skript interpolating nations from team-stats

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Joined: Sun May 03, 2020 6:19 pm skript interpolating nations from team-stats

Post by mmou »

Hello everybody,

definitively not perfect, don't know if available elswhere already -- just had some fun spending some time,
trying to interpolate per country-statistics from team-stats-files via linux-shell-script .

The results looks interesting to me :)
May be, a usefull gimmick...
have fun....

This script tries to determain the country by team-name , sorts/extracts/lists/aggregates scores/wu's from the
matching teams separated by country.

Content of "" (EDITED/UPDATED May 10th 2020 (2) csv-like output ):

Code: Select all


# ----------

# This (ugly quick-n-dirty hacked improper -- yeees -- I know that -- dont' need to tell me...
# suggestions to fix are welcome of couse...)
# shell-script interpolates nation-rankings by collecting team-names containing country-names
# (list of keywords) summarizing scores and wu's and build some (like)nation-rankings.

# As an example, all team-names containing the string "russia" (not case-sensitive) will be assigned
# and accumulated to the russian-top-ten. This is done by the well known filter-command "grep"
# by an unsharp match over the rows within the daily_team_summary.txt.
# you may want to tune the COUNTTRYCONF-file (see below) to define countries and matching
# synonymes. Hint: Maybe you want to craft your own country-file to filter for something totally
# different... didn't try, but should work also....

# By the way -- YES, I know.... would be better to refer to a separate database containing
# team-numbers and a proper registration like
# team ---> contenent/region ---> country instead of unsharp matches....
# just a quick-hack, I spent a litte bit of my time to have a look. It's not
# mentioned to be perfect.

# This script is just 4 testing and some extra-fun wile all the world is working TOGEHTER (important!)
# fighting diseases.
# Well done and many thanks to the FOH-Team (and the other projects also), the scientists working on the results
# as well as the particiants calculating all over the world!  Great job I think!

# This script comes for testing-purposes without any warranty!! Free to use, free to be piecked
# up and enhanced, but use on your own risk in the matter of GPLv3 (and so on....).

# Prepare:
# You should have the binary-calculator "bc" installed on your linux-system.
# Using UFT-8 as charset while cut/paste country.conf and the viewing the results is
# a good idea I think (I didn't took advantage to special-characters until now).
# Maybe, inserting some uconv-foo in the script would help.

# Usage:
# create a diretory on your linux-box and put everything into this (a lot of ugly
# temp-files will be created there).
# CD into this directory (!),
# download the team-stats (see INFILE= below)
# put the "countries.txt" in here (see COUNTTRYCONF= below) and improve for your needs,
# do "chmod u+x",
# check the predifined variables below, check/fix/beautify the ugly script...
# have a backup (always a good idea!),
# and if shure, then call ./ (I recommend "./ | less")
# have fun.

# To get rid of this, remove the whole directory previously created.

# Hint:
# Updated this script to produce some .csv-style output.
# You may watch the results as .csv (i.e using libreoffice-calc), then
# do ./ > xxx.csv ; libreoffice xxx.csv
# or do ./ and just open the particular (countryname).csv -tmp-file you would like to see.
# choose TAB as seperator, choose UTF8 as charset, choose "quoted-text-fields"-option.
# You may want to restrict width of the first/second columns to less characters manually and throw out
# some status-rows, you're not interested in.

# Gaps:
# We don't work on proper team-numbers/databses, doing a unsharp full-text match on
# the stats-file. Sorry -- in this case short or ambigoius keywords/substrings
# like "USA" "UK" are difficult to grep, leading to false positives/misses and so on.
# tricky...  ----->  | UK |-UK |  -- inserting some  blanks helps.
# Therfore team-descriptions were padded (surronded) by blanks.

# ---------------- Tuning/variables ------------------------

# Amount of max-particiants shown in every countries toplist
# can be set to a large number if you want to see all of them.

# File conaining names of countries and grep-matches
# One country per line, followed by maches separated by '|'
# (as shown, its very difficult to gain proper matches --- My multi-lingual
# expertize is very restricted -- sorry -- just picked keywords out of Wikipedia --
# in some cases its very difficult/hard -- needs impovements -- (i.e UK / "United Kingdom" ) --
# Personally, I'm wondering that the bunch of special-characters are ackowledged by grep -- foooo...
# so please help to improve/fix instead of hitting me... thanks...)

# The dataset we are working on -- to be downloaded first (!):
# i.e.:   wget

# ------------------ no more settings below this line ----------------------

# dont touch...  enshure, that sort has a normal behaviour.
export LC_ALL="C"

#  dont touch... The field-delimiter within the original-dataset is a single <TAB>.
# In cases if you just cut+paste this script (TAB's get broken). So we just generate it.
XDELIMITER=`echo " " | sed -e's/ /\t/'`

# empty tmp-file
> ranking.txt

# dont touch... We start using a newline as field-seperator for the shell.

# we really don't like '"'-chars within a dataset. Therefore we radically remove '"'-chars. Sorry to very creative "team-name-designers".
#For some better matching-options (i.e. match on team-names ending on ".de" --> using "|\.de |" within country.conf) we put blanks around team-name-field

# pick line by line from the countryfile (phrases behind "#" are ignored/cutted )  and do for every country....
for XROW in `cat "$COUNTRYCONF" | cut -f1 -d"#"`

    # initialize calc-files
    echo "x=0"  > xxx.bc
    echo "x=0"  > yyy.bc

    # empty next tmp-file
    > xxx.tmp

    # items in countryfile are separated by "|" -- get every single string within the row and grep for it within the dataset...
    for XNAME in `echo "$XROW"`
        # get every line from dataset containing the string....
        # filtering out some crap found within dataset...
        cat "in.tmp" | grep -v -- "<a href=" | grep -i -- "$XNAME"  >> xxx.tmp
    # first item used as country-name
    XCOUNTRY=`echo "$XROW" | cut -f1 -d"|"`

    # insert header into country-tmp-file
    echo  "${XDELIMITER}"'"'"($XROW)"'"'  > "$XCOUNTRY.csv"
    echo '"'"########################################################"'"' >> "$XCOUNTRY.csv"
    echo >> "$XCOUNTRY.csv"

    # remove duplicates, count the final matches and normalize.... write result into country-tmp-file
    XMATCHES=`cat xxx.tmp | sort | uniq | wc -l | cut -f1 -d"|" | bc`
    echo '"'"Matches found:"'"'"${XDELIMITER}$XMATCHES" >> "$XCOUNTRY.csv"

    # remove duplicates, grab all the scores from column 3 and add to calc-file, then engage bc on this... write result into country-tmp-file
    cat xxx.tmp | sort | uniq | cut -f3 -d"${XDELIMITER}" | sed -e's/^/x=x+/' >> xxx.bc
    echo "x" >> xxx.bc
    XERG=`cat xxx.bc | bc`
    echo '"'"Overall-score:"'"'"${XDELIMITER}$XERG"  >> "$XCOUNTRY.csv"     
    # add the country+score for overall rank as well into separate tmp-file for overall-country-rank
    echo "$XERG|$XCOUNTRY" >> ranking.txt

    # remove duplicates, grab all the WU's from column 4 and add to calc-file, then engage bc on this... write result into country-tmp-file
    cat xxx.tmp | sort | uniq | cut -f4 -d"${XDELIMITER}" | sed -e's/^/x=x+/' >> yyy.bc
    echo "x" >> yyy.bc
    XERG=`cat yyy.bc | bc`
    echo '"'"Overall-WU:"'"'"${XDELIMITER}$XERG" >> "$XCOUNTRY.csv"

    # write header for toplist into country-tmp-file
    echo >> "$XCOUNTRY.csv"
    echo '"'"Top${MAXLIST}:"'"' >> "$XCOUNTRY.csv"
    echo '"'"team_rank"'"'"${XDELIMITER}"'"'"team_id_num"'"'"${XDELIMITER}"'"'"team_name"'"'"${XDELIMITER}"'"'"team_score"'"'"${XDELIMITER}"'"'"team_WU"'"' >> "$XCOUNTRY.csv"

    # build/insert the country-based high-score-list....
    # remove duplicates, order by  the scores from column 3, insert the within-country-ranking, restrict to MAXLIST lines and write result into country-tmp-file   
    cat xxx.tmp | sort | uniq | sort -n -r --field-separator="${XDELIMITER}" --key="3,3"  | cat -n | head -"$MAXLIST" >> "$XCOUNTRY.csv"

    # reset IFS to newline...   


# first print out the overall header...
echo '"'"Rankings overall:"'"'
echo '"'"#####################"'"'

# generate the overall-country-score:
# Print header
echo '"'"rank"'"'"${XDELIMITER}"'"'"score"'"'"${XDELIMITER}"'"'"group"'"'
# sort country-rank-file, format, insert the overall-ranking, do some CSV-optimizations and print...
cat "ranking.txt" | sort -n -r --field-separator="|" --key="1,1" | cat -n | sed -e 's/|/'"${XDELIMITER}"'"/; s/$/"/g'

# pick every country from  column 1 (ordered by rank) and do....
for XCOUNTRY in `cat "ranking.txt" | sort -n -r --field-separator="|" --key="1,1" | cut -f2 -d"|"`
    # Doing some cleanup on the previously generated csv-files (i.e. removing previously inserted blanks, sorrounding text-fields with '"')
    cat "$XCOUNTRY.csv" | sed -e 's/'"${XDELIMITER}"' /'"${XDELIMITER}"'"/g; s/ '"${XDELIMITER}"'/"'"${XDELIMITER}"'/g' > "$XCOUNTRY.tmp"
    mv "$XCOUNTRY.tmp" "$XCOUNTRY.csv"
    # get the previously generated  tmp-file for this country and print the content/results
    echo -n '"'"$XCOUNTRY"'"'
    cat "$XCOUNTRY.csv"

# thats it.

I prepared a config to determain european countries:
content of "european-countries.conf" (EDITED/UPDATED May 7th 2020 -- improved matchlines by inserting several big cities per nation... providing more hits):

