The system folds on CPU, but not on Nvidia GPU

It seems that a lot of GPU problems revolve around specific versions of drivers. Though NVidia has their own support structure, you can often learn from information reported by others who fold.

Moderators: Site Moderators, FAHC Science Team

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Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:05 pm

The system folds on CPU, but not on Nvidia GPU

Post by PurpleCabbage »

F@H downloads a WU for the GPU, but then errors out.

I have the following errors in the log file (complete log below):

Code: Select all

OpenCL: Not detected: clGetPlatformIDs() returned -1001
[91m20:26:58:ERROR:WU01:FS01:Failed to start core: OpenCL device matching slot 1 not found, try setting 'opencl-index' manually[0m
[91m20:26:58:ERROR:WU01:FS01:Failed to start core: OpenCL device matching slot 1 not found, try setting 'opencl-index' manually[0m
20:27:13:Saving configuration to config.xml
The FAH Control Client "sees" my GPU as ID 01 Ready gpu:0:GF110 [GeForce GTX 570]
The Nvidia driver version is: 390.132
ocl-icd - 2.2.12 and ocl-icd-dev - 2.2.12 are both installed, as are the 32-bit versions of these drivers.

Per the error message above, I looked at the config.xml file (below), but I'm not sure what changes are supposed to be made to the configuration.

Code: Select all

  <!-- Network -->
  <proxy v=':8080'/>

  <!-- User Information -->
  <team v='232084'/>
  <user v='BarkingMad'/>

  <!-- Folding Slots -->
  <slot id='0' type='CPU'/>
  <slot id='1' type='GPU'/>

Thanks in advance for your assistance!

Code: Select all

*********************** Log Started 2020-10-10T20:26:12Z ***********************
20:26:12:************************* Folding@home Client *************************
20:26:12:      Website:
20:26:12:    Copyright: (c) 2009-2018
20:26:12:       Author: Joseph Coffland <[email protected]>
20:26:12:         Args: -v --chdir /home/dwhite/snap/folding-at-home-fcole90/common
20:26:12:       Config: /home/dwhite/snap/folding-at-home-fcole90/common/config.xml
20:26:12:******************************** Build ********************************
20:26:12:      Version: 7.5.1
20:26:12:         Date: May 11 2018
20:26:12:         Time: 19:59:04
20:26:12:   Repository: Git
20:26:12:     Revision: 4705bf53c635f88b8fe85af7675557e15d491ff0
20:26:12:       Branch: master
20:26:12:     Compiler: GNU 6.3.0 20170516
20:26:12:      Options: -std=gnu++98 -O3 -funroll-loops
20:26:12:     Platform: linux2 4.14.0-3-amd64
20:26:12:         Bits: 64
20:26:12:         Mode: Release
20:26:12:******************************* System ********************************
20:26:12:          CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1055T Processor
20:26:12:       CPU ID: AuthenticAMD Family 16 Model 10 Stepping 0
20:26:12:         CPUs: 6
20:26:12:       Memory: 7.77GiB
20:26:12:  Free Memory: 6.64GiB
20:26:12:      Threads: POSIX_THREADS
20:26:12:   OS Version: 5.6
20:26:12:  Has Battery: false
20:26:12:   On Battery: false
20:26:12:   UTC Offset: -5
20:26:12:          PID: 1376
20:26:12:          CWD: /home/dwhite
20:26:12:           OS: Linux 5.6.19-158.current x86_64
20:26:12:      OS Arch: AMD64
20:26:12:         GPUs: 1
20:26:12:        GPU 0: Bus:1 Slot:0 Func:0 NVIDIA:2 GF110 [GeForce GTX 570]
20:26:12:CUDA Device 0: Platform:0 Device:0 Bus:1 Slot:0 Compute:2.0 Driver:9.1
20:26:12:       OpenCL: Not detected: clGetPlatformIDs() returned -1001
20:26:12:  <!-- Client Control -->
20:26:12:  <client-threads v='6'/>
20:26:12:  <cycle-rate v='4'/>
20:26:12:  <cycles v='-1'/>
20:26:12:  <data-directory v='.'/>
20:26:12:  <disable-sleep-when-active v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <exec-directory v='/snap/folding-at-home-fcole90/46/usr/bin'/>
20:26:12:  <exit-when-done v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <fold-anon v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <idle-seconds v='300'/>
20:26:12:  <open-web-control v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <!-- Configuration -->
20:26:12:  <config-rotate v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <config-rotate-dir v='configs'/>
20:26:12:  <config-rotate-max v='16'/>
20:26:12:  <!-- Debugging -->
20:26:12:  <assignment-servers>
20:26:12:  </assignment-servers>
20:26:12:  <auth-as v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <capture-directory v='capture'/>
20:26:12:  <capture-on-error v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <capture-packets v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <capture-requests v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <capture-responses v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <capture-sockets v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <core-exec v='FahCore_$type'/>
20:26:12:  <core-wrapper-exec v='FAHCoreWrapper'/>
20:26:12:  <debug-sockets v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <exception-locations v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <stack-traces v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <!-- Error Handling -->
20:26:12:  <max-slot-errors v='10'/>
20:26:12:  <max-unit-errors v='5'/>
20:26:12:  <!-- Folding Core -->
20:26:12:  <checkpoint v='15'/>
20:26:12:  <core-dir v='cores'/>
20:26:12:  <core-priority v='idle'/>
20:26:12:  <cpu-affinity v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <cpu-usage v='100'/>
20:26:12:  <gpu-usage v='100'/>
20:26:12:  <no-assembly v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <!-- Folding Slot Configuration -->
20:26:12:  <cause v='ANY'/>
20:26:12:  <client-subtype v='LINUX'/>
20:26:12:  <client-type v='normal'/>
20:26:12:  <cpu-species v='X86_AMD'/>
20:26:12:  <cpu-type v='AMD64'/>
20:26:12:  <cpus v='-1'/>
20:26:12:  <disable-viz v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <gpu v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <max-packet-size v='normal'/>
20:26:12:  <os-species v='UNKNOWN'/>
20:26:12:  <os-type v='LINUX'/>
20:26:12:  <project-key v='0'/>
20:26:12:  <smp v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <!-- GUI -->
20:26:12:  <gui-enabled v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <!-- HTTP Server -->
20:26:12:  <allow v=''/>
20:26:12:  <connection-timeout v='60'/>
20:26:12:  <deny v='0/0'/>
20:26:12:  <http-addresses v='0:7396'/>
20:26:12:  <https-addresses v=''/>
20:26:12:  <max-connect-time v='900'/>
20:26:12:  <max-connections v='800'/>
20:26:12:  <max-request-length v='52428800'/>
20:26:12:  <min-connect-time v='300'/>
20:26:12:  <!-- Logging -->
20:26:12:  <log v='log.txt'/>
20:26:12:  <log-color v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <log-crlf v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <log-date v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <log-date-periodically v='21600'/>
20:26:12:  <log-domain v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <log-header v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <log-level v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <log-no-info-header v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <log-redirect v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <log-rotate v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <log-rotate-dir v='logs'/>
20:26:12:  <log-rotate-max v='16'/>
20:26:12:  <log-short-level v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <log-simple-domains v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <log-thread-id v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <log-thread-prefix v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <log-time v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <log-to-screen v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <log-truncate v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <verbosity v='3'/>
20:26:12:  <!-- Network -->
20:26:12:  <proxy v=':8080'/>
20:26:12:  <proxy-enable v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <proxy-pass v=''/>
20:26:12:  <proxy-user v=''/>
20:26:12:  <!-- Process Control -->
20:26:12:  <child v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <daemon v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <fork v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <pid v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <pid-file v='Folding@home'/>
20:26:12:  <respawn v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <service v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <!-- Remote Command Server -->
20:26:12:  <command-address v=''/>
20:26:12:  <command-allow-no-pass v=''/>
20:26:12:  <command-deny-no-pass v='0/0'/>
20:26:12:  <command-enable v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <command-port v='36330'/>
20:26:12:  <!-- Slot Control -->
20:26:12:  <idle v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <max-shutdown-wait v='60'/>
20:26:12:  <pause-on-battery v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <pause-on-start v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <paused v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <power v='medium'/>
20:26:12:  <!-- User Information -->
20:26:12:  <machine-id v='0'/>
20:26:12:  <passkey v=''/>
20:26:12:  <team v='232084'/>
20:26:12:  <user v='BarkingMad'/>
20:26:12:  <!-- Web Server -->
20:26:12:  <web-allow v=''/>
20:26:12:  <web-deny v='0/0'/>
20:26:12:  <web-enable v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <!-- Web Server Sessions -->
20:26:12:  <session-cookie v='sid'/>
20:26:12:  <session-lifetime v='86400'/>
20:26:12:  <session-timeout v='3600'/>
20:26:12:  <!-- Work Unit Control -->
20:26:12:  <dump-after-deadline v='true'/>
20:26:12:  <max-queue v='16'/>
20:26:12:  <max-units v='0'/>
20:26:12:  <next-unit-percentage v='99'/>
20:26:12:  <stall-detection-enabled v='false'/>
20:26:12:  <stall-percent v='5'/>
20:26:12:  <stall-timeout v='1800'/>
20:26:12:  <!-- Folding Slots -->
20:26:12:  <slot id='0' type='CPU'>
20:26:12:    <paused v='true'/>
20:26:12:  </slot>
20:26:12:  <slot id='1' type='GPU'>
20:26:12:    <paused v='true'/>
20:26:12:  </slot>
20:26:12:Trying to access database...
20:26:12:Successfully acquired database lock
20:26:12:Enabled folding slot 00: PAUSED cpu:4 (by user)
20:26:12:Enabled folding slot 01: PAUSED gpu:0:GF110 [GeForce GTX 570] (by user)
20:26:40:WU00:FS00:Running FahCore: /snap/folding-at-home-fcole90/46/usr/bin/FAHCoreWrapper /home/dwhite/snap/folding-at-home-fcole90/common/cores/ -dir 00 -suffix 01 -version 705 -lifeline 1376 -checkpoint 15 -np 4
20:26:40:WU00:FS00:Started FahCore on PID 1561
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:Core PID:1565
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:FahCore 0xa7 started
20:26:41:WU01:FS01:Connecting to
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:*********************** Log Started 2020-10-10T20:26:41Z ***********************
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:************************** Gromacs Folding@home Core ***************************
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:       Type: 0xa7
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:       Core: Gromacs
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:       Args: -dir 00 -suffix 01 -version 705 -lifeline 1561 -checkpoint 15 -np 4
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:************************************ CBang *************************************
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:       Date: Nov 27 2019
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:       Time: 11:26:54
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:   Revision: d25803215b59272441049dfa05a0a9bf7a6e3c48
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:     Branch: master
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:   Compiler: GNU 8.3.0
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:    Options: -std=c++11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:             -fno-pie -fPIC
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:   Platform: linux2 4.19.0-5-amd64
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:       Bits: 64
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:       Mode: Release
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:************************************ System ************************************
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:        CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1055T Processor
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:     CPU ID: AuthenticAMD Family 16 Model 10 Stepping 0
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:       CPUs: 6
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:     Memory: 7.77GiB
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Free Memory: 6.53GiB
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:    Threads: POSIX_THREADS
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7: OS Version: 5.6
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Has Battery: false
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7: On Battery: false
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7: UTC Offset: -5
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:        PID: 1565
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:        CWD: /home/dwhite/snap/folding-at-home-fcole90/common/work
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:******************************** Build - libFAH ********************************
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:    Version: 0.0.19
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:     Author: Joseph Coffland <[email protected]>
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:  Copyright: 2019
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:   Homepage:
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:       Date: Nov 26 2019
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:       Time: 00:41:43
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:   Revision: d5b5c747532224f986b7cd02c968ed9a20c16d6e
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:     Branch: master
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:   Compiler: GNU 8.3.0
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:    Options: -std=c++11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:             -fno-pie
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:   Platform: linux2 4.19.0-5-amd64
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:       Bits: 64
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:       Mode: Release
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:************************************ Build *************************************
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:       SIMD: sse2
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Project: 16803 (Run 11, Clone 699, Gen 88)
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Unit: 0x0000007782ed0b915e99f88c7829dfc1
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Digital signatures verified
20:26:41:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Calling: mdrun -s frame88.tpr -o frame88.trr -cpi state.cpt -cpt 15 -nt 4
20:26:42:WU01:FS01:Assigned to work server
20:26:42:WU01:FS01:Requesting new work unit for slot 01: READY gpu:0:GF110 [GeForce GTX 570] from
20:26:42:WU01:FS01:Connecting to
20:26:42:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Steps: first=44000000 total=500000
20:26:42:WU01:FS01:Downloading 15.20MiB
20:26:44:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Completed 18717 out of 500000 steps (3%)
20:26:48:WU01:FS01:Download 32.90%
20:26:54:WU01:FS01:Download 71.97%
20:26:58:WU01:FS01:Download complete
20:26:58:WU01:FS01:Received Unit: id:01 state:DOWNLOAD error:NO_ERROR project:17402 run:0 clone:1514 gen:15 core:0x22 unit:0x00000016cedfaa925f7d60ddfc53bbd5
[91m20:26:58:ERROR:WU01:FS01:Failed to start core: OpenCL device matching slot 1 not found, try setting 'opencl-index' manually[0m
[91m20:26:58:ERROR:WU01:FS01:Failed to start core: OpenCL device matching slot 1 not found, try setting 'opencl-index' manually[0m
20:27:13:Saving configuration to config.xml
Posts: 2522
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:12 am
Location: Greenwood MS USA

Re: The system folds on CPU, but not on Nvidia GPU

Post by JimboPalmer »

Welcome to Folding@Home!

Your GPU is about as old as is supported, but it may be. ... x-570.c269

Ideally you would have OpenCL 1.2, but some folks make OpenCL 1.1 work.
The Fermi GPUs do not support F@H's CUDA folding, so you need OpenCL support. Linux makes it a separate install.

I am not a Linux user, so i cannot help directly, I would search for OpenCL and your version of Linux.
Tsar of all the Rushers
I tried to remain childlike, all I achieved was childish.
A friend to those who want no friends
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:05 pm

Re: The system folds on CPU, but not on Nvidia GPU

Post by PurpleCabbage »

JimboPalmer wrote:Welcome to Folding@Home!

Your GPU is about as old as is supported, but it may be. ... x-570.c269

Ideally you would have OpenCL 1.2, but some folks make OpenCL 1.1 work.
The Fermi GPUs do not support F@H's CUDA folding, so you need OpenCL support. Linux makes it a separate install.

I am not a Linux user, so i cannot help directly, I would search for OpenCL and your version of Linux.

Thanks for your thoughts. Yes, this is an old machine that no longer has the juice to play games, nor fold for that matter, but it is still useful for other purposes. I run an "unsupported" Linux distribution and I just discovered that F@H is available as a Snap package. I'm (attempting to) sorting out the installation and configuration on this machine, before installing it on a production machine.

As near as I can determine, the GTX-570 is supported, but by no means am I an expert.

Posts: 378
Joined: Mon May 18, 2020 2:02 am
Location: Ruckersville, Virginia, USA

Re: The system folds on CPU, but not on Nvidia GPU

Post by psaam0001 »

This is the one I use heavily ... dia-guide/ [...] But start out with a clean install of a current version of Fedora (backup the files you created/downloaded that you will need first). Should you switch to Unbutu or Debian, someone will be able to help you here.

Posts: 1996
Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2020 5:52 pm
Hardware configuration: 1: 2x Xeon [email protected], 512GB DDR4 LRDIMM, SSD Raid, Win10 Ent 20H2, Quadro K420 1GB, FAH 7.6.21
2: Xeon [email protected], 32GB DDR4, NVME, Win10 Pro 20H2, Quadro M1000M 2GB, FAH 7.6.21 (actually have two of these)
3: [email protected], 12GB DDR3, SSD, Win10 Pro 20H2, GTX 750Ti 2GB, GTX 1080Ti 11GB, FAH 7.6.21
Location: UK

Re: The system folds on CPU, but not on Nvidia GPU

Post by Neil-B »

GTX 570 may struggle to get WUs ... ... x-570.c269 shows only OpenCL 1.1 and iirc most current WUs will need 1.2 ... however it is an nV card so cuda might work but I can't remember if fermi cards are supported in new cuda enabled core 22 version ... I'd search the forums for clarification of that (bruce or Joe_H will no doubt have posted on this in other topics).

edit: ... Looks like won't be able to use the cuda core :( .. ... da#p344214
2x Xeon E5-2697v3, 512GB DDR4 LRDIMM, SSD Raid, W10-Ent, Quadro K420
Xeon E3-1505Mv5, 32GB DDR4, NVME, W10-Pro, Quadro M1000M
i7-960, 12GB DDR3, SSD, W10-Pro, GTX1080Ti
i9-10850K, 64GB DDR4, NVME, W11-Pro, RTX3070

(Green/Bold = Active)
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:05 pm

Re: The system folds on CPU, but not on Nvidia GPU

Post by PurpleCabbage »

Neil-B wrote:GTX 570 may struggle to get WUs ... ... x-570.c269 shows only OpenCL 1.1 and iirc most current WUs will need 1.2 ... however it is an nV card so cuda might work but I can't remember if fermi cards are supported in new cuda enabled core 22 version ... I'd search the forums for clarification of that (bruce or Joe_H will no doubt have posted on this in other topics).

edit: ... Looks like won't be able to use the cuda core :( .. ... da#p344214

The issue isn't whether the GPU will struggle (like the poor Phenom II CPU is - LOL), the issue is how to configure it to function.
I've Been doing a lot of reading. Some guides suggest that all the drivers needed are contained within the official Nvidia binary driver. Other guides suggest that I need to install an "opencl-nvidia" package from nvidia (which I can not find), still others suggest that "ocl-icd" is required, while other guides specify that other packages are necessary. Is there a list of dependencies somewhere?

One guide suggests to verify the environment with the "clinfo" tool, but it gives me "illegal instruction" errors when I execute it. Is there a different/better tool that I can use to verify that the driver stack is satisfactory?

To make matters worse, the production machine that I ultimately want to use, has a Radeon card in it, so I'm no closer to sorting that out. When I run "clinfo" on it, it finds no openCL devices. That machine is equipped with a RX Vega GPU and it runs the open source AMD GPU driver. It's unclear to me if this driver provides the necessary OpenCL support (I've never used OpenCL on Linux before, so I'm completely groping in the dark, here), or if I need the AMD binary, or some other combination of drivers.
Posts: 173
Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2015 2:03 pm

Re: The system folds on CPU, but not on Nvidia GPU

Post by ipkh »

The general guidelines for linux are relatively simple.
Ubuntu 18.04 and its derivatives are officially supported by F@H.
To get folding operating correctly, make sure the nvidia packages provided by Ubuntu are installed. You can check with the Proprietary Drivers tool. Ubuntu handles all the neccessary components for folding to work.
The FAHControl app has minor issues running, but you can configure the client by hand. Or follow the steps outlined on the github page.
Generally a full reboot after driver installation is recommended.
This is what has worked for me on many systems. As noted that CPU might hold back your perfomance as some details are calculated by the CPU.
Posts: 1996
Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2020 5:52 pm
Hardware configuration: 1: 2x Xeon [email protected], 512GB DDR4 LRDIMM, SSD Raid, Win10 Ent 20H2, Quadro K420 1GB, FAH 7.6.21
2: Xeon [email protected], 32GB DDR4, NVME, Win10 Pro 20H2, Quadro M1000M 2GB, FAH 7.6.21 (actually have two of these)
3: [email protected], 12GB DDR3, SSD, Win10 Pro 20H2, GTX 750Ti 2GB, GTX 1080Ti 11GB, FAH 7.6.21
Location: UK

Re: The system folds on CPU, but not on Nvidia GPU

Post by Neil-B »

If the card wont work with cuda and doesn't have opencl 1.2 or higher I don't believe it will be able to get any WUs ... it isn't about struggling to complete WUs (maybe a poor choice of words on my part in my first response) it is about not actually being a viable card for folding due to no WUs being available that work without OpenCL 1.2 ... but I'll let someone with the latest knowledge re availability of opencl 1.1 WUs confirm for certain.
2x Xeon E5-2697v3, 512GB DDR4 LRDIMM, SSD Raid, W10-Ent, Quadro K420
Xeon E3-1505Mv5, 32GB DDR4, NVME, W10-Pro, Quadro M1000M
i7-960, 12GB DDR3, SSD, W10-Pro, GTX1080Ti
i9-10850K, 64GB DDR4, NVME, W11-Pro, RTX3070

(Green/Bold = Active)
Site Moderator
Posts: 6986
Joined: Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:33 am
Hardware configuration: V7.6.21 -> Multi-purpose 24/7
Windows 10 64-bit
CPU:2/3/4/6 -> Intel i7-6700K
GPU:1 -> Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti
2x Nvidia GTX 1070
Nvidia GTX 675M
Nvidia GTX 660 Ti
Nvidia GTX 650 SC
Nvidia GTX 260 896 MB SOC
Nvidia 9600GT 1 GB OC
Nvidia 9500M GS
Nvidia 8800GTS 320 MB

Intel Core i7-860
Intel Core i7-3840QM
Intel i3-3240
Intel Core 2 Duo E8200
Intel Core 2 Duo E6550
Intel Core 2 Duo T8300
Intel Pentium E5500
Intel Pentium E5400
Location: Land Of The Long White Cloud

Re: The system folds on CPU, but not on Nvidia GPU

Post by PantherX »

Welcome to the F@H Forum PurpleCabbage,
PurpleCabbage wrote:...he FAH Control Client "sees" my GPU as ID 01 Ready gpu:0:GF110 [GeForce GTX 570]
The Nvidia driver version is: 390.132
ocl-icd - 2.2.12 and ocl-icd-dev - 2.2.12 are both installed, as are the 32-bit versions of these drivers...
Please note that F@H only uses 64-bit for folding. Thus, I am not sure if the 32-bit drivers would be problematic or not. AFAIK, 64-bit drivers on 64-bit OS works well.

Also, please use the latest version which is V7.6.13 instead of V7.5.1 :)

Also, GPUs need to have OpenCL 1.2 support for FahCore_22 version 0.0.13 onwards.
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Re: The system folds on CPU, but not on Nvidia GPU

Post by PurpleCabbage »

PantherX wrote:Welcome to the F@H Forum PurpleCabbage,
PurpleCabbage wrote:...he FAH Control Client "sees" my GPU as ID 01 Ready gpu:0:GF110 [GeForce GTX 570]
The Nvidia driver version is: 390.132
ocl-icd - 2.2.12 and ocl-icd-dev - 2.2.12 are both installed, as are the 32-bit versions of these drivers...
Please note that F@H only uses 64-bit for folding. Thus, I am not sure if the 32-bit drivers would be problematic or not. AFAIK, 64-bit drivers on 64-bit OS works well.

Also, please use the latest version which is V7.6.13 instead of V7.5.1 :)

Also, GPUs need to have OpenCL 1.2 support for FahCore_22 version 0.0.13 onwards.

Thanks for the info. I'm not complaining (well, not much), but on ... uirements/ it clearly states that Fermi and up Nvidia cards are supported, with no mention of what version of OpenCL is required. In other words, while the page discusses the introduction of v7 of the client, there is no mention of FahCore 22, it's requirements, nor when FahCore 22 was introduced.

Anywho, the GTX-5xx is a 2nd gen Fermi card (GTX-4xx being the 1st gen.), but they only support CL 1.1.

IIRC, the Kepler cards, such as the GTX-7xx series, support CL 1.2.

Since you're a moderator, I'm hoping that you can find someone who can update this page with more accurate and useful information.

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Hardware configuration: V7.6.21 -> Multi-purpose 24/7
Windows 10 64-bit
CPU:2/3/4/6 -> Intel i7-6700K
GPU:1 -> Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti
2x Nvidia GTX 1070
Nvidia GTX 675M
Nvidia GTX 660 Ti
Nvidia GTX 650 SC
Nvidia GTX 260 896 MB SOC
Nvidia 9600GT 1 GB OC
Nvidia 9500M GS
Nvidia 8800GTS 320 MB

Intel Core i7-860
Intel Core i7-3840QM
Intel i3-3240
Intel Core 2 Duo E8200
Intel Core 2 Duo E6550
Intel Core 2 Duo T8300
Intel Pentium E5500
Intel Pentium E5400
Location: Land Of The Long White Cloud

Re: The system folds on CPU, but not on Nvidia GPU

Post by PantherX »

I am aware that there are plans to update the site, however, I don't have a timeline for that. Re-doing the documentation/website is a significant undertaking and a proper plan is needed to prevent confusion/issues.
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Re: The system folds on CPU, but not on Nvidia GPU

Post by nguyenpcminer »

JimboPalmer wrote: Sat Oct 10, 2020 10:48 pm Welcome to Folding@Home!

Your GPU is about as old as is supported, but it may be. ... x-570.c269

Ideally you would have OpenCL 1.2, but some folks make OpenCL 1.1 work.
The Fermi GPUs do not support F@H's CUDA folding, so you need OpenCL support. Linux makes it a separate install.

I am not a Linux user, so i cannot help directly, I would search for OpenCL and your version of Linux.
can you help me, I have a Quadro 2000 and it is detected but not folding, I am using Win 10
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Re: The system folds on CPU, but not on Nvidia GPU

Post by Joe_H »

nguyenpcminer wrote: Sun Jan 14, 2024 2:21 pm can you help me, I have a Quadro 2000 and it is detected but not folding, I am using Win 10
The Quadro 2000 is too old to use for folding. It is based on Nvidia's Fermi GPU chips, they are no longer supported. Oldest Nvidia GPUs supported are based on Kepler chips and only use OpenCL for processing WUs.
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Re: The system folds on CPU, but not on Nvidia GPU

Post by dmg5 »


I have a Lenovo Thinkpad X1 laptop & FAH loves using the CPU (Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9880H CPU @ 2.30GHz), and while it recognizes my Nvidia GEFORCE GTX 1650 and shows it with a yellow circle, FAH never seems to use it (it is shown as GPU:1:0: TU117M[GEFENCE GTX). I am hoping there might be some way to get this engaged with my FAH.

PS - As an aside FAH also recognizes a 2nd GPU which it shows as a red circle - GPU:0:2 CFL GT@ [UHD Graphic

Any help is appreciated!

PS - as you might be able to tell, IT is not my field. Please be kind, speak slowly and use small words...;)

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