoreWrapper "/Library/Application Support/FAHClient/cores/" -dir 00 -suffix 01 -version 706 -lifeline 71 -checkpoint 15 -np 2
07:09:50:WU00:FS00:Started FahCore on PID 97206
07:09:54:WU00:FS00:Core PID:97207
07:09:54:WU00:FS00:FahCore 0xa8 started
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8:*********************** Log Started 2023-01-29T07:10:01Z ***********************
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8:************************** Gromacs Folding@home Core ***************************
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Core: Gromacs
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Type: 0xa8
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Version: 0.0.12
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Author: Joseph Coffland <[email protected]>
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Copyright: 2020
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Homepage:
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Date: Jan 16 2021
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Time: 21:24:14
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Revision: c5816759c404e4b65f9f364c3d1ef554a67c4225
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Branch: master
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Compiler: GNU Apple LLVM 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.28)
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Options: -faligned-new -std=c++14 -fsigned-char -stdlib=libc++ -O3
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: -funroll-loops -fno-pie -mmacosx-version-min=10.7
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Platform: darwin 20.2.0
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Bits: 64
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Mode: Release
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: SIMD: avx_256
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: OpenMP: ON
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: CUDA: OFF
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Args: -dir 00 -suffix 01 -version 706 -lifeline 97206 -checkpoint 15 -np
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: 2
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8:************************************ libFAH ************************************
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Date: Jan 16 2021
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Time: 21:21:45
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Revision: c5816759c404e4b65f9f364c3d1ef554a67c4225
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Branch: master
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Compiler: GNU Apple LLVM 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.28)
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Options: -faligned-new -std=c++14 -fsigned-char -stdlib=libc++ -O3
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: -funroll-loops -fno-pie -mmacosx-version-min=10.7
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Platform: darwin 20.2.0
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Bits: 64
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Mode: Release
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8:************************************ CBang *************************************
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Date: Jan 16 2021
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Time: 21:21:02
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Revision: c5816759c404e4b65f9f364c3d1ef554a67c4225
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Branch: master
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Compiler: GNU Apple LLVM 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.28)
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Options: -faligned-new -std=c++14 -fsigned-char -stdlib=libc++ -O3
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: -funroll-loops -fno-pie -mmacosx-version-min=10.7 -fPIC
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Platform: darwin 20.2.0
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Bits: 64
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Mode: Release
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8:************************************ System ************************************
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3520M CPU @ 2.90GHz
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: CPUs: 4
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Memory: 16.00GiB
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8:Free Memory: 9.03GiB
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Threads: POSIX_THREADS
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: OS Version: 10.14
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8:Has Battery: true
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: On Battery: false
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: UTC Offset: -5
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: PID: 97207
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: CWD: /Library/Application Support/FAHClient/work
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8:Project: 16977 (Run 1, Clone 1883, Gen 302)
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8:Unit: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8:Reading tar file core.xml
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8:Reading tar file frame302.tpr
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8:Digital signatures verified
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8:Calling: mdrun -c frame302.gro -s frame302.tpr -x frame302.xtc -cpt 15 -nt 2 -ntmpi 1
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8:Steps: first=755000000 total=757500000
07:10:03:WU00:FS00:0xa8:Completed 1 out of 2500000 steps (0%)
This is for a WU that was downloaded just before the "Starting" message and the core was downloaded sometime in the past. The next line is the command used by the client to launch the folding core inside the Wrapper process, it includes the full path to the core executable which includes the core type and revision number. The beginning of the processing log after that also includes the core identification:
Code: Select all
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Core: Gromacs
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Type: 0xa8
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: Version: 0.0.12
07:10:01:WU00:FS00:0xa8: SIMD: avx_256
From an older log when I was doing testing of an early version of the A9 core, here is the first WU download and core download:
Code: Select all
18:15:09:WU00:FS00:Requesting new work unit for slot 00: cpu:2 from
18:15:09:WU00:FS00:Connecting to
18:15:09:WU00:FS00:Downloading 8.01MiB
18:15:15:WU00:FS00:Download 94.44%
18:15:15:WU00:FS00:Download complete
18:15:15:WU00:FS00:Received Unit: id:00 state:DOWNLOAD error:NO_ERROR project:16819 run:0 clone:5 gen:0 core:0xa9 unit:0x0000000500000000000041b300000000
18:15:15:WU00:FS00:Downloading core from
18:15:15:WU00:FS00:Connecting to
18:15:16:WU00:FS00:FahCore a9: Downloading 8.27MiB
18:15:17:WU00:FS00:FahCore a9: Download complete
18:15:17:WU00:FS00:Valid core signature
18:15:18:WU00:FS00:Unpacked 25.63MiB to cores/
18:15:18:WU00:FS00:Unpacked 2.66KiB to cores/
18:15:18:WU00:FS00:Unpacked 7.71KiB to cores/
18:15:18:WU00:FS00:Running FahCore: /usr/local/bin/FAHCoreWrapper "/Library/Application Support/FAHClient/cores/" -dir 00 -suffix 01 -version 706 -lifeline 71 -checkpoint 15 -np 2
18:15:18:WU00:FS00:Started FahCore on PID 21458
18:15:19:WU00:FS00:Core PID:21459
18:15:19:WU00:FS00:FahCore 0xa9 started
18:15:19:WU00:FS00:0xa9:*********************** Log Started 2022-07-22T18:15:19Z ***********************
18:15:19:WU00:FS00:0xa9:************************** Gromacs Folding@home Core ***************************
18:15:19:WU00:FS00:0xa9: Core: Gromacs
18:15:19:WU00:FS00:0xa9: Type: 0xa9
18:15:19:WU00:FS00:0xa9: Version: 0.0.5
18:15:19:WU00:FS00:0xa9: Author: Joseph Coffland <[email protected]>
18:15:19:WU00:FS00:0xa9: Copyright: 2022
18:15:19:WU00:FS00:0xa9: Homepage:
There is a slightly different sequence if a version of a core is already present, but not the required version. But the downloading and unpacking is pretty much the same. Some of the details will be slightly different on Windows or Linux, but the basics remain the same.
The default verbosity for logging on v7 is 3, 5 mainly shows all of the default settings that are otherwise not included in the log.