Code: Select all

Albania|Republic_of_Albania|Republic of Albania|albanian|Republika e Shqipërisë|Tirana|Durrës|Vlorë|Elbasan|Shkodër|Kamëz| Fier |Korçë
Andorra|Principat_de_les_Valls_d'Andorra|Principat de les Valls d'Andorra|Andorra la Vella|Escaldes-Engordany|Sant Julià de Lòria|Encamp|La Massana|Santa Coloma|Ordino|Canillo|El Pas de la Casa|Arinsal
Austria|Oestereich|Östereich|östereich| -AT |Wien|Vienna|Graz|Linz|Salzburg|Innsbruck|Klagenfurt|Villach| Wels |Sankt Pölten|Dornbirn
Azerbaijan|Azərbaycan Respublikas|Azərbaycan_Respublikası|Azərbaycan| Baku |Sumqayit| Ganja |Lankaran|Mingachevir|Nakhchivan|Shirvan|Shaki|Yevlakh|Khankendi
Belarus|Republic of Belarus|Republic_of_Belarus|Рэспубліка Беларусь|Беларусь|Республика Беларусь|Minsk|Barysaw|Salihorsk|Maladzyechna|Zhodzina|Slutsk|Vileyka|Dzyarzhynsk|Borisov|Soligorsk|Molodechno|Zhodino|Slutsk|Dzerzhinsk|Mar’ina Gorka
Belgium|Koninkrijk België|Royaume de Belgique|Belgique|Koninkrijk_België|België|Royaume_de_Belgique|Belgien|-BE |belgish|belgian|Brussels|Antwerp|Ghent|Charleroi|Liège|Bruges|Namur|Leuven| Mons |Deurne|Aalst|Mechelen
Bosnia and Herzegovina|Bosnia_and_Herzegovina|Bosnia_Herzegovina|Bosnia Herzegovina|Bosnia|Bosna|Herzegovina|Bosna_i_Hercegovina|Herzegovina|Bosnia|Sarajevo|Banja Luka|Zenica|Tuzla|Mostar|Bihać|Bugojno|Brčko|Bijeljina|Prijedor|Trebinje|Travnik
Bulgaria|Republika_Balgariya|Republika Balgariya|Balgariya|Sofia|Plovdiv|Varna|Burgas|Rousse|Stara Zagora|Pleven|Sliven|Dobrich|Shumen|Pernik|Yambol
Croatia|Republika Hrvatska|Republika_Hrvatska|Hrvatska|Zagreb|Rijeka|Osijek|Zadar|Slavonski Brod| Pula |Sesvete|Karlovac|Varaždin|Stenjevec|Šibenik
Cyprus|Republic of Cyprus|Republic_of_Cyprus|cyprian|Nicosia|Limassol|Larnaca|Stróvolos|Famagusta|Paphos|Kyrenia|Protaras|Pergamos|Mórfou|Aradhippou|Paralímni
Denmark|Danmark|Kongeriget Danmark|Kongeriget_Danmark|Dansk|-DK |Copenhagen|Aarhus|Odense|Aalborg|Frederiksberg|Esbjerg|Horsens|Randers|Kolding|Vejle|Hvidovre|Greve
Finland|Suomi|Suomen tasavalta|Suomen_tasavalta|Suomen|finnish|Helsinki|Espoo|Tampere|Vantaa|Turku|Oulu|Lahti|Kuopio|Jyvaskyla|Pori|Lappeenranta|Vaasa
France|République française|République_française|française|francaise|francaise|Paris|Marseille|Lyon|Toulouse|Nantes|Strasbourg|Montpellier|Bordeaux|Lille|Rennes|Reims
Georgia|georgish|Tbilisi|Kutaisi|Batumi|Sukhumi|Zugdidi|Rustavi|P’ot’i| Gori |Ts'khinvali|Samtredia|Khashuri|Senaki
Germany|Deutschland|Bundesrepublik Deutschland| BRD |-DE | GER |-GER |_GER  |Bundesrepublik_Deutschland|german|deutsch|Köln|cologn|Berlin|württemberg|brandenburg| hessen |mecklenburg|niedersachsen|nordhrein|westfalen|franken |rheinland|saarland|sachsen|schleswig|thüringen|bayern|bayrisch|bavaria|hamburg|leipzig|duisburg|bochum|münch|kiel|nürnberg|düsseldorf|rhein|stuttgart|flensburg|dortmund|bremen|frankfurt|dresden|hannover|nürnberg|bielefeldmünster|karlsruhe|mannheim|wuppertal|augsburg|wiesbaden|gelsenkirchen|mönchengladbach|braunschweig|chemnitz|krefeld|freiburg|lübeck|oberhausen|erfurt|rostock
Greece|Ellinikí|Ελληνική Δημοκρατία|Ελληνική_Δημοκρατία|Ελληνική|greek|Athens|Thessaloniki|Pátrai|Piraeus|Larissa|Peristeri|Heraklion|Kallithea|Acharnes|Kalamaria|Nikaia|Glyfada
Ireland|Éire|irish|-irl| irl |_irl|Dublin|Cork|Limerick|Galway|Tallaght|Waterford|Drogheda|Dundalk| Bray |Dún Laoghaire|Navan |
Italy|Italia|Repubblica Italiana|Repubblica_Italiana|Italiana| Rome |Milan|Naples| Turin |Palermo|Genoa|Bologna|Florence|Catania| Bari |Messina
Kazakhstan|Qazaqstan Respýblıkasy|Qazaqstan_Respýblıkasy|Qazaqstan|Kazakhs|Kazakh|Almaty|Karaganda|Shymkent|Taraz|Nur-Sultan|Pavlodar|Ust-Kamenogorsk|Kyzylorda|Semey|Aktobe|Kostanay|Petropavl
Latvia|Latvijas Republika|Latvijas_Republika|Latvija| Riga |Daugavpils|Liepāja|Jelgava|Jūrmala|Ventspils|Rēzekne|Jēkabpils|Valmiera|Tukums|Cēsis
Liechtenstein|Fürstentum Liechtenstein|Fürstentum_Liechtenstein|Schaan|Vaduz|Triesen|Balzers| Eschen |Triesenberg|Ruggell|Gamprin|Schellenberg|Malbun
Lithuania|Lietuvos Respublika|Lietuvos_Respublika|Lietuvos|Vilnius|Kaunas|Klaipėda|Šiauliai|Panevezys|Alytus|Marijampolė|Mažeikiai|Jonava|Utena|Kėdainiai|Telšiai
Luxembourg|Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg|Groussherzogtum_Lëtzebuerg|Lëtzebuerg|Esch-sur-Alzette|Dudelange|Schifflange|Bettembourg|Pétange|Ettelbruck|Diekirch|Bertrange|Belvaux|Differdange
Malta|Repubblika ta' Malta|Repubblika_ta'_Malta|Birkirkara|Qormi|Mosta|Żabbar|San Pawl il-Baħar|Fgura|Żejtun|Sliema|Haz-Zebbug|Ħamrun|Naxxar
Moldova|Republica Moldova|Republica_Moldova|Chisinau|Tiraspol|Bălţi|Tighina|Rîbniţa|Cahul |Ungheni|Soroca|Orhei|Dubăsari|Comrat|Edineţ
Monaco|Principat de Mónegue|Principat_de_Mónegue|Mónegue|Principatu de Mùnegu|Principatu_de_Mùnegu|Mùnegu
Montenegro|Crna Gora|Crna_Gora|montenegrian|Podgorica|Nikšić|Herceg Novi|Pljevlja|Budva|Bijelo Polje|Cetinje|Berane|Ulcinj|Rožaje| Tivat 
Netherlands|Netherland|Nederland|Amsterdam|Rotterdam|The Hague|Utrecht|Eindhoven|Tilburg|Groningen|Almere Stad| Breda |Nijmegen|Enschede|Haarlem
North_Macedonia|Macedonia|Republic of North Macedonia|Republic_of_North_Macedonia|Republika e Maqedonisë së Veriut|Republika_e_Maqedonisë_së_Veriut|Maqedonisë|macedonish|Skopje|Bitola|Kumanovo|Prilep|Tetovo| Čair |Kisela Voda| Veles |Ohrid|Gostivar|Shtip|Strumica
Norway|Kongerike Norge|Kongerike_Norge|Norge|Kongeriket Noreg|Kongeriket_Noreg|Noreg|Norgga|gonagasriika|Norgga|norvegian|Oslo|Bergen|Trondheim|Stavanger|Drammen|Fredrikstad|Kristiansand|Sandnes|Asker|Tromsø|Sarpsborg|Skien
Poland|Rzeczpospolita Polska|Rzeczpospolita_Polska|Polska|polish|polsk|Warsaw|Łódź|Krakow|Wrocław|Poznan|Gdańsk|Szczecin|Bydgoszcz|Lublin|Katowice|Bialystok|Gdynia
Portugal|República Portuguesa|República_Portuguesa|Portuguesa|portuge|Lisbon|Porto |Amadora|Braga|Setúbal|Coimbra|Queluz|Funchal|Cacém|Vila Nova de Gaia|Algueirão|Loures
Russia|Rossiyskaya FederatsiyaRossiyskaya_Federatsiya|Rossiyskaya|Российская Федерация|Российская|Moscow|Sibiria|Saint Petersburg|Novosibirsk|Yekaterinburg|Ekaterinburg|Novgorod|Samara|Omsk|Kazan|Rostov-on-Don|Chelyabinsk|Volgograd
San_Marino|San Marino|Serravalle|Borgo Maggiore|City of San Marino|Domagnano|Fiorentino|Acquaviva|Faetano|Falciano|Chiesanuova|Montegiardino|Torraccia
Serbia|Republika Srbija|Republika_Srbija|Srbija|serbish|Belgrade|Niš|Novi Sad|Zemun|Kragujevac|Čačak|Subotica|Leskovac|Novi Pazar|Kraljevo|Zrenjanin|Pančevo
Slovakia|Slovenská republika|Slovenská_republika|Slovenská|Bratislava|Košice|Prešov|Nitra|Žilina|Banská Bystrica|Trnava|Trenčín|Poprad|Prievidza|Zvolen
Slovenia|Republika Slovenija|Republika_Slovenija|Slovenija|Ljubljana|Maribor|Celje|Kranj|Velenje|Koper|Novo Mesto|Ptuj|Trbovlje|Kamnik|Jesenice|Nova Gorica
Spain|Espana|España|Reino de España|Reino_de_España|Madrid|Barcelona|Valencia|Catalonia|Seville|Zaragoza|Málaga|Murcia| Palma |Canary|Canaria|Bilbao|Alicante|Cordova
Sweden|Svenska|Konungariket Sverige|Konungariket_Sverige|Sverige|Svensk|Stockholm|Gothenburg|Malmo|Uppsala|Sollentuna|Västerås|Örebro|Linköping|Helsingborg|Jönköping|Norrköping|Huddinge
Switzerland|Schweiz|Suisse|Svizzera|Zurich|Geneva|Basel| Bern |Lausanne|Winterthur|St. Gallen|Lugano|Lucerne|Biel/Bienne| Thun |Köniz
Turkey|Türkiye Cumhuriyeti|Türkiye_Cumhuriyeti|Türkiye|Turks|Istanbul|Ankara|Izmir|Bursa|Adana|Gaziantep|Konya|Çankaya|Antalya|Bağcılar|Diyarbakır|Kayseri 
Ukraine|Ukrayina|ukrainian|Kyiv|Kharkiv|Dnipro|Donetsk|Odessa|Zaporizhia|Lviv|Kryvyi Rih|Mykolayiv|Mariupol|Luhansk|Sebastopol
United Kingdom|United_Kingdom|United-Kingdom|England|Britannia|britain|british|United Kingdom| UK |-UK |_UK |english|wales|Cymru|welsh|Scotland| Alba |scottish|scotchq|london|liverpool|manchester|Birmingham|Nottingham|Sheffield|Bristol|Glasgow|Leicester|Edinburgh|Leeds|Cardiff
Vatican|Stato della Città del Vaticano|Stato_della_Città_del_Vaticano|Vaticano
Europe|European union

Example-output (EDITED/UPDATED May 7th 2020) :

Code: Select all

Rankings overall:
     1  119280343434    Russia
     2  19421766825     Germany
     3  7311582865      Poland
     4  7030837281      Ukraine
     5  6057702163      Ireland
     6  5909873464      Belarus
     7  5126765210      Portugal
     8  4446169177      Lithuania
     9  3670989670      Greece
    10  3440577740      United Kingdom
    11  2327553852      Romania
    12  2302299663      Estonia
    13  1874811792      Norway
    14  1767452660      Hungary
    15  1742868033      Italy
    16  1423649732      Sweden
    17  1351873369      Finland
    18  1240663808      Austria
    19  1188693629      Turkey
    20  1058848442      France
    21  974270061       Belgium
    22  972784900       Denmark
    23  842859678       Slovakia
    24  573188888       Latvia
    25  559287405       Georgia
    26  436150177       Bulgaria
    27  361824805       Spain
    28  288995410       Switzerland
    29  210489261       Netherlands
    30  150267684       Europe
    31  92235767        Croatia
    32  88563107        Serbia
    33  52131484        Luxembourg
    34  44307944        Moldova
    35  35731802        Malta
    36  23963544        Slovenia
    37  19477038        Kazakhstan
    38  10229995        Bosnia and Herzegovina
    39  9236112 Iceland
    40  3248727 North_Macedonia
    41  2366593 Cyprus
    42  674492  Armenia
    43  354544  Andorra
    44  239876  Azerbaijan
    45  138551  San_Marino
    46  46245   Monaco
    47  2783    Liechtenstein
    48  1097    Albania
    49  0       Vatican
    50  0       Montenegro

Russia   (Russia|Rossiyskaya FederatsiyaRossiyskaya_Federatsiya|Rossiyskaya|Российская Федерация|Российская|Moscow|Sibiria|Saint Petersburg|Novosibirsk|Yekaterinburg|Ekater
Matches found: 93
Overall-score: 119280343434
Overall-WU: 15364724

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  47191    TSC! Russia    117667120232    13671326
     2  279      Russia         1505608798      1589955
     3  224471   Samara2013     27499177        10413
     4  244174   T! Rheno-Borussia      19199319        985
     5  243772   Russia_228     11377641        471
     6  126056   Russia_Nsk     9147462 26916
     7  85086    G_A from Russia        7657987 18800
     8  207109   Omsk City, Russia      4897814 756
     9  221211   N. Novgorod team       4026171 630
    10  10295    Russia_Moscow  3040867 2151
    11  90957    Atomsk         2917353 6755
    12  163423   Russian Bears  2854298 3918
    13  63960    Russian Ravioli        2842033 9154
    14  205440   Rosetta.Russia         2194293 688
    15  122296   Russia Team    1848745 474
    16  256285   3LO im. S.Zeromskiego Bielsko-Biala    953888  112
    17  258124   Novosibirsk State University - NSU     948324  191
    18  105855   The Dark Side Of Tomsk         922929  9341
    19  213374   Garant Russia  895536  2366
    20  242249   Russian NGO    792052  155

Germany   (Germany|Deutschland|Bundesrepublik Deutschland| BRD |-DE | GER |-GER |_GER  |Bundesrepublik_Deutschland|german|deutsch|Köln|cologn|Berlin|württ
emberg|brandenburg| hessen |mecklenburg|niedersachsen|nordhrein|westfalen|franken |rheinland|saarland|sachsen|schleswig|thüringen|bayern|bayrisch|bavaria|hamburg|leipzig|duisburg|bochum|münch|kiel|nürnberg|düsseldorf|rhein|stuttgart|flensburg|dortmund|bremen|frankfurt|dresden|hannover|nürnberg|bielefeldmünster|karlsruhe|mannheim|wuppertal|augsburg|wiesbaden|gelsenkirchen|mönchengladbach|braunschweig|chemnitz|krefeld|freiburg|lübeck|oberhausen|erfurt|rostock)
Matches found: 574
Overall-score: 19421766825
Overall-WU: 2864228

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  3 - Germany      12955195897     1110036
     2  43829    SETI.Germany   1225402589      558121
     3  229160   Solarmobil_Karlsruhe_KIT       1010894980      296887
     4  226201   SELK_Bochum    409386137       18535
     5  127907   Leibniz-Uni-Hannover   296165906       2703
     6  45876    Germany        238019770       29480
     7  45700    Berlin-Germany         226072243       60153
     8  263603   University_of_Augsburg         214051871       28341
     9  198185   Piratenpartei Deutschland      210866586       8659
    10  150621   Thinkpad-Forum Germany         187790906       19415
    11  244687   Fachschaft Physik - Uni Freiburg       173241195       30372
    12  241425   Germany against Corona         169050715       10174
    13  45456    German Hardware Network        162635323       93595
    14  233349   Oberlin College        112094366       7082
    15  262535   FH-Erfurt_FRB  89091728        3893
    16  247310   Taverne Zum Tanzenden Einhorn Hamburg  80746093        4603
    17  230903   Universität Stuttgart         74751879        6423
    18  259407   DHBW Engineering Stuttgart e.V.        74310477        3800
    19  239280   Enlightened Berlin     73363280        4227
    20  57266    Official German Playstation Community Team     62562405        101252

Poland   (Poland|Rzeczpospolita Polska|Rzeczpospolita_Polska|Polska|polish|polsk|Warsaw|Łódź|Krakow|Wrocław|Poznan|Gdańsk|Szczecin|Bydgoszcz|Lublin|Katowice|Bialystok|Gdynia)
Matches found: 97
Overall-score: 7311582865
Overall-WU: 2686743

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  276      Poland         5780382736      2548505
     2  250728   FoldingAtHome Poland   666610995       27027
     3  230262   PolitechnikaSlaska-AEI-Gliwice-Poland  438573862       17652
     4  254123   Poznan University of Technology        258769680       35890
     5  42182    Polish Tracker         31074283        12477
     6  89253    Boinc@Poland   28554070        4103
     7  262892   Polska vs COVID-19     22518315        2582
     8  253262   (THE POLAND/DEUTSCHE BAHN) ALLIANCE    18896567        577
     9  40320    Poland Gliwice         14275187        1074
    10  236435   COVID@Poland   7525186 1576
    11  263011   NOVOMATIC Technologies Poland  7090972 2033
    12  241137   ZYRZYN COUNTY TEAM - POLAND    4360859 944
    13  245541   Enlightened Poland     4168186 1083
    14  249878   Polish Route   4069094 252
    15  238383   SysOps / DevOps Polska: Po godzinach   3929954 840
    16  239055   Potega Krakowskiego Czerepu    3246571 491
    17  41573    Poland_Warsaw  3227771 847
    18  911      CKU_Poland     1899161 5732
    19  165905   Folding@Katowice       1695125 1646
    20  84630    Lowicz Poland  1593555 3773

Ukraine   (Ukraine|Ukrayina|ukrainian|Kyiv|Kharkiv|Dnipro|Donetsk|Odessa|Zaporizhia|Lviv|Kryvyi Rih|Mykolayiv|Mariupol|Luhansk|Sebastopol)
Matches found: 25
Overall-score: 7030837281
Overall-WU: 3217132

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  2164     Ukraine        6993046187      3189971
     2  53047    Odessa_UA      21141193        1704
     3  109915   Ukraine-Canada         6135897 12107
     4  228168   Ukraine Kiev   5050846 439
     5  153624   Protozoa_Ukraine       2186047 3677
     6  40251    Ukraine_Kharkov        834418  2249
     7  163338   Kyiv Torchok Science lab       774756  1743
     8  261335   Kyiv Polytech  452213  202
     9  229742   Team Ukraine   310180  11
    10  12851    Donetsk-Ukraine        259782  2173
    11  52378    Odessa Bulldogs        199396  1264
    12  53412    Kharkiv        118383  646
    13  256985   Posco International Ukraine    85158   9
    14  165868   Mariupol       78120   140
    15  180490   Ukraine BuckTeam       64675   125
    16  76264    Ukraine_Chernihiv      51281   267
    17  290      Ukraine RC5    13726   265
    18  142584   alex odessa    10621   38
    19  226787   Odessa.Folding         9519    19
    20  172617   Ukraine_Lviv   7547    18

Ireland   (Ireland|Éire|irish|-irl| irl |_irl|Dublin|Cork|Limerick|Galway|Tallaght|Waterford|Drogheda|Dundalk| Bray |Dún Laoghaire|Navan |)
Matches found: 72
Overall-score: 6057702163
Overall-WU: 223931

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  60443    Ireland        5914289594      176176
     2  168037   dublin _vikings        32870868        1080
     3  231043   Irish_Folding  29241646        592
     4  196661   Energy & Design Lab (Dublin City University)   21187496        5107
     5  257898   Waterford Institute of Technology      18785452        1044
     6  245834   Anti_Virus_IRL         12204353        1101
     7  224516   West Coast Folders IRL         7074025 1890
     8  51576   5132827 16821
     9  263127   Irish Radio Amateurs   3145370 792
    10  253799   Team_Ireland   2375340 188
    11  235158   CompSoc NUI Galway     1624975 1248
    12  253161   aireland       1016874 1133
    13  52435    Remote Change Management @ EMC Cork    965226  4611
    14  263238   Irish Wedding Videographers    936641  144
    15  227677   DublinerSF     916208  1271
    16  60290    irishpride     618989  151
    17  252562   Dublin2020     577870  595
    18  116767   Trinity College Dublin         547489  676
    19  40917    IrelandFolderama       470191  2633
    20  163067   The Cork Clangers      456694  439

Belarus   (Belarus|Republic of Belarus|Republic_of_Belarus|Рэспубліка Беларусь|Беларусь|Республика Беларусь|Minsk|Barysaw|Salihorsk|Maladzyechna|Zhodzina|Slutsk|Vileyka|Dzyarzhynsk|Borisov|Soligorsk|Molodechno|Zhodino|Slutsk|Dzerzhinsk|Mar’ina Gorka)
Matches found: 12
Overall-score: 5909873464
Overall-WU: 633849

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  11897    Folding Belarus (FBY)  5869356586      590756
     2  48709    Minsk Team     39403196        39634
     3  773      Belarus        437738  3054
     4  263667   Minsk Hackerspace      334824  205
     5  225985   Belarus Team   286105  73
     6  228985   Belarus Freedom        23629   39
     7  226644   Minsk  16673   17
     8  48733    Republic of Belarus    9197    39
     9  49511    Belarus.Grodno.Team    5025    21
    10  77423    Team Kiminski  275     7
    11  78739    BOINC@Belarus  206     1
    12  41099    minsk lamers   10      3

...AND SO ON.....

Last edited by mmou on Sun May 10, 2020 5:12 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Posts: 1141
Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:22 pm
Hardware configuration: 9950x, 7950x3D, 5950x, 5800x3D
7900xtx, Radeon 7, 5700xt, 6900xt, RX 550 640SP
Location: London

Re: skript interpolating nations from team-stats

Post by muziqaz »

If it makes much difference, Lithuanian team's name is Team Lithuania.
And I don' think there is such a thing as Lithuanish

If the script doesn't take into consideration this combination (Team <country name>) it should :)
Nice stuff by the way, I do enjoy number 8 spot :D We would be much lower if there was actual nationality section in user info ;) or if USA and other big country folders created Team USA or Team UK, etc. These people tend to bunch up with hardware vendors, websites and other social groups for some reason
FAH Omega tester
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun May 03, 2020 6:19 pm

Re: skript interpolating nations from team-stats

Post by mmou »

Thanks Muziquas, the Line in european countries should be changed to...
Lithuania|Lietuvos Respublika|Lietuvos_Respublika|Lietuvos
... while "lituanian" was matched when doing a "grep -i Lithuania " also (-i for ignore case). Correct?

For myself -- I'm from Germany --- and as already commented -- its very hard to find the correct spell/markers for 50 different european languages -- used and gave my best testing around :))
Especially there are some country-names containing Cyrillic letters or so I'm definitively not able to read... :)

It's a quick-hacked script -- Of course --- results are not perfect, because many teams don't put their country-name into the team-name (does not make sense for international teams as well...)
therefore they would _not_ be be recognized/counted-- sorry.... In Germany there are some strong teams not listed as well.... On the other hand: Personally, I enjoy digging though the results and see, how many teams of many different Countries together working on the same goal. I really like that. Its cool I think.

By the way --- play around -- customize the country-conf to your own needs, add additional (i.e.) team-names, you would be able to find different interesting things --- i.e. use "linux|fedora|mint|ubuntu|..." as keyword or may be "geeks", "grasshoppers", or whatever.... Just try.... test... :)

Also thought to myself about implementing team-names like "(whatever)-ireland-europe-earth-league2020" , "(whatever)-lithuania-europe-earth-league2020" , "(whatever)-germany-europe-earth-league2020".....
(possibly "(whatever)-europe-earth-league2020" as well) and so on.... maybe different planets (don't forget to tell the SETI-teams about :) ) proper to match with this simple script....
Register your favorite team-name below -country-continent-planet-league2020 , start folding on this..... or not if you don't want to participate....
Pro: everbody can participate using lots of flavoured team-names but nobody needs to be registered explicitely to participate on the contest.
Con: all partitians start equally with 0 points but discontinuing folding for their main-teams -- need to decide where to participate...
Write a country-file.... publish the results.... Lets go..... start the challenge :) --- aeh... wait... let's re-think a little bit...... :)
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun May 03, 2020 6:19 pm

Re: skript interpolating nations from team-stats

Post by mmou »

Ups, Sorry --- misspelled it -- thanks muziqaz of course...

"Team Lithuania" for itself would be matched by a single line in countryfile containig just " Team Lithuania " (don't forget the blanks) and nothing else.
Just prepare the county-file for vour needs.

Otherwise all words between the '|' will be used as substring. Therefor proper grep-free-form-matching of (short) "uk" or "usa" is difficult, because found as well as substring of i.e. "UKraine" or "zUSAmmen" (<-together in german language). So I tried |<blank>UK<blank>| A special issue we have matching "Gerorgia" --- found in the United-states as well....
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun May 03, 2020 6:19 pm

Re: skript interpolating nations from team-stats

Post by mmou »

Just updated the script above (some small fixes)...
Optimized the european-country-file as well by inserting names of big cities into the matchlines.
Placed an updated demo-output as well, restricted to 20 teams per country -- you may want to see more by setting MAXLIST=500 or so.
Within country-conf '#' could be used for commenting out lines or restrict keyword-line.
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun May 03, 2020 6:19 pm

Re: skript interpolating nations from team-stats

Post by mmou »

Added country-related TLD's to the european-countries.conf.
Didn't do that until now, because assumed lot of false-positive matches. In that way I dit, it looks ok for me.

You may want to upgrade to this version:

Code: Select all

Albania|Republic_of_Albania|Republic of Albania|albanian|Republika e Shqipërisë|-AL |_AL |\.al|Tirana|Durrës|Vlorë|Elbasan|Shkodër|Kamëz| Fier |Korçë
Andorra|Principat_de_les_Valls_d'Andorra|Principat de les Valls d'Andorra|Andorra la Vella|_AD |-AD |\.ad |Escaldes-Engordany|Sant Julià de Lòria|Encamp|La Massana|Santa Coloma|Ordino|Canillo|El Pas de la Casa|Arinsal
Armenia|Հանրապետություն|armenian|Yerevan|Gyumri|_AM |-AM |\.am |Vanadzor|Vagharshapat|Hrazdan|Abovyan|Kapan|Ararat|Armavir|Step'anavan|Gavarr|Artashat
Austria|Oestereich|Östereich|östereich|-AT |_AT |\.at |Wien|Vienna|Graz|Linz|Salzburg|Innsbruck|Klagenfurt|Villach| Wels |Sankt Pölten|Dornbirn
Azerbaijan|Azərbaycan Respublikas|Azərbaycan_Respublikası|Azərbaycan|-AZ |_AZ |\.az | Baku |Sumqayit| Ganja |Lankaran|Mingachevir|Nakhchivan|Shirvan|Shaki|Yevlakh|Khankendi
Belarus|Republic of Belarus|Republic_of_Belarus|Рэспубліка Беларусь|Беларусь|Республика Беларусь|-BY |_BY |\.by |Minsk|Barysaw|Salihorsk|Maladzyechna|Zhodzina|Slutsk|Vileyka|Dzyarzhynsk|Borisov|Soligorsk|Molodechno|Zhodino|Slutsk|Dzerzhinsk|Mar’ina Gorka
Belgium|Koninkrijk België|Royaume de Belgique|Belgique|Koninkrijk_België|België|Royaume_de_Belgique|Belgien|-BE |_BE |\.be |belgish|belgian|Brussels|Antwerp|Ghent|Charleroi|Liège|Bruges|Namur|Leuven| Mons |Deurne|Aalst|Mechelen
Bosnia_and_Herzegovina|Bosnia and Herzegovina|Bosnia_Herzegovina|Bosnia Herzegovina|Bosnia|Bosna|Herzegovina|Bosna_i_Hercegovina|Herzegovina|Bosnia|-BA |_BA |\.ba |Sarajevo|Banja Luka|Zenica|Tuzla|Mostar|Bihać|Bugojno|Brčko|Bijeljina|Prijedor|Trebinje|Travnik
Bulgaria|Republika_Balgariya|Republika Balgariya|Balgariya|-BG |_BG |\.bg |Sofia|Plovdiv|Varna|Burgas|Rousse|Stara Zagora|Pleven|Sliven|Dobrich|Shumen|Pernik|Yambol
Croatia|-HR |_HR |\.hr |Republika Hrvatska|Republika_Hrvatska|Hrvatska|Zagreb|Rijeka|Osijek|Zadar|Slavonski Brod| Pula |Sesvete|Karlovac|Varaždin|Stenjevec|Šibenik
Cyprus|_NC_TR |-NC-TR |\.nc\.tr |Republic of Cyprus|Republic_of_Cyprus|cyprian|Nicosia|Limassol|Larnaca|Stróvolos|Famagusta|Paphos|Kyrenia|Protaras|Pergamos|Mórfou|Aradhippou|Paralímni
Denmark|Danmark|Kongeriget Danmark|Kongeriget_Danmark|Dansk|-DK |_DK |\.dk |Copenhagen|Aarhus|Odense|Aalborg|Frederiksberg|Esbjerg|Horsens|Randers|Kolding|Vejle|Hvidovre|Greve
Estonia|_EE |-EE |\.ee |Eesti|Vabariik|Eesti|estonish|Tallinn|Tartu|Narva|Kohtla-Järve|Pärnu|Viljandi|Rakvere|Sillamäe|Maardu|Kuressaare|Võru|Valga
Finland|-FI |_FI |\.fi |Suomi|Suomen tasavalta|Suomen_tasavalta|Suomen|finnish|Helsinki|Espoo|Tampere|Vantaa|Turku|Oulu|Lahti|Kuopio|Jyvaskyla|Pori|Lappeenranta|Vaasa
France|-FR |_FR |\.fr |République française|République_française|française|francaise|francaise|Paris|Marseille|Lyon|Toulouse|Nantes|Strasbourg|Montpellier|Bordeaux|Lille|Rennes|Reims
Georgia|-GE |_GE |\.ge |georgish|Tbilisi|Kutaisi|Batumi|Sukhumi|Zugdidi|Rustavi|P’ot’i| Gori |Ts'khinvali|Samtredia|Khashuri|Senaki
Germany|Deutschland|Bundesrepublik Deutschland| BRD |-DE | GER |-GER |_GER  |\.de |Bundesrepublik_Deutschland|german|deutsch|Köln|cologn|Berlin|württemberg|brandenburg| hessen |mecklenburg|niedersachsen|nordhrein|westfalen|franken |rheinland|saarland|sachsen|schleswig|thüringen|bayern|bayrisch|bavaria|hamburg|leipzig|duisburg|bochum|münch|kiel|nürnberg|düsseldorf|rhein|stuttgart|flensburg|dortmund|bremen|frankfurt|dresden|hannover|nürnberg|bielefeldmünster|karlsruhe|mannheim|wuppertal|augsburg|wiesbaden|gelsenkirchen|mönchengladbach|braunschweig|chemnitz|krefeld|freiburg|lübeck|oberhausen|erfurt|rostock
Greece|-GR |_GR |\.gr |Ellinikí|Ελληνική Δημοκρατία|Ελληνική_Δημοκρατία|Ελληνική|greek|Athens|Thessaloniki|Pátrai|Piraeus|Larissa|Peristeri|Heraklion|Kallithea|Acharnes|Kalamaria|Nikaia|Glyfada
Hungary|_HU |-HU |\.hu |Magyarország|Magyaror|hungari|Budapest|Debrecen|Miskolc|Szeged|Pécs|Győr|Nyíregyháza|Kecskemét|Székesfehérvár|Szombathely|Paradsasvar|Szolnok
Iceland|_IS |-IS |\.is |Ísland|Reykjavik|Kopavogur|Hafnarfjordur|Akureyri|Garðabaer|Mosfellsbaer|Akranes|Selfoss|Seltjarnarnes|Vestmannaeyjar|Grindavik|Isafjordur
Ireland|Éire|irish|-irl| irl |_irl|_IR |-IR |\.ir |Dublin|Cork|Limerick|Galway|Tallaght|Waterford|Drogheda|Dundalk| Bray |Dún Laoghaire|Navan |
Italy|_IT |\.it |Italia|Repubblica Italiana|Repubblica_Italiana|Italiana| Rome |Milan|Naples| Turin |Palermo|Genoa|Bologna|Florence|Catania| Bari |Messina
Kazakhstan|_KZ |-KZ |\.kz |Qazaqstan Respýblıkasy|Qazaqstan_Respýblıkasy|Qazaqstan|Kazakhs|Kazakh|Almaty|Karaganda|Shymkent|Taraz|Nur-Sultan|Pavlodar|Ust-Kamenogorsk|Kyzylorda|Semey|Aktobe|Kostanay|Petropavl
Latvia|_LV |-LV |\.lv |Latvijas Republika|Latvijas_Republika|Latvija| Riga |Daugavpils|Liepāja|Jelgava|Jūrmala|Ventspils|Rēzekne|Jēkabpils|Valmiera|Tukums|Cēsis
Liechtenstein|_LI |-LI |\.li |Fürstentum Liechtenstein|Fürstentum_Liechtenstein|Schaan|Vaduz|Triesen|Balzers| Eschen |Triesenberg|Ruggell|Gamprin|Schellenberg|Malbun
Lithuania|-LT |_LT |\.lt |Lietuvos Respublika|Lietuvos_Respublika|Lietuvos|Vilnius|Kaunas|Klaipėda|Šiauliai|Panevezys|Alytus|Marijampolė|Mažeikiai|Jonava|Utena|Kėdainiai|Telšiai
Luxembourg|-LU |_LU |\.lu |Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg|Groussherzogtum_Lëtzebuerg|Lëtzebuerg|Esch-sur-Alzette|Dudelange|Schifflange|Bettembourg|Pétange|Ettelbruck|Diekirch|Bertrange|Belvaux|Differdange
Malta|-MT |_MT |\.mt |Repubblika ta' Malta|Repubblika_ta'_Malta|Birkirkara|Qormi|Mosta|Żabbar|San Pawl il-Baħar|Fgura|Żejtun|Sliema|Haz-Zebbug|Ħamrun|Naxxar
Moldova|-MD |_MD |\.md |Republica Moldova|Republica_Moldova|Chisinau|Tiraspol|Bălţi|Tighina|Rîbniţa|Cahul |Ungheni|Soroca|Orhei|Dubăsari|Comrat|Edineţ
Monaco|-MC |\.mc |Principat de Mónegue|Principat_de_Mónegue|Mónegue|Principatu de Mùnegu|Principatu_de_Mùnegu|Mùnegu
Montenegro|-ME |_ME |\.me |Crna Gora|Crna_Gora|montenegrian|Podgorica|Nikšić|Herceg Novi|Pljevlja|Budva|Bijelo Polje|Cetinje|Berane|Ulcinj|Rožaje| Tivat
Netherlands|-NL |_NL |\.nl |Netherland|Nederland|Amsterdam|Rotterdam|The Hague|Utrecht|Eindhoven|Tilburg|Groningen|Almere Stad| Breda |Nijmegen|Enschede|Haarlem
North_Macedonia|-MK |_MK |\.mk |Macedonia|Republic of North Macedonia|Republic_of_North_Macedonia|Republika e Maqedonisë së Veriut|Republika_e_Maqedonisë_së_Veriut|Maqedonisë|macedonish|Skopje|Bitola|Kumanovo|Prilep|Tetovo| Čair |Kisela Voda| Veles |Ohrid|Gostivar|Shtip|Strumica
Norway|_NO |-NO |\.no |Kongerike Norge|Kongerike_Norge|Norge|Kongeriket Noreg|Kongeriket_Noreg|Noreg|Norgga|gonagasriika|Norgga|norvegian|Oslo|Bergen|Trondheim|Stavanger|Drammen|Fredrikstad|Kristiansand|Sandnes|Asker|Tromsø|Sarpsborg|Skien
Poland|_PL |-PL |\.pl |Rzeczpospolita Polska|Rzeczpospolita_Polska|Polska|polish|polsk|Warsaw|Łódź|Krakow|Wrocław|Poznan|Gdańsk|Szczecin|Bydgoszcz|Lublin|Katowice|Bialystok|Gdynia
Portugal|_PT |-PT |\.pt |República Portuguesa|República_Portuguesa|Portuguesa|portuge|Lisbon|Porto |Amadora|Braga|Setúbal|Coimbra|Queluz|Funchal|Cacém|Vila Nova de Gaia|Algueirão|Loures
Romania|_RO |-RO |\.ro |România|Bucharest|Iasi|Cluj-Napoca|Timișoara|Craiova|Constanța|Galati|Brasov|Ploieşti|Braila|Oradea|Bacau
Russia|Rossiyskaya FederatsiyaRossiyskaya_Federatsiya|Rossiyskaya|Российская Федерация|Российская|-RU |_RU |\.ru |Moscow|Sibiria|Saint Petersburg|Novosibirsk|Yekaterinburg|Ekaterinburg|Novgorod|Samara|Omsk|Kazan|Rostov-on-Don|Chelyabinsk|Volgograd
San_Marino|_SM |-SM |\.sm |San Marino|Serravalle|Borgo Maggiore|City of San Marino|Domagnano|Fiorentino|Acquaviva|Faetano|Falciano|Chiesanuova|Montegiardino|Torraccia
Serbia|_RS |-RS |\.rs |Republika Srbija|Republika_Srbija|Srbija|serbish|Belgrade|Niš|Novi Sad|Zemun|Kragujevac|Čačak|Subotica|Leskovac|Novi Pazar|Kraljevo|Zrenjanin|Pančevo
Slovakia|_SK |-SK |\.sk |Slovenská republika|Slovenská_republika|Slovenská|Bratislava|Košice|Prešov|Nitra|Žilina|Banská Bystrica|Trnava|Trenčín|Poprad|Prievidza|Zvolen
Slovenia|-SI |_SI |\.si |Republika Slovenija|Republika_Slovenija|Slovenija|Ljubljana|Maribor|Celje|Kranj|Velenje|Koper|Novo Mesto|Ptuj|Trbovlje|Kamnik|Jesenice|Nova Gorica
Spain|-ES |_ES |\.es |Espana|España|Reino de España|Reino_de_España|Madrid|Barcelona|Valencia|Catalonia|Seville|Zaragoza|Málaga|Murcia| Palma |Canary|Canaria|Bilbao|Alicante|Cordova
Sweden|-SE |_SE |\.se |Svenska|Konungariket Sverige|Konungariket_Sverige|Sverige|Svensk|Stockholm|Gothenburg|Malmo|Uppsala|Sollentuna|Västerås|Örebro|Linköping|Helsingborg|Jönköping|Norrköping|Huddinge
Switzerland|_CH |-CH |\.ch |Schweiz|Suisse|Svizzera|Zurich|Geneva|Basel| Bern |Lausanne|Winterthur|St. Gallen|Lugano|Lucerne|Biel/Bienne| Thun |Köniz
Turkey|_TR |-TR |\.tr |Türkiye Cumhuriyeti|Türkiye_Cumhuriyeti|Türkiye|Turks|Istanbul|Ankara|Izmir|Bursa|Adana|Gaziantep|Konya|Çankaya|Antalya|Bağcılar|Diyarbakır|Kayseri
Ukraine|-UA |_UA |\.ua |Urayina|ukrainian|Kyiv|Kharkiv|Dnipro|Donetsk|Odessa|Zaporizhia|Lviv|Kryvyi Rih|Mykolayiv|Mariupol|Luhansk|Sebastopol
United_Kingdom|United Kingdom|United-Kingdom|England|Britannia|britain|british|United Kingdom| UK |-UK |_UK |\.uk |english|wales|Cymru|welsh|Scotland| Alba |scottish|scotchq|london|liverpool|manchester|Birmingham|Nottingham|Sheffield|Bristol|Glasgow|Leicester|Edinburgh|Leeds|Cardiff
Vatican|-VA |\.va |Stato della Città del Vaticano|Stato_della_Città_del_Vaticano|Vaticano
Europe|-EU |_EU |\.eu |European union 
Maybe you think, it's not fair, if there are lots of keywords/cities within the germany-row --- Of course -- I live in Germany so I'm able to enhance the matchline in that way.
Please remember: Its on YOU to work on this, check-out, test and provide a proper matchline for your favorite Country. Maybe you would like to share....

Maybe you think, These are european countries only, but FAH is an international project --- so countries from all over the world should be taken into account --
I definitively agree and would like to see. But I'm close on time and it's a lot of work, providing match-lines for every country in the world.
So... As well: Its on YOU to work on this....

You may think, that as an example ".it" is not used for italy only but used by some IT-companies in different countries as well -- may be --
My personal opionion: If you think you are clever, "missusing" an national TLD, start folding by using this domain-name --- Sorry -- Thanks a lot for raising the itailan Score :)
Fair is fair.... :)

You may think, that there are many more famous teams within many countries who are not recognized by this script but should be...
Please keep in mind, that if they don't use some cind of region/nation-indicator within theit team-name -- possbly an international team? -- we can't decide.
So its tricky... With this method, we will not be able to get a complete picture. Thats life.... :)

If we keep these topics in mind -- we never get a proper picture --- is this project/Script is usefull at all?
I would say: Definitively YES. If I look at the overall top-100-stats provided by FAH ... I imagine the always the same big players and no big movements in ranking at all.
If I download and look at the full team-stats, I see about 100.000 Teams --- Large number -- For a human difficult to imagine at all.
By restrict/diverting into categories (i.e. -- in this case -- reginal) , we are able highligt much smaller /but interesting) details, showing up movements of smaller teams as well.
As I believe, that EVERY WU counts helping the Scientists to fighting diseases, It hink it's a good idea to get these smaller teams into the spotlight as well.

When using this new nations-conf, differences in results are VERY interesting. It looks like, that the previous number one -- Russia -- was degraded to the second place by....
Norway ----- aeh wait, what? --- Norway? ---- YES. Norway. ---- Wow.... :)
It looks like they have a very strong team ( over there ....

Have fun.... :)
Last edited by mmou on Sat May 09, 2020 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun May 03, 2020 6:19 pm

Re: skript interpolating nations from team-stats

Post by mmou »

Btw: There is a current example for the results:

Code: Select all

Rankings overall:
     1  144904079399    Norway
     2  119561047644    Russia
     3  21932718963     Germany
     4  8235387062      Ukraine
     5  7664535313      Poland
     6  6091122442      Ireland
     7  5923888059      Belarus
     8  5191574854      Portugal
     9  4476150880      Lithuania
    10  3826245001      United_Kingdom
    11  3781020420      Greece
    12  3748556041      Sweden
    13  2745936413      Slovakia
    14  2456035483      Romania
    15  2341217335      Estonia
    16  2055382249      Denmark
    17  1956231691      Italy
    18  1840707842      Hungary
    19  1750589506      Finland
    20  1652229556      France
    21  1557615734      Austria
    22  1376716930      Netherlands
    23  1310329760      Belgium
    24  1193931135      Turkey
    25  1085876218      Europe
    26  588359796       Georgia
    27  584453825       Latvia
    28  452690559       Spain
    29  449660593       Bulgaria
    30  389425915       Switzerland
    31  363719650       Iceland
    32  147124459       Croatia
    33  93290308        Serbia
    34  66913678        Luxembourg
    35  47187703        Moldova
    36  38399309        Albania
    37  37559773        Malta
    38  33549981        Slovenia
    39  30784883        Kazakhstan
    40  27483328        Montenegro
    41  17417926        Azerbaijan
    42  11971446        Bosnia_and_Herzegovina
    43  3256634 North_Macedonia
    44  3077374 Andorra
    45  2368369 Cyprus
    46  722858  Armenia
    47  213806  San_Marino
    48  47600   Monaco
    49  3783    Liechtenstein
    50  0       Vatican

Norway   (Norway|_NO |-NO |\.no |Kongerike Norge|Kongerike_Norge|Norge|Kongeriket Noreg|Kongeriket_Noreg|Noreg|Norgga|gonagasriika|Norgga|norvegian|Oslo|Bergen|Trondheim|Stavanger|Drammen|Fredrikstad|Kristiansand|Sandnes|Asker|Tromsø|Sarpsborg|Skien)
Matches found: 133
Overall-score: 144904079399
Overall-WU: 10492775

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  37651    142923890019    9946442
     2  37827    Team-Norway    935503407       254313
     3  223761   NorgemenND     341644293       18088
     4  224474   macrosloth     108197948       27155
     5  238979   MensaNorway    106990703       6043
     6  158298   Argur@Trondheim        86320279        10001
     7  153767   Bretting@Norge         71133311        34715
     8  1152     norway         46905091        2623
     9  251978   Knowit Bergen  39635410        925
    10  242538   Atea Norway    28722648        1746
    11  250904   ArrowECSNorway         28102502        1862
    12  252269   HackThecrisisNorway    27024254        2627
    13  238256     21021537        2056
    14  236694   NorwayNerds    13335635        358
    15  144270       10923481        36787
    16  241724       10663956        286
    17  71876    Team Oslo      7648616 14610
    18  11064    UIB University Of Bergen       7445539 3460
    19  227354   Handelshøyskolen BI Bergen    6795865 7646
    20  59848       6748971 25670
    21  223933  6258744 10635
    22  236906   NorwayWrestling        6067194 408
    23  232925   Bergen Katedralskole   5554917 159
    24  262277   Einstein Data & Design Norway  4442307 361
    25  262744       3965082 232
    26  85065    Norway-DC      3701027 324
    27  53100  3671000 8632
    28  169965     3655815 8951
    29  78730    Norway - Oslo  3501758 2335
    30  89601    3430748 14542

Russia   (Russia|Rossiyskaya FederatsiyaRossiyskaya_Federatsiya|Rossiyskaya|Российская Федерация|Российская|-RU |_RU |\.ru |Moscow|Sibiria|Saint Petersburg|Novosibirsk|Yekaterinburg|Ekaterinburg|Novgorod|Samara|Omsk|Kazan|Rostov-on-Don|Chelyabinsk|Volgograd)
Matches found: 130
Overall-score: 119561047644
Overall-WU: 15459340

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  47191    TSC! Russia    117900255146    13677110
     2  279      Russia         1508609866      1590250
     3  224471   Samara2013     27499177        10413
     4  244174   T! Rheno-Borussia      19203964        988
     5  243772   Russia_228     11377641        471
     6  239999   9660915 1053
     7  70595    PS3CLUB.RU     9604538 37039
     8  126056   Russia_Nsk     9147462 26916
     9  195394   SQL.RU         7707933 12888
    10  85086    G_A from Russia        7657987 18800
    11  70192    SonyPS3.Ru     6062769 16016
    12  94472     5588762 12771
    13  207109   Omsk City, Russia      4897814 756
    14  221211   N. Novgorod team       4026171 630
    15  10295    Russia_Moscow  3167693 2169
    16  90957    Atomsk         2917353 6755
    17  163423   Russian Bears  2854298 3918
    18  63960    Russian Ravioli        2842033 9154
    19  205440   Rosetta.Russia         2194293 688
    20  122296   Russia Team    1849475 475
    21  225464      1064677 341
    22  258124   Novosibirsk State University - NSU     1027454 206
    23  163850   Team    1013607 752
    24  256285   3LO im. S.Zeromskiego Bielsko-Biala    995084  117
    25  253294   ebokaigi(ri-ru wo sukuu kai)   944843  76
    26  105855   The Dark Side Of Tomsk         922929  9341
    27  227463       904123  2777
    28  213374   Garant Russia  895536  2366
    29  242249   Russian NGO    850028  161
    30  87295    Russia_Sochi   661739  298

Germany   (Germany|Deutschland|Bundesrepublik Deutschland| BRD |-DE | GER |-GER |_GER  |\.de |Bundesrepublik_Deutschland|german|deutsch|Köln|cologn|Berlin|württemberg|brandenburg| hessen |mecklenburg|niedersachsen|nordhrein|westfalen|franken |rheinland|saarland|sachsen|schleswig|thüringen|bayern|bayrisch|bavaria|hamburg|leipzig|duisburg|bochum|münch|kiel|nürnberg|düsseldorf|rhein|stuttgart|flensburg|dortmund|bremen|frankfurt|dresden|hannover|nürnberg|bielefeldmünster|karlsruhe|mannheim|wuppertal|augsburg|wiesbaden|gelsenkirchen|mönchengladbach|braunschweig|chemnitz|krefeld|freiburg|lübeck|oberhausen|erfurt|rostock)
Matches found: 771
Overall-score: 21932718963
Overall-WU: 3370095

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  3 - Germany      13076418585     1115357
     2  43829    SETI.Germany   1252154175      558789
     3  229160   Solarmobil_Karlsruhe_KIT       1011391209      296988
     4  2804     Team         885982475       169383
     5  226201   SELK_Bochum    410102623       18571
     6  34099    397198767       67779
     7  127907   Leibniz-Uni-Hannover   324078581       3013
     8  263603   University_of_Augsburg         272283134       34932
     9  45876    Germany        253034654       30239
    10  45700    Berlin-Germany         232433361       60478
    11  198185   Piratenpartei Deutschland      220203507       9039
    12  150621   Thinkpad-Forum Germany         202745497       19585
    13  241425   Germany against Corona         182541729       10798
    14  244687   Fachschaft Physik - Uni Freiburg       179351907       31413
    15  45456    German Hardware Network        162990692       93681
    16  2682  136735169       21251
    17  70408   131774361       11515
    18  238966        113819327       8860
    19  233349   Oberlin College        112724735       7091
    20  262535   FH-Erfurt_FRB  109089449       4540
    21  109563   99751148        17256
    22  259407   DHBW Engineering Stuttgart e.V.        85155322        4061
    23  247310   Taverne Zum Tanzenden Einhorn Hamburg  84817209        4738
    24  239280   Enlightened Berlin     75212131        4296
    25  230903   Universität Stuttgart         75210689        6446
    26  57266    Official German Playstation Community Team     62562405        101252
    27  12221    berlin-leben   54653144        37863
    28  236325   Berlin Social Club     53586462        2457
    29  239213  45835467        2093
    30  225372   Folding@Leipzig        45152549        4723

Ukraine   (Ukraine|-UA |_UA |\.ua |Urayina|ukrainian|Kyiv|Kharkiv|Dnipro|Donetsk|Odessa|Zaporizhia|Lviv|Kryvyi Rih|Mykolayiv|Mariupol|Luhansk|Sebastopol)
Matches found: 32
Overall-score: 8235387062
Overall-WU: 3558089

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  2164     Ukraine        7018919509      3191411
     2  156571   Overclockers.UA        1126067208      335651
     3  252455   SmartThings-UA         51117484        3598
     4  53047    Odessa_UA      22358712        1713
     5  109915   Ukraine-Canada         6135897 12107
     6  228168   Ukraine Kiev   5050846 439
     7  153624   Protozoa_Ukraine       2186047 3677
     8  40251    Ukraine_Kharkov        834418  2249
     9  163338   Kyiv Torchok Science lab       774756  1743
    10  261335   Kyiv Polytech  458708  218
    11  229742   Team Ukraine   310180  11
    12  12851    Donetsk-Ukraine        259782  2173
    13  260265   Rudra`s_from_ua        221340  75
    14  52378    Odessa Bulldogs        199396  1264
    15  53412    Kharkiv        118383  646
    16  256985   Posco International Ukraine    85158   9
    17  165868   Mariupol       78120   140
    18  180490   Ukraine BuckTeam       64675   125
    19  76264    Ukraine_Chernihiv      51281   267
    20  80220      29959   100
    21  290      Ukraine RC5    13726   265
    22  50572    Ambo.Com.Ua    12394   62
    23  142584   alex odessa    10621   38
    24  226787   Odessa.Folding         9519    19
    25  172617   Ukraine_Lviv   7547    18
    26  10012    Ukraine F@H    4690    51
    27  264753   A_Odesa_ua     3935    5
    28  190676   odessa         1757    7
    29  228289   Kharkiv111     500     4
    30  211459   ua_kyiv        251     1

Poland   (Poland|_PL |-PL |\.pl |Rzeczpospolita Polska|Rzeczpospolita_Polska|Polska|polish|polsk|Warsaw|Łódź|Krakow|Wrocław|Poznan|Gdańsk|Szczecin|Bydgoszcz|Lublin|Katowice|Bialystok|Gdynia)
Matches found: 152
Overall-score: 7664535313
Overall-WU: 2766489

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  276      Poland         5854472782      2552385
     2  250728   FoldingAtHome Poland   807245875       29585
     3  230262   PolitechnikaSlaska-AEI-Gliwice-Poland  438573862       17652
     4  254123   Poznan University of Technology        293619148       40210
     5  42182    Polish Tracker         31074283        12477
     6  89253    Boinc@Poland   30672355        4161
     7  262892   Polska vs COVID-19     27607127        3145
     8  253262   (THE POLAND/DEUTSCHE BAHN) ALLIANCE    20289959        605
     9  257883    18498750        596
    10  251948     15225725        1435
    11  40320    Poland Gliwice         14617854        1114
    12  240912    12422650        3791
    13  237809   GEHC_PL        12062166        616
    14  263011   NOVOMATIC Technologies Poland  9087825 2285
    15  236435   COVID@Poland   7997021 1692
    16  54347 / PLAYSTATION3 Team     7628902 29974
    17  252137      6062206 364
    18  148518       5725497 10459
    19  241137   ZYRZYN COUNTY TEAM - POLAND    4815343 1007
    20  245541   Enlightened Poland     4619173 1108
    21  249878   Polish Route   4484528 274
    22  238383   SysOps / DevOps Polska: Po godzinach   3931136 1111
    23  41573    Poland_Warsaw  3582533 867
    24  239055   Potega Krakowskiego Czerepu    3255604 494
    25  236634   lewica-pl      3150689 294
    26  239187   RPG_PL         2603152 640
    27  238290   2280636 283
    28  911      CKU_Poland     1903254 5738
    29  165905   Folding@Katowice       1695125 1646
    30  84630    Lowicz Poland  1593555 3773

Ireland   (Ireland|Éire|irish|-irl| irl |_irl|_IR |-IR |\.ir |Dublin|Cork|Limerick|Galway|Tallaght|Waterford|Drogheda|Dundalk| Bray |Dún Laoghaire|Navan |)
Matches found: 74
Overall-score: 6091122442
Overall-WU: 226268

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  60443    Ireland        5941007897      177847
     2  168037   dublin _vikings        32870868        1080
     3  231043   Irish_Folding  29241646        592
     4  196661   Energy & Design Lab (Dublin City University)   21187496        5107
     5  257898   Waterford Institute of Technology      20270395        1154
     6  245834   Anti_Virus_IRL         13665386        1178
     7  224516   West Coast Folders IRL         7074025 1890
     8  51576   5132827 16821
     9  263127   Irish Radio Amateurs   3573379 871
    10  211205   Satan_IR       2877601 232
    11  253799   Team_Ireland   2375340 188
    12  235158   CompSoc NUI Galway     1648884 1265
    13  253161   aireland       1091050 1176
    14  263238   Irish Wedding Videographers    1089708 172
    15  52435    Remote Change Management @ EMC Cork    965226  4611
    16  227677   DublinerSF     917766  1274
    17  60290    irishpride     645055  156
    18  252562   Dublin2020     621853  629
    19  116767   Trinity College Dublin         547489  676
    20  40917    IrelandFolderama       470191  2633
    21  236088   Bray Leino Digital     465337  166
    22  163067   The Cork Clangers      456694  439
    23  147680   Irish Pride 972        363665  1357
    24  124849   The Irish      302218  69
    25  239284   DundalkIreland         261873  67
    26  233749   IrishEngineering       257056  329
    27  171635   Galway Consulting      204498  498
    28  228497   HP-IT-Ireland  179207  93
    29  183228   galway000001   160946  662
    30  61671    Northern Ireland       135988  108

Belarus   (Belarus|Republic of Belarus|Republic_of_Belarus|Рэспубліка Беларусь|Беларусь|Республика Беларусь|-BY |_BY |\.by |Minsk|Barysaw|Salihorsk|Maladzyechna|Zhodzina|Slutsk|Vileyka|Dzyarzhynsk|Borisov|Soligorsk|Molodechno|Zhodino|Slutsk|Dzerzhinsk|Mar’ina Gorka)
Matches found: 13
Overall-score: 5923888059
Overall-WU: 638752

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  11897    Folding Belarus (FBY)  5878164034      590926
     2  48709    Minsk Team     39403196        39634
     3  175953   BIO_BSU_BY     4780770 4666
     4  263667   Minsk Hackerspace      750566  266
     5  773      Belarus        446974  3059
     6  225985   Belarus Team   286105  73
     7  228985   Belarus Freedom        23629   39
     8  226644   Minsk  18072   18
     9  48733    Republic of Belarus    9197    39
    10  49511    Belarus.Grodno.Team    5025    21
    11  77423    Team Kiminski  275     7
    12  78739    BOINC@Belarus  206     1
    13  41099    minsk lamers   10      3

Portugal   (Portugal|_PT |-PT |\.pt |República Portuguesa|República_Portuguesa|Portuguesa|portuge|Lisbon|Porto |Amadora|Braga|Setúbal|Coimbra|Queluz|Funchal|Cacém|Vila Nova de Gaia|Algueirão|Loures)
Matches found: 77
Overall-score: 5191574854
Overall-WU: 3082394

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  35271    Portugal@Folding       5097240873      3039104
     2  260601   NOS@Portugal   36709971        5335
     3  245187   #SomosTodosEventos - AV Portugal       15232479        1076
     4  498      PORTUGAL       9847971 8394
     5  252418   Marretas_LX_PT         6484075 412
     6  255986   Portugal Against Covid-19      4170452 271
     7  234090   Volunteer Computing - Portugal         3984137 1177
     8  241105   Neuroimaging Braga     3606771 453
     9  72387    PortugalCaboVerdeAngolaFolding         3235774 3967
    10  261802   Foldings from Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil       1712101 170
    11  33076    Medicina_Porto         1668128 149
    12  221617   Portugal-Expats        1324018 876
    13  254668   ESTGOH_PT      1125430 42
    14  237517   Em Casa - Portugal     856579  837
    15  109292   ADICE-Portugal         657883  5208
    16  236362   [email protected]     625437  115
    17  210109   RLC.PT         442467  787
    18  260240   Rotaract Club Porto    420774  294
    19  10100    PORTUGAL.PACPI.COM     372844  5695
    20  35521    Cybercentro de Guimarães - Portugal    306760  2851
    21  246584   Error404_Amarante_PT   238845  60
    22  192637   portugal2      188426  361
    23  238389   COVID-19 - Portugal    158657  326
    24  90340    FCPorto        155113  691
    25  203545   Folding@Coimbra        144859  126
    26  44523    Infordio_PT    89191   565
    27  237229   Star Wars Portugal     81567   16
    28  161972   Montijo_PT     66865   207
    29  156163   Coimbra Biochemistry Team      52369   390
    30  34647 Portugal      38186   304

Lithuania   (Lithuania|-LT |_LT |\.lt |Lietuvos Respublika|Lietuvos_Respublika|Lietuvos|Vilnius|Kaunas|Klaipėda|Šiauliai|Panevezys|Alytus|Marijampolė|Mažeikiai|Jonava|Utena|Kėdainiai|Telšiai)
Matches found: 18
Overall-score: 4476150880
Overall-WU: 1479171

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  36816    Team Lithuania         4473369988      1472347
     2  3558     Lithuania      2452279 6043
     3  37728    Vilnius University     264456  185
     4  10007    LithuaniaFoldingHomeTeam       27394   6
     5  10079    Lithuania Folding@home team    12501   460
     6  139804   lithuania the apartment        8546    24
     7  10008    Lithuania team         3735    1
     8  180886   Lithuania Science Friends      3105    20
     9  152832   Lithuanian NP  2962    11
    10  10713    Folding@Home Lithuania         1142    28
    11  42474    Lithuanian F@H Team    1019    11
    12  36924    1004    8
    13  41455      890     12
    14  149775   Folding@Lithuania      540     6
    15  44027    Lithuania@Folding      478     2
    16  156385   LTKaunasRokai  384     1
    17  48882      361     2
    18  31363    - Lithuania Folding@home team -        96      4

United_Kingdom   (United_Kingdom|United Kingdom|United-Kingdom|England|Britannia|britain|british|United Kingdom| UK |-UK |_UK |\.uk |english|wales|Cymru|welsh|Scotland| Alba |scottish|scotchq|london|liverpool|manchester|Birmingham|Nottingham|Sheffield|Bristol|Glasgow|Leicester|Edinburgh|Leeds|Cardiff)
Matches found: 539
Overall-score: 3826245001
Overall-WU: 1532363

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  46590    MicroMart-UK   1779610346      655700
     2  257437   The University of Leeds        172192106       19321
     3  91717   160533249       96447
     4  588      Scotland       159858060       12789
     5  11488    Prof. James Challis Most Excellent UK Team     137717171       24355
     6  45392    UK BOINC Team  121262460       8595
     7  47687    University of British Columbia         84507567        7968
     8  458      University of Edinburgh        83159474        9850
     9  33167    LAN Party Association of New England   67196136        119798
    10  44831    WaterCooling UK (WCUK)         56458087        44209
    11  241047   London Gaymers         39952210        2434
    12  258322   Tech Nottingham        39033738        2848
    13  208902   Nottingham Hackspace   36925133        6406
    14  161819   University_Of_Manchester       36220312        5152
    15  47321    University of Bristol  31971114        2162
    16  214746   WelshCorgi     30839813        1056
    17  249115   London South Bank University   28474353        573
    18  264120   3Dcrowd.UK     25918073        1274
    19  223973      25823275        7428
    20  193534   PC_Specialist_Co_Uk    25500442        11330
    21  260110   Goldsmiths, University of London       22976207        7036
    22  228863   Cisco FaH UK   22542808        7579
    23  244652   UK Hydrographic Office         21903445        1769
    24  153002   [email protected]   21816286        31455
    25  254623   UK Team vs Covid-19 Corona Virus       19298143        1647
    26  242788   UK Theatre and Events  18547516        1503
    27  241606   Folding@Liverpool      16291455        1175
    28  219839   Monmouth_School_UK     15690477        4509
    29  257848   Imperial College London Chemical Engineering   15455136        587
    30  256958   CSS Bristol (UoB Students)     15170567        647

Greece   (Greece|-GR |_GR |\.gr |Ellinikí|Ελληνική Δημοκρατία|Ελληνική_Δημοκρατία|Ελληνική|greek|Athens|Thessaloniki|Pátrai|Piraeus|Larissa|Peristeri|Heraklion|Kallithea|Acharnes|Kalamaria|Nikaia|Glyfada)
Matches found: 134
Overall-score: 3781020420
Overall-WU: 1924519

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  44079    PC Magazine Greek Edition      2455499914      983876
     2  36673    ADSLgr - Greek aDSL Users      1098511866      800602
     3  32378    TheLab.GR      61420137        16155
     4  838      Greece         51253728        16480
     5  236141   Greek Team against COVID-19    20674462        926
     6  257054  19305904        920
     7  33226    B.K. Folding Labs, Thessaloniki, Greece        15504317        2154
     8  48896        11235294        6926
     9  79535    Greek_Folders  8395342 11512
    10  240249   (ETG) Extreme Techs of Greece  6413702 755
    11  51279    3633158 17345
    12  217915   Xanthi_Greece  3484347 3286
    13  97945    Outofspecs.Gr  2885285 7076
    14  41030    ECS, Microprocessors Laboratory, TEI of Piraeus, Greece        2344191 11139
    15  114072    MacedoniaGreece       2301293 3192
    16  62835 Team       2124747 7892
    17  257936   GREEK IHU-SKG  2093658 187
    18  225855    1050309 1434
    19  239832   814711  259
    20  224257      807956  180
    21  70919      662414  107
    22  236660         618493  233
    23  154760   Leonidio Greece        578494  2618
    24  239017   AVAX S.A. - GREECE     489841  114
    25  251754   COVID-19 Greece        474028  271
    26  92750    Athens International Folding Corp.     451767  1727
    27  51144    Athens_Army_Philharmonica_(&#931;&#924;&#931;/&#916;&#933;&#914;)      438166  2004
    28  240877   STOP-coronavirus-GREECE        400258  181
    29  167585   Aquarists - Greece     384609  827
    30  44542    Miracle_Drug_Gr        360604  2210

Posts: 19
Joined: Sun May 03, 2020 6:19 pm

Re: skript interpolating nations from team-stats

Post by mmou »

BTW: "smaller details" :
The team "University_of_Augsburg" just passed the team "Germay" few days ago -- by calculations --
not related to changes in country.conf.... seems they bring in a lot of computing-power....

Personally, I like Liechtenstein.... one small country, one team.... the "Liechtenstein Power Team"...
not as many points/WU's.... but un the 1st place.... Whats up with them? Are they still folding?

Code: Select all

Liechtenstein   (Liechtenstein|_LI |-LI |\.li |Fürstentum Liechtenstein|Fürstentum_Liechtenstein|Schaan|Vaduz|Triesen|Balzers| Eschen |Triesenberg|Ruggell|Gamprin|Schellenberg|Malbun)
Matches found: 1
Overall-score: 3783
Overall-WU: 5

team_rank       team_id_num     team_name       team_score      team_WU
     1  264477   Liechtenstein Power Team       3783    5

Posts: 19
Joined: Sun May 03, 2020 6:19 pm

Re: skript interpolating nations from team-stats

Post by mmou »

Just edited and corrected misspelled item within country-conf regarding france .fi --> .fr
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun May 03, 2020 6:19 pm

Re: skript interpolating nations from team-stats

Post by mmou »

Just edited script (see above / top of this post) to deliver a CSV-formatted style. So output could be viewed/used i.e. by Libreoffice-Calc .
See comments/hints commented in script.
(2): Beatufying: All strings surrouded by quotes now.

Looks like this:

Code: Select all

"Rankings overall:"
"rank"  "score" "group"
     1  145257496703    "Norway"
     2  119676503798    "Russia"
     3  22169191770     "Germany"
     4  8250224105      "Ukraine"
     5  7787293614      "Poland"
     6  6104310183      "Ireland"
     7  5927512287      "Belarus"
     8  5220278212      "Portugal"
     9  4492736334      "Lithuania"
    10  3869965298      "United_Kingdom"
    11  3788506589      "Greece"
    12  3784942590      "Sweden"
    13  2767440935      "Slovakia"
    14  2464022015      "Romania"
    15  2358549908      "Estonia"
    16  2087136431      "Denmark"
    17  1985462073      "Italy"

...AND SO ON...

"Norway"        "(Norway|_NO |-NO |\.no |Kongerike Norge|Kongerike_Norge|Norge|Kongeriket Noreg|Kongeriket_Noreg|Noreg|Norgga|gonagasriika|Norgga|norvegian|Oslo|Bergen|Trondheim|Stavanger|Drammen|Fredrikstad|Kristiansand|Sandnes|Asker|Tromsø|Sarpsborg|Skien)"

"Matches found:"        133
"Overall-score:"        145257496703
"Overall-WU:"   10500296

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  37651   ""   143263722951    9953092
     2  37827   "Team-Norway"   938089660       254576
     3  223761  "NorgemenND"    341644293       18088
     4  238979  "MensaNorway"   110981048       6223
     5  224474  "macrosloth"    108611832       27198
     6  158298  "Argur@Trondheim"       86320279        10001
     7  153767  "Bretting@Norge"        71133311        34715
     8  1152    "norway"        49046429        2710
     9  251978  "Knowit Bergen" 40225551        933
    10  242538  "Atea Norway"   28865667        1775
    11  250904  "ArrowECSNorway"        28242705        1889
    12  252269  "HackThecrisisNorway"   28140126        2680
    13  238256  ""    21201758        2095
    14  236694  "NorwayNerds"   13600564        362
    15  241724  ""      11264532        298
    16  144270  ""      10923481        36787
    17  71876   "Team Oslo"     7648616 14610
    18  11064   "UIB University Of Bergen"      7445539 3460
    19  227354  "Handelshøyskolen BI Bergen"   6795865 7646
    20  59848   ""      6748971 25670
    21  223933  "" 6266171 10641
    22  236906  "NorwayWrestling"       6068194 409
    23  232925  "Bergen Katedralskole"  5554917 159
    24  262277  "Einstein Data & Design Norway" 4863744 382
    25  262744  ""      4388010 249

...AND SO ON...

Site Moderator
Posts: 6395
Joined: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:38 am
Location: Bordeaux, France

Re: skript interpolating nations from team-stats

Post by toTOW »

Good luck with my team ;)

We have users from all over the world who speak the same language with many subteams handled by our scripts.

Folding@Home beta tester since 2002. Folding Forum moderator since July 2008.
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun May 03, 2020 6:19 pm

Re: skript interpolating nations from team-stats

Post by mmou »


Yes, always wondering why (i.e.) France has so few score within my stats-output/top-ten.
I found the francophone-team already, but its definitive multi-national and therefore NOT to be assigned to
one single country, nor to the european continent. To have a raw idea how it shows, you may want to include
further teams (you are aware about) to your _personal_ countries.txt and check the results.

Averything is guessed/interpolated, there is no definitive truth, the script can provide.

If time, I'm going to provide a improved, with some big players (identified/added to
particular countries) included, scrambling the the top-ten.
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun May 03, 2020 6:19 pm

Re: skript interpolating nations from team-stats

Post by mmou »

You may want to check out this new release of the country-conf (last edited/updated Nov 9th 2020 / due to corrections+improvements):

Code: Select all

Albania|Republic_of_Albania|Republic of Albania|albanian|Republika e Shqipërisë|-AL |_AL |\.al |Folding@alb|Tirana|Durrës|Vlorë|Elbasan|Shkodër|Kamëz| Fier |Korçë
Andorra|Principat_de_les_Valls_d'Andorra|Principat de les Valls d'Andorra|Andorra la Vella|_AD |-AD |\.ad |Escaldes-Engordany|Sant Julià de Lòria|Encamp|La Massana|Santa Coloma|Ordino|Canillo|El Pas de la Casa|Arinsal
Armenia|Հանրապետություն|armenian|Yerevan|Gyumri|_AM |-AM |\.am |Vanadzor|Vagharshapat|Hrazdan|Abovyan|Kapan|Ararat|Armavir|Step'anavan|Gavarr|Artashat
Austria|Oestereich|Östereich|östereich|-AT |_AT |\.at |Folding@aus|Wien|Vienna|Graz|Linz|Salzburg|Innsbruck|Klagenfurt|Villach| Wels |Sankt Pölten|Dornbirn
Azerbaijan|Azərbaycan Respublikas|Azərbaycan_Respublikası|Azərbaycan|-AZ |_AZ |\.az | Baku |Sumqayit| Ganja |Lankaran|Mingachevir|Nakhchivan|Shirvan|Shaki|Yevlakh|Khankendi
Belarus|Republic of Belarus|Republic_of_Belarus|Рэспубліка Беларусь|Беларусь|Республика Беларусь|-BY |_BY |\.by |Minsk|Barysaw|Salihorsk|Maladzyechna|Zhodzina|Slutsk|Vileyka|Dzyarzhynsk|Borisov|Soligorsk|Molodechno|Zhodino|Slutsk|Dzerzhinsk|Mar’ina Gorka
Belgium|Koninkrijk België|Royaume de Belgique|Belgique|Koninkrijk_België|België|Royaume_de_Belgique|Belgien|-BE |_BE |\.be |belgish|belgian|Brussels|Antwerp|Ghent|Charleroi|Liège|Bruges|Namur|Leuven| Mons |Deurne|Aalst|Mechelen
Bosnia_and_Herzegovina|Bosnia and Herzegovina|Bosnia_Herzegovina|Bosnia Herzegovina|Bosnia|Bosna|Herzegovina|Bosna_i_Hercegovina|Herzegovina|Bosnia|-BA |_BA |\.ba |Sarajevo|Banja Luka|Zenica|Tuzla|Mostar|Bihać|Bugojno|Brčko|Bijeljina|Prijedor|Trebinje|Travnik
Bulgaria|Republika_Balgariya|Republika Balgariya|Balgariya|-BG |_BG |\.bg |Sofia|Plovdiv|Varna|Burgas|Rousse|Stara Zagora|Pleven|Sliven|Dobrich|Shumen|Pernik|Yambol
Croatia|-HR |_HR |\.hr |Republika Hrvatska|Republika_Hrvatska|Hrvatska|Zagreb|Rijeka|Osijek|Zadar|Slavonski Brod| Pula |Sesvete|Karlovac|Varaždin|Stenjevec|Šibenik
Cyprus|_NC_TR |-NC-TR |\.nc\.tr |Republic of Cyprus|Republic_of_Cyprus|cyprian|Nicosia|Limassol|Larnaca|Stróvolos|Famagusta|Paphos|Kyrenia|Protaras|Pergamos|Mórfou|Aradhippou|Paralímni
Czech Republic|\.cz|_CZ|-CZ|Czechia|Czech|Česká republika|Prague|Praha|Brno|Ostrava|Plzeň|Liberec|Olomouc|Ústí nad Labem|Hradec Králové|Pardubice|Havířov|Zlín|Kladno|Karviná
Denmark|Danmark|Kongeriget Danmark|Kongeriget_Danmark|Dansk|-DK |_DK |\.dk |Folding@dan|Copenhagen|Aarhus|Odense|Aalborg|Frederiksberg|Esbjerg|Horsens|Randers|Kolding|Vejle|Hvidovre|Greve
Estonia|_EE |-EE |\.ee |Eesti|Vabariik|Eesti|estonish|Tallinn|Tartu|Narva|Kohtla-Järve|Pärnu|Viljandi|Rakvere|Sillamäe|Maardu|Kuressaare|Võru|Valga
Finland|-FI |_FI |\.fi |Suomi|Suomen tasavalta|Suomen_tasavalta|Suomen|finnish|Helsinki|Espoo|Tampere|Vantaa|Turku|Oulu|Lahti|Kuopio|Jyvaskyla|Pori|Lappeenranta|Vaasa
France|-FR |_FR |\.fr |folding@fra|République française|République_française|française|francaise|francaise|Paris|Marseille|Lyon|Toulouse|Nantes|Strasbourg|Montpellier|Bordeaux|Lille|Rennes|Reims
Georgia|-GE |_GE |\.ge |georgish|Tbilisi|Kutaisi|Batumi|Sukhumi|Zugdidi|Rustavi|P’ot’i| Gori |Ts'khinvali|Samtredia|Khashuri|Senaki
Germany|Deutschland|Bundesrepublik Deutschland| BRD |-DE | GER |-GER |_GER |\.de |Folding@ger|Bundesrepublik_Deutschland|german|deutsch|Köln|koeln|cologn|munich|münchen|muenchen|Berlin|württemberg|wuertemberg|brandenburg| hessen |mecklenburg|niedersachsen|nordhrein|westfalen|franken |rheinland|saarland|sachsen|schleswig|thüringen|bayern|bayrisch|bavaria|hamburg|leipzig|duisburg|bochum|münch|kiel|düsseldorf|duesseldorf|rhein|stuttgart|flensburg|dortmund|bremen|frankfurt|dresden|hannover|nürnberg|nuernberg|bielefeld|münster|muenster|karlsruhe|mannheim|wuppertal|augsburg|wiesbaden|gelsenkirchen|mönchengladbach|moechengladbach|braunschweig|chemnitz|krefeld|freiburg|lübeck|oberhausen|erfurt|rostock|konstanz|paderborn|göttingen|goettingen
Greece|-GR |_GR |\.gr |folding@gre|Ellinikí|Ελληνική Δημοκρατία|Ελληνική_Δημοκρατία|Ελληνική|greek|Athens|Thessaloniki|Pátrai|Piraeus|Larissa|Peristeri|Heraklion|Kallithea|Acharnes|Kalamaria|Nikaia|Glyfada
Hungary|_HU |-HU |\.hu |folding@hun|Magyarország|Magyaror|hungari|Budapest|Debrecen|Miskolc|Szeged|Pécs|Győr|Nyíregyháza|Kecskemét|Székesfehérvár|Szombathely|Paradsasvar|Szolnok
Iceland|_IS |-IS |\.is |folding@isl|Ísland|Reykjavik|Kopavogur|Hafnarfjordur|Akureyri|Garðabaer|Mosfellsbaer|Akranes|Selfoss|Seltjarnarnes|Vestmannaeyjar|Grindavik|Isafjordur
Ireland|Éire|irish|-irl| irl |_irl|_IR |-IR |\.ir |folding@irl|Dublin|Cork|Limerick|Galway|Tallaght|Waterford|Drogheda|Dundalk| Bray |Dún Laoghaire|Navan |
Italy|_IT |\.it |folding@ita|Italia|Repubblica Italiana|Repubblica_Italiana|Italiana| Rome |Milan|Naples| Turin |Palermo|Genoa|Bologna|Florence|Catania| Bari |Messina
Kazakhstan|_KZ |-KZ |\.kz |Qazaqstan Respýblıkasy|Qazaqstan_Respýblıkasy|Qazaqstan|Kazakhs|Kazakh|Almaty|Karaganda|Shymkent|Taraz|Nur-Sultan|Pavlodar|Ust-Kamenogorsk|Kyzylorda|Semey|Aktobe|Kostanay|Petropavl
Latvia|_LV |-LV |\.lv |Latvijas Republika|Latvijas_Republika|Latvija| Riga |Daugavpils|Liepāja|Jelgava|Jūrmala|Ventspils|Rēzekne|Jēkabpils|Valmiera|Tukums|Cēsis
Liechtenstein|_LI |-LI |\.li |Fürstentum Liechtenstein|Fürstentum_Liechtenstein|Schaan|Vaduz|Triesen|Balzers| Eschen |Triesenberg|Ruggell|Gamprin|Schellenberg|Malbun
Lithuania|-LT |_LT |\.lt |Lietuvos Respublika|Lietuvos_Respublika|Lietuvos|Vilnius|Kaunas|Klaipėda|Šiauliai|Panevezys|Alytus|Marijampolė|Mažeikiai|Jonava|Utena|Kėdainiai|Telšiai
Luxembourg|-LU |_LU |\.lu |Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg|Groussherzogtum_Lëtzebuerg|Lëtzebuerg|Esch-sur-Alzette|Dudelange|Schifflange|Bettembourg|Pétange|Ettelbruck|Diekirch|Bertrange|Belvaux|Differdange
Malta|-MT |_MT |\.mt |Repubblika ta' Malta|Repubblika_ta'_Malta|Birkirkara|Qormi|Mosta|Żabbar|San Pawl il-Baħar|Fgura|Żejtun|Sliema|Haz-Zebbug|Ħamrun|Naxxar
Moldova|-MD |_MD |\.md |Republica Moldova|Republica_Moldova|Chisinau|Tiraspol|Bălţi|Tighina|Rîbniţa|Cahul |Ungheni|Soroca|Orhei|Dubăsari|Comrat|Edineţ
Monaco|-MC |\.mc |Principat de Mónegue|Principat_de_Mónegue|Mónegue|Principatu de Mùnegu|Principatu_de_Mùnegu|Mùnegu
Montenegro|-ME |_ME |\.me |Crna Gora|Crna_Gora|montenegrian|Podgorica|Nikšić|Herceg Novi|Pljevlja|Budva|Bijelo Polje|Cetinje|Berane|Ulcinj|Rožaje| Tivat
Netherlands|-NL |_NL |\.nl |Netherland|Nederland|Holland|dutch|Amsterdam|Rotterdam|The Hague|Utrecht|Eindhoven|Tilburg|Groningen|Almere Stad| Breda |Nijmegen|Enschede|Haarlem
North_Macedonia|-MK |_MK |\.mk |Macedonia|Republic of North Macedonia|Republic_of_North_Macedonia|Republika e Maqedonisë së Veriut|Republika_e_Maqedonisë_së_Veriut|Maqedonisë|macedonish|Skopje|Bitola|Kumanovo|Prilep|Tetovo| Čair |Kisela Voda| Veles |Ohrid|Gostivar|Shtip|Strumica
Norway|_NO |-NO |\.no |Kongerike Norge|Kongerike_Norge|Norge|Kongeriket Noreg|Kongeriket_Noreg|Noreg|Norgga|gonagasriika|Norgga|norvegian|Oslo|Bergen|Trondheim|Stavanger|Drammen|Fredrikstad|Kristiansand|Sandnes|Asker|Tromsø|Sarpsborg|Skien
Poland|_PL |-PL |\.pl |@pol|Rzeczpospolita Polska|Rzeczpospolita_Polska|Polska|polish|polsk|Warsaw|Łódź|Krakow|Wrocław|Poznan|Gdańsk|Szczecin|Bydgoszcz|Lublin|Katowice|Bialystok|Gdynia
Portugal|_PT |-PT |\.pt |República Portuguesa|República_Portuguesa|Portuguesa|portuge|Lisbon|Porto |Amadora|Braga|Setúbal|Coimbra|Queluz|Funchal|Cacém|Vila Nova de Gaia|Algueirão|Loures
Romania|_RO |-RO |\.ro |România|Bucharest|Iasi|Cluj-Napoca|Timișoara|Craiova|Constanța|Galati|Brasov|Ploieşti|Braila|Oradea|Bacau
Russia|Rossiyskaya FederatsiyaRossiyskaya_Federatsiya|Rossiyskaya|Российская Федерация|Российская|-RU |_RU |\.ru |Folding@rus|Moscow|Sibiria|Saint Petersburg|Novosibirsk|Yekaterinburg|Ekaterinburg|Novgorod|Samara|Omsk|Kazan|Rostov-on-Don|Chelyabinsk|Volgograd
San_Marino|_SM |-SM |\.sm |San Marino|Serravalle|Borgo Maggiore|City of San Marino|Domagnano|Fiorentino|Acquaviva|Faetano|Falciano|Chiesanuova|Montegiardino|Torraccia
Serbia|_RS |-RS |\.rs |Republika Srbija|Republika_Srbija|Srbija|serbish|Belgrade|Niš|Novi Sad|Zemun|Kragujevac|Čačak|Subotica|Leskovac|Novi Pazar|Kraljevo|Zrenjanin|Pančevo
Slovakia|_SK |-SK |\.sk |Slovenská republika|Slovenská_republika|Slovenská|Bratislava|Košice|Prešov|Nitra|Žilina|Banská Bystrica|Trnava|Trenčín|Poprad|Prievidza|Zvolen
Slovenia|-SI |_SI |\.si |Republika Slovenija|Republika_Slovenija|Slovenija|Ljubljana|Maribor|Celje|Kranj|Velenje|Koper|Novo Mesto|Ptuj|Trbovlje|Kamnik|Jesenice|Nova Gorica
Spain|-ES |_ES |\.es |Espana|España|Reino de España|Reino_de_España|Madrid|Barcelona|Valencia|Catalonia|Seville|Zaragoza|Málaga|Murcia| Palma |Canary|Canaria|Bilbao|Alicante|Cordova
Sweden|-SE |_SE |\.se |Folding@swe|Svenska|Konungariket Sverige|Konungariket_Sverige|Sverige|Svensk|Stockholm|Gothenburg|Malmo|Uppsala|Sollentuna|Västerås|Örebro|Linköping|Helsingborg|Jönköping|Norrköping|Huddinge
Switzerland|_CH |-CH |\.ch |Schweiz|Suisse|Svizzera|Zurich|Geneva|Basel| Bern |Lausanne|Winterthur|St. Gallen|Lugano|Lucerne|Biel/Bienne| Thun |Köniz
Turkey|_TR |-TR |\.tr |Türkiye Cumhuriyeti|Türkiye_Cumhuriyeti|Türkiye|Turks|Istanbul|Ankara|Izmir|Bursa|Adana|Gaziantep|Konya|Çankaya|Antalya|Bağcılar|Diyarbakır|Kayseri
Ukraine|-UA |_UA |\.ua |Urayina|ukrainian|Kyiv|Kharkiv|Dnipro|Donetsk|Odessa|Zaporizhia|Lviv|Kryvyi Rih|Mykolayiv|Mariupol|Luhansk|Sebastopol
United_Kingdom|United Kingdom|United-Kingdom|England|Britannia|britain|british|United Kingdom| UK-| UK | UK_|-UK |_UK |\.uk|Folding@uk|english|wales|Cymru|welsh|Scotland| Alba |scottish|scotchq|london|liverpool|manchester|Birmingham|Nottingham|Sheffield|Bristol|Glasgow|Leicester|Edinburgh|Leeds|Cardiff|ocUK|UKCloud|UKTouring|UKFurs|PotUK|multiplayUK|greenwich|oxford
Vatican|-VA |\.va |Stato della Città del Vaticano|Stato_della_Città_del_Vaticano|Vaticano
Europe|-EU |_EU |\.eu |European union
Huge changes -- i.e. Sweden aced Germany -- UK and the Netherlands increased rapidely --- just by finding some simple additional matches
(top output reduced to 10):

Code: Select all

"Rankings overall:"
"rank"  "score" "group"
     1  149463131698    "Norway"
     2  121005944310    "Russia"
     3  36252359184     "Sweden"
     4  27497962228     "Germany"
     5  19113962712     "United_Kingdom"
     6  16511287734     "Netherlands"
     7  9316949001      "Poland"
     8  8427451887      "Ukraine"
     9  6276407130      "Ireland"
    10  5979611259      "Belarus"
    11  5568353990      "Portugal"
    12  4686558528      "Lithuania"
    13  3847880318      "Greece"
    14  3078449622      "Slovakia"
    15  2582371851      "Estonia"
    16  2537278609      "Romania"
    17  2409085939      "Denmark"
    18  2314723952      "Italy"
    19  2242086681      "Austria"
    20  2158879099      "Hungary"
    21  2070271658      "Finland"
    22  1707818297      "Belgium"
    23  1636085674      "France"
    24  1480505832      "Europe"
    25  1229502712      "Turkey"
    26  833339323       "Georgia"
    27  647189284       "Latvia"
    28  611890580       "Spain"
    29  590008676       "Switzerland"
    30  515089417       "Bulgaria"
    31  434154750       "Iceland"
    32  181154269       "Croatia"
    33  153551894       "Luxembourg"
    34  115512431       "Serbia"
    35  58213809        "Malta"
    36  57106529        "Slovenia"
    37  48568311        "Moldova"
    38  31948704        "Kazakhstan"
    39  27505508        "Montenegro"
    40  23027840        "Azerbaijan"
    41  16192436        "Bosnia_and_Herzegovina"
    42  3256634 "North_Macedonia"
    43  3077374 "Andorra"
    44  2664522 "Cyprus"
    45  787312  "Armenia"
    46  213806  "San_Marino"
    47  67577   "Monaco"
    48  12736   "Liechtenstein"
    49  1097    "Albania"
    50  0       "Vatican"

"Norway"        "(Norway|_NO |-NO |\.no |Kongerike Norge|Kongerike_Norge|Norge|Kongeriket Noreg|Kongeriket_Noreg|Noreg|Norgga|gonagasriika|Norgga|norvegian|Oslo|Bergen|Trondheim|Stavanger|Drammen|Fredrikstad|Kristiansand|Sandnes|Asker|Tromsø|Sarpsborg|Skien)"

"Matches found:"        133
"Overall-score:"        149463131698
"Overall-WU:"   10579910

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  37651   ""   147302693140    10022988
     2  37827   "Team-Norway"   976283674       257618
     3  223761  "NorgemenND"    341644293       18088
     4  238979  "MensaNorway"   164309366       8118
     5  224474  "macrosloth"    113434516       27635
     6  158298  "Argur@Trondheim"       86320279        10001
     7  153767  "Bretting@Norge"        71133311        34715
     8  1152    "norway"        63834791        3342
     9  242538  "Atea Norway"   44948055        2176
    10  251978  "Knowit Bergen" 41645415        963

"Russia"        "(Russia|Rossiyskaya FederatsiyaRossiyskaya_Federatsiya|Rossiyskaya|Российская Федерация|Российская|-RU |_RU |\.ru |Folding@rus|Moscow|Sibiria|Saint Petersburg|Novosibirsk|Yekaterinburg|Ekaterinburg|Novgorod|Samara|Omsk|Kazan|Rostov-on-Don|Chelyabinsk|Volgograd)"

"Matches found:"        130
"Overall-score:"        121005944310
"Overall-WU:"   15500737

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  47191   "TSC! Russia"   119318444688    13716081
     2  279     "Russia"        1526150128      1591945
     3  224471  "Samara2013"    27499513        10414
     4  244174  "T! Rheno-Borussia"     20330564        1033
     5  239999  ""  15252806        1340
     6  243772  "Russia_228"    11386438        476
     7  70595   "PS3CLUB.RU"    9604538 37039
     8  126056  "Russia_Nsk"    9147462 26916
     9  195394  "SQL.RU"        7707933 12888
    10  85086   "G_A from Russia"       7657987 18800

"Sweden"        "(Sweden|-SE |_SE |\.se |Folding@swe|Svenska|Konungariket Sverige|Konungariket_Sverige|Sverige|Svensk|Stockholm|Gothenburg|Malmo|Uppsala|Sollentuna|Västerås|Örebro|Linköping|Helsingborg|Jönköping|Norrköping|Huddinge)"

"Matches found:"        153
"Overall-score:"        36252359184
"Overall-WU:"   5494372

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  37451   "[email protected]"       32022619220     4830019
     2  74600   "Team DF.LTH.SE"        2084755703      316069
     3  233257  "B C E Sweden"  576498292       15702
     4  831     "Sweden"        388971834       41767
     5  245476  ""       242846035       6931
     6  42956   "Erik Walfridsson, Kalmar, Sweden"      163416572       34794
     7  256457  "RISE ICE Lulea Sweden" 163365141       7239
     8  255108  "MensaSweden"   115181536       4618
     9  239347  "Svensk Karnkraft AB"   94840455        6578
    10  249100  "Intel DPGS Labs Sweden "       77319968        3562

"Germany"       "(Germany|Deutschland|Bundesrepublik Deutschland| BRD |-DE | GER |-GER |_GER |\.de |Folding@ger|Bundesrepublik_Deutschland|german|deutsch|Köln|cologn|Berlin|württemberg|brandenburg| hessen |mecklenburg|niedersachsen|nordhrein|westfalen|franken |rheinland|saarland|sachsen|schleswig|thüringen|bayern|bayrisch|bavaria|hamburg|leipzig|duisburg|bochum|münch|kiel|nürnberg|düsseldorf|rhein|stuttgart|flensburg|dortmund|bremen|frankfurt|dresden|hannover|nürnberg|bielefeldmünster|karlsruhe|mannheim|wuppertal|augsb

"Matches found:"        782
"Overall-score:"        27497962228
"Overall-WU:"   3657999

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  3       " - Germany"     13767563137     1147213
     2  251386  "University of Konstanz"        2655767641      124982
     3  43829   "SETI.Germany"  1364807148      562644
     4  229160  "Solarmobil_Karlsruhe_KIT"      1014581691      297651
     5  2804    "Team"        909064984       170368
     6  127907  "Leibniz-Uni-Hannover"  666438337       5753
     7  263603  "University_of_Augsburg"        603081236       74518
     8  34099   ""   476331846       69386
     9  226201  "SELK_Bochum"   420205102       18800
    10  45876   "Germany"       347833640       35843

"United_Kingdom"        "(United_Kingdom|United Kingdom|United-Kingdom|England|Britannia|britain|british|United Kingdom| UK-| UK | UK_|-UK |_UK |\.uk|Folding@uk|english|wales|Cymru|welsh|Scotland| Alba |scottish|scotchq|london|liverpool|manchester|Birmingham|Nottingham|Sheffield|Bristol|Glasgow|Leicester|Edinburgh|Leeds|Cardiff|ocUK|UKCloud|UKTouring|UKFurs|PotUK|multiplayUK)"

"Matches found:"        559
"Overall-score:"        19113962712
"Overall-WU:"   3338375

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  10      "OcUK"  14171217014     1727998
     2  46590   "MicroMart-UK"  1796496855      656344
     3  588     "Scotland"      242039080       15092
     4  241263  "UKTouring"     241202777       13074
     5  257437  "The University of Leeds"       176539006       20100
     6  91717   ""  173662171       97018
     7  45392   "UK BOINC Team" 149745837       9125
     8  249580  "UKCloud"       148996006       5580
     9  11488   "Prof. James Challis Most Excellent UK Team"    137748895       24393
    10  458     "University of Edinburgh"       108188572       10892

"Netherlands"   "(Netherlands|-NL |_NL |\.nl |Netherland|Nederland|Holland|dutch|Amsterdam|Rotterdam|The Hague|Utrecht|Eindhoven|Tilburg|Groningen|Almere Stad| Breda |Nijmegen|Enschede|Haarlem)"

"Matches found:"        193
"Overall-score:"        16511287734
"Overall-WU:"   4435148

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  92      "Dutch Power Cows"      14200870016     4241210
     2  242482  ""       1898372305      16133
     3  223282  "Zweefvliegclub Eindhovense Studenten"  77837083        8636
     4  250549  "ICT Nederlands"        77085534        2455
     5  46031   "SETI@netherlands"      32917591        13921
     6  232217  "Dutch_Zorin_Team"      27511706        5692
     7  242497  ""      27492537        829
     8  245504  "University of Groningen"       18077950        3398
     9  52084   "Dutch Alliance"        16470171        1808
    10  241182  "TechniciNederland"     16194901        872

"Poland"        "(Poland|_PL |-PL |\.pl |@pol|Rzeczpospolita Polska|Rzeczpospolita_Polska|Polska|polish|polsk|Warsaw|Łódź|Krakow|Wrocław|Poznan|Gdańsk|Szczecin|Bydgoszcz|Lublin|Katowice|Bialystok|Gdynia)"

"Matches found:"        154
"Overall-score:"        9316949001
"Overall-WU:"   2844540

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  276     "Poland"        6337282190      2577370
     2  250728  "FoldingAtHome Poland"  1654689602      45721
     3  254123  "Poznan University of Technology"       504252597       67279
     4  230262  "PolitechnikaSlaska-AEI-Gliwice-Poland" 438573862       17652
     5  262892  "Polska vs COVID-19"    59719616        6375
     6  89253   "Boinc@Poland"  45535157        4582
     7  42182   "Polish Tracker"        31074283        12477
     8  237809  "GEHC_PL"       29340707        871
     9  263011  "NOVOMATIC Technologies Poland" 26614331        3679
    10  253262  "(THE POLAND/DEUTSCHE BAHN) ALLIANCE"   25298078        838

"Ukraine"       "(Ukraine|-UA |_UA |\.ua |Urayina|ukrainian|Kyiv|Kharkiv|Dnipro|Donetsk|Odessa|Zaporizhia|Lviv|Kryvyi Rih|Mykolayiv|Mariupol|Luhansk|Sebastopol)"

"Matches found:"        32
"Overall-score:"        8427451887
"Overall-WU:"   3568906

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  2164    "Ukraine"       7184171618      3200419
     2  156571  "Overclockers.UA"       1128342457      336051
     3  252455  "SmartThings-UA"        65382241        4632
     4  53047   "Odessa_UA"     32538700        1813
     5  109915  "Ukraine-Canada"        6135897 12107
     6  228168  "Ukraine Kiev"  5062859 441
     7  153624  "Protozoa_Ukraine"      2186047 3677
     8  40251   "Ukraine_Kharkov"       834418  2249
     9  163338  "Kyiv Torchok Science lab"      774756  1743
    10  261335  "Kyiv Polytech" 501605  276

"Ireland"       "(Ireland|Éire|irish|-irl| irl |_irl|_IR |-IR |\.ir |folding@irl|Dublin|Cork|Limerick|Galway|Tallaght|Waterford|Drogheda|Dundalk| Bray |Dún Laoghaire|Navan |)"

"Matches found:"        74
"Overall-score:"        6276407130
"Overall-WU:"   239764

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  60443   "Ireland"       6099077287      188243
     2  257898  "Waterford Institute of Technology"     33866712        1961
     3  168037  "dublin _vikings"       32870868        1080
     4  231043  "Irish_Folding" 29241646        592
     5  245834  "Anti_Virus_IRL"        22378378        1650
     6  196661  "Energy & Design Lab (Dublin City University)"  21187496        5107
     7  224516  "West Coast Folders IRL"        7075710 1892
     8  263127  "Irish Radio Amateurs"  6029088 1451
     9  51576   ""  5132827 16821
    10  211205  "Satan_IR"      2877601 232

"Belarus"       "(Belarus|Republic of Belarus|Republic_of_Belarus|Рэспубліка Беларусь|Беларусь|Республика Беларусь|-BY |_BY |\.by |Minsk|Barysaw|Salihorsk|Maladzyechna|Zhodzina|Slutsk|Vileyka|Dzyarzhynsk|Borisov|Soligorsk|Molodechno|Zhodino|Slutsk|Dzerzhinsk|Mar’ina Gorka)"

"Matches found:"        13
"Overall-score:"        5979611259
"Overall-WU:"   639897

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  11897   "Folding Belarus (FBY)" 5933501400      591968
     2  48709   "Minsk Team"    39403196        39634
     3  175953  "BIO_BSU_BY"    4780770 4666
     4  263667  "Minsk Hackerspace"     1085786 345
     5  773     "Belarus"       487847  3077
     6  225985  "Belarus Team"  286105  73
     7  226644  "Minsk" 27813   24
     8  228985  "Belarus Freedom"       23629   39
     9  48733   "Republic of Belarus"   9197    39
    10  49511   "Belarus.Grodno.Team"   5025    21

"Portugal"      "(Portugal|_PT |-PT |\.pt |República Portuguesa|República_Portuguesa|Portuguesa|portuge|Lisbon|Porto |Amadora|Braga|Setúbal|Coimbra|Queluz|Funchal|Cacém|Vila Nova de Gaia|Algueirão|Loures)"

"Matches found:"        77
"Overall-score:"        5568353990
"Overall-WU:"   3108035

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  35271   "Portugal@Folding"      5428037629      3058902
     2  260601  "NOS@Portugal"  67392265        9474
     3  245187  "#SomosTodosEventos - AV Portugal"      18640503        1224
     4  498     "PORTUGAL"      10580715        8656
     5  252418  "Marretas_LX_PT"        9559620 533
     6  234090  "Volunteer Computing - Portugal"        7551313 1627
     7  241105  "Neuroimaging Braga"    5826723 665
     8  255986  "Portugal Against Covid-19"     4464120 356
     9  72387   "PortugalCaboVerdeAngolaFolding"        3235774 3967
    10  261802  "Foldings from Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil"      3083010 262

"Lithuania"     "(Lithuania|-LT |_LT |\.lt |Lietuvos Respublika|Lietuvos_Respublika|Lietuvos|Vilnius|Kaunas|Klaipėda|Šiauliai|Panevezys|Alytus|Marijampolė|Mažeikiai|Jonava|Utena|Kėdainiai|Telšiai)"

"Matches found:"        19
"Overall-score:"        4686558528
"Overall-WU:"   1484669

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  36816   "Team Lithuania"        4683311785      1477812
     2  3558    "Lithuania"     2913895 6075
     3  37728   "Vilnius University"    264456  185
     4  10007   "LithuaniaFoldingHomeTeam"      27394   6
     5  10079   "Lithuania Folding@home team"   12501   460
     6  139804  "lithuania the apartment"       8546    24
     7  10712   "Folding@Home Lithuanian Team"  4235    1
     8  10008   "Lithuania team"        3735    1
     9  180886  "Lithuania Science Friends"     3105    20
    10  152832  "Lithuanian NP" 2962    11

"Greece"        "(Greece|-GR |_GR |\.gr |folding@gre|Ellinikí|Ελληνική Δημοκρατία|Ελληνική_Δημοