Exact error:
Code: Select all
CUDA Not detected: cuInit() returned 101
OpenCL Net detected: clGetPlatformIDs() returned -1001
Moderators: Site Moderators, FAHC Science Team
Code: Select all
CUDA Not detected: cuInit() returned 101
OpenCL Net detected: clGetPlatformIDs() returned -1001
Running `FAHClient --lspci` returnsbruce wrote:FAH's support is limited to GPUs that are listed in GPUs.txt. Is your GPU supported?
I see two versions of the [GeForce GTX 960] with pcie codes
0x10de:0x1401 and 0x10de:0x1406 Is your GPU one of those or does it have different pcie codes?
Code: Select all
0x10de:0x1401:5:0:0:NVIDIA Corporation:
0x10de:0x0fba:6:0:0:NVIDIA Corporation:
I think you're thinking of vGPU support, which is definitely limited to newer Quadro and Tesla cards. Even the old K4200 doesn't make that cut. However, this is direct GPU passthrough. The VM has total authority over that PCI slot as if it was physically connected. The benefit it the VM gets full access to the card, while the down side is that the VM obviously can't be made highly available. A vGPU setup can be made highly available and I think you can even pool multiple GPUs, essentially now making your GPUs software defined.ipkh wrote:I don't believe Nvidia supports virtualization with non Tesla and Quadro cards.
Code: Select all
*********************** Log Started 2020-09-06T17:54:44Z ***********************
17:54:44:Trying to access database...
17:54:44:Successfully acquired database lock
17:54:44:Read GPUs.txt
17:54:44:Enabled folding slot 00: READY cpu:6
17:54:45:Enabled folding slot 01: READY gpu:0:GM206 [GeForce GTX 960] 2308
17:54:46:ERROR:No compute devices matched GPU #0 {
17:54:46:ERROR: "vendor": 4318,
17:54:46:ERROR: "device": 5121,
17:54:46:ERROR: "type": 2,
17:54:46:ERROR: "species": 5,
17:54:46:ERROR: "description": "GM206 [GeForce GTX 960] 2308"
17:54:46:ERROR:}. You may need to update your graphics drivers.
17:54:47:****************************** FAHClient ******************************
17:54:47: Version: 7.6.13
17:54:47: Author: Joseph Coffland <[email protected]>
17:54:47: Copyright: 2020 foldingathome.org
17:54:47: Homepage: https://foldingathome.org/
17:54:47: Date: Apr 28 2020
17:54:47: Time: 04:20:27
17:54:47: Revision: 5a652817f46116b6e135503af97f18e094414e3b
17:54:47: Branch: master
17:54:47: Compiler: GNU 4.9.4
17:54:47: Options: -std=c++11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops
17:54:47: Platform: linux2 4.19.0-5-amd64
17:54:47: Bits: 64
17:54:47: Mode: Release
17:54:47: Args: --child /etc/fahclient/config.xml --run-as fahclient
17:54:47: --pid-file=/var/run/fahclient.pid --daemon -v
17:54:47: Config: /etc/fahclient/config.xml
17:54:47:******************************** CBang ********************************
17:54:47: Date: Apr 25 2020
17:54:47: Time: 00:07:55
17:54:47: Revision: ea081a3b3b0f4a37c4d0440b4f1bc184197c7797
17:54:47: Branch: master
17:54:47: Compiler: GNU 4.9.4
17:54:47: Options: -std=c++11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops
17:54:47: -fPIC
17:54:47: Platform: linux2 4.19.0-5-amd64
17:54:47: Bits: 64
17:54:47: Mode: Release
17:54:47:******************************* System ********************************
17:54:47: CPU: Intel Core Processor (Haswell, no TSX)
17:54:47: CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 1
17:54:47: CPUs: 8
17:54:47: Memory: 3.83GiB
17:54:47:Free Memory: 3.51GiB
17:54:47: Threads: POSIX_THREADS
17:54:47: OS Version: 5.8
17:54:47:Has Battery: false
17:54:47: On Battery: false
17:54:47: UTC Offset: -5
17:54:47: PID: 844
17:54:47: CWD: /var/lib/fahclient
17:54:47: OS: Linux 5.8.4-200.fc32.x86_64 x86_64
17:54:47: OS Arch: AMD64
17:54:47: GPUs: 1
17:54:47: GPU 0: Bus:5 Slot:0 Func:0 NVIDIA:5 GM206 [GeForce GTX 960] 2308
17:54:47: CUDA: Not detected: cuInit() returned 101
17:54:47: OpenCL: Not detected: clGetPlatformIDs() returned -1001
17:54:47:******************************* libFAH ********************************
17:54:47: Date: Apr 15 2020
17:54:47: Time: 21:43:27
17:54:47: Revision: 216968bc7025029c841ed6e36e81a03a316890d3
17:54:47: Branch: master
17:54:47: Compiler: GNU 4.9.4
17:54:47: Options: -std=c++11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops
17:54:47: Platform: linux2 4.19.0-5-amd64
17:54:47: Bits: 64
17:54:47: Mode: Release
17:54:47: <!-- Client Control -->
17:54:47: <client-threads v='6'/>
17:54:47: <cycle-rate v='4'/>
17:54:47: <cycles v='-1'/>
17:54:47: <disable-sleep-when-active v='true'/>
17:54:47: <exit-when-done v='false'/>
17:54:47: <fold-anon v='false'/>
17:54:47: <idle-seconds v='300'/>
17:54:47: <open-web-control v='false'/>
17:54:47: <update-gpus-txt v='true'/>
17:54:47: <!-- Configuration -->
17:54:47: <config-rotate v='true'/>
17:54:47: <config-rotate-dir v='configs'/>
17:54:47: <config-rotate-max v='16'/>
17:54:47: <!-- Debugging -->
17:54:47: <assignment-servers>
17:54:47: assign1.foldingathome.org assign2.foldingathome.org assign3.foldingathome.org assign4.foldingathome.org
17:54:47: </assignment-servers>
17:54:47: <auth-as v='true'/>
17:54:47: <capture-directory v='capture'/>
17:54:47: <capture-on-error v='false'/>
17:54:47: <capture-packets v='false'/>
17:54:47: <capture-requests v='false'/>
17:54:47: <capture-responses v='false'/>
17:54:47: <capture-sockets v='false'/>
17:54:47: <debug-sockets v='false'/>
17:54:47: <exception-locations v='true'/>
17:54:47: <stack-traces v='false'/>
17:54:47: <!-- Error Handling -->
17:54:47: <max-slot-errors v='10'/>
17:54:47: <max-unit-errors v='5'/>
17:54:47: <!-- Folding Core -->
17:54:47: <checkpoint v='15'/>
17:54:47: <core-priority v='idle'/>
17:54:47: <cpu-usage v='100'/>
17:54:47: <gpu-usage v='100'/>
17:54:47: <no-assembly v='false'/>
17:54:47: <!-- Folding Slot Configuration -->
17:54:47: <cause v='ANY'/>
17:54:47: <client-subtype v='LINUX'/>
17:54:47: <client-type v='normal'/>
17:54:47: <cpu-species v='X86_PENTIUM_II'/>
17:54:47: <cpu-type v='AMD64'/>
17:54:47: <cpus v='-1'/>
17:54:47: <disable-viz v='false'/>
17:54:47: <gpu v='false'/>
17:54:47: <max-packet-size v='normal'/>
17:54:47: <os-species v='UNKNOWN'/>
17:54:47: <os-type v='LINUX'/>
17:54:47: <project-key v='0'/>
17:54:47: <smp v='true'/>
17:54:47: <!-- GUI -->
17:54:47: <gui-enabled v='true'/>
17:54:47: <!-- HTTP Server -->
17:54:47: <allow v=''/>
17:54:47: <connection-timeout v='60'/>
17:54:47: <deny v='0/0'/>
17:54:47: <http-addresses v='0:7396'/>
17:54:47: <https-addresses v=''/>
17:54:47: <max-connect-time v='900'/>
17:54:47: <max-connections v='800'/>
17:54:47: <max-request-length v='52428800'/>
17:54:47: <min-connect-time v='300'/>
17:54:47: <!-- Logging -->
17:54:47: <log v='/var/lib/fahclient/log.txt'/>
17:54:47: <log-color v='true'/>
17:54:47: <log-crlf v='false'/>
17:54:47: <log-date v='false'/>
17:54:47: <log-date-periodically v='21600'/>
17:54:47: <log-domain v='false'/>
17:54:47: <log-header v='true'/>
17:54:47: <log-level v='true'/>
17:54:47: <log-no-info-header v='true'/>
17:54:47: <log-redirect v='false'/>
17:54:47: <log-rotate v='true'/>
17:54:47: <log-rotate-dir v='/var/lib/fahclient/logs'/>
17:54:47: <log-rotate-max v='16'/>
17:54:47: <log-short-level v='false'/>
17:54:47: <log-simple-domains v='true'/>
17:54:47: <log-thread-id v='false'/>
17:54:47: <log-thread-prefix v='true'/>
17:54:47: <log-time v='true'/>
17:54:47: <log-to-screen v='true'/>
17:54:47: <log-truncate v='false'/>
17:54:47: <verbosity v='3'/>
17:54:47: <!-- Network -->
17:54:47: <proxy v=':8080'/>
17:54:47: <proxy-enable v='false'/>
17:54:47: <proxy-pass v='*****'/>
17:54:47: <proxy-user v=''/>
17:54:47: <!-- Process Control -->
17:54:47: <child v='true'/>
17:54:47: <daemon v='true'/>
17:54:47: <fork v='false'/>
17:54:47: <pid v='false'/>
17:54:47: <pid-file v='/var/run/fahclient.pid'/>
17:54:47: <respawn v='false'/>
17:54:47: <service v='false'/>
17:54:47: <!-- Remote Command Server -->
17:54:47: <command-address v=''/>
17:54:47: <command-allow-no-pass v=''/>
17:54:47: <command-deny-no-pass v='0/0'/>
17:54:47: <command-enable v='true'/>
17:54:47: <command-port v='36330'/>
17:54:47: <password v='*****'/>
17:54:47: <!-- Slot Control -->
17:54:47: <idle v='false'/>
17:54:47: <max-shutdown-wait v='60'/>
17:54:47: <pause-on-battery v='true'/>
17:54:47: <pause-on-start v='false'/>
17:54:47: <paused v='false'/>
17:54:47: <power v='medium'/>
17:54:47: <!-- User Information -->
17:54:47: <machine-id v='0'/>
17:54:47: <passkey v='*****'/>
17:54:47: <team v='11812'/>
17:54:47: <user v='FlexibleToast'/>
17:54:47: <!-- Web Server -->
17:54:47: <web-allow v=''/>
17:54:47: <web-deny v='0/0'/>
17:54:47: <web-enable v='true'/>
17:54:47: <!-- Web Server Sessions -->
17:54:47: <session-cookie v='sid'/>
17:54:47: <session-lifetime v='86400'/>
17:54:47: <session-timeout v='3600'/>
17:54:47: <!-- Work Unit Control -->
17:54:47: <dump-after-deadline v='true'/>
17:54:47: <max-queue v='16'/>
17:54:47: <max-units v='0'/>
17:54:47: <next-unit-percentage v='99'/>
17:54:47: <stall-detection-enabled v='false'/>
17:54:47: <stall-percent v='5'/>
17:54:47: <stall-timeout v='1800'/>
17:54:47: <!-- Folding Slots -->
17:54:47: <slot id='0' type='CPU'>
17:54:47: <machine-id v='0'/>
17:54:47: </slot>
17:54:47: <slot id='1' type='GPU'>
17:54:47: <gpu-index v='0'/>
17:54:47: <machine-id v='1'/>
17:54:47: </slot>
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:Running FahCore: /usr/bin/FAHCoreWrapper /var/lib/fahclient/cores/cores.foldingathome.org/lin/64bit-avx-256/a7-0.0.19/Core_a7.fah/FahCore_a7 -dir 00 -suffix 01 -version 706 -lifeline 844 -checkpoint 15 -np 6
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:Started FahCore on PID 1166
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:Core PID:1170
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:FahCore 0xa7 started
17:54:47:WU01:FS01:Connecting to assign1.foldingathome.org:80
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7:*********************** Log Started 2020-09-06T17:54:47Z ***********************
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7:************************** Gromacs Folding@home Core ***************************
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Type: 0xa7
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Core: Gromacs
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Args: -dir 00 -suffix 01 -version 706 -lifeline 1166 -checkpoint 15 -np 6
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7:************************************ CBang *************************************
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Date: Nov 27 2019
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Time: 11:26:54
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Revision: d25803215b59272441049dfa05a0a9bf7a6e3c48
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Branch: master
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Compiler: GNU 8.3.0
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Options: -std=c++11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: -fno-pie -fPIC
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Platform: linux2 4.19.0-5-amd64
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Bits: 64
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Mode: Release
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7:************************************ System ************************************
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: CPU: Intel Core Processor (Haswell, no TSX)
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 1
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: CPUs: 8
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Memory: 3.83GiB
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Free Memory: 3.32GiB
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Threads: POSIX_THREADS
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: OS Version: 5.8
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Has Battery: false
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: On Battery: false
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: UTC Offset: -5
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: PID: 1170
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: CWD: /var/lib/fahclient/work
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7:******************************** Build - libFAH ********************************
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Version: 0.0.19
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Author: Joseph Coffland <[email protected]>
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Copyright: 2019 foldingathome.org
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Homepage: https://foldingathome.org/
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Date: Nov 26 2019
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Time: 00:41:42
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Revision: d5b5c747532224f986b7cd02c968ed9a20c16d6e
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Branch: master
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Compiler: GNU 8.3.0
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Options: -std=c++11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -O3 -funroll-loops
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: -fno-pie
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Platform: linux2 4.19.0-5-amd64
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Bits: 64
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: Mode: Release
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7:************************************ Build *************************************
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7: SIMD: avx_256
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Project: 14379 (Run 2862, Clone 4, Gen 445)
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Unit: 0x000001f7455e42075e932f06ec7aee4f
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Digital signatures verified
17:54:47:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Calling: mdrun -s frame445.tpr -o frame445.trr -cpi state.cpt -cpt 15 -nt 6
17:54:48:WU00:FS00:0xa7:Steps: first=0 total=250000
17:54:48:WU01:FS01:Assigned to work server
17:54:48:WU01:FS01:Requesting new work unit for slot 01: READY gpu:0:GM206 [GeForce GTX 960] 2308 from
17:54:48:WU01:FS01:Connecting to
1) Yep, brand new installation and was dnf updatedPantherX wrote:This would be the sequence of events to ensure that you fold on your Nvidia GPU under Linux:
1) Ensure that Linux is fully updated.
2) Install the proprietary drivers by Nvidia
3) Install OpenCL package (sudo apt-get install ocl-icd-opencl-dev)
4) Install FAHClient
Code: Select all
[root@fah-client-3 ~]# clinfo
Number of platforms 0
[root@fah-client-3 ~]# nvidia-smi
Unable to determine the device handle for GPU 0000:05:00.0: Unknown Error
It's a driver error despite trying to install directly the driver directly from NvidiaPantherX wrote:It's weird that it wasn't able to work on Windows 10. It should fold fine on Windows once you have installed the right version. Do you know what the error message was under Windows?
Yes, I pass both the gpu and audio through to the VM. Seems the oVirt team has thought about this and when you go to add a host device to a VM one of the columns is IOMMU group. So, I know I've passed through the entire group, which is just the gpu and audio.gunnarre wrote:I'm not familiar with oVirt, but with libVirt you need to pass through all PCIe devices in a whole IOMMU group to the virtual instance before it will work. So for e.g. a graphics card which is connected directly to the CPU, a single graphics card may show up as two PCI devices in lspci: One Video device and one Audio device, and they make up one IOMMU group together. You need to pass both the Audio and Video logical PCI device to the virtual instance. For a GPU which is connected to a chipset, you might need to pass through the whole chipset of the machine into the virtual instance, if all the devices connected to the chipset shows up as a single IOMMU group.
That's usually an indication of something isn't right. Do you know what the error was? Did a search on the internet about that error message lead anywhere?FlexibleToast wrote:...It's a driver error despite trying to install directly the driver directly from Nvidia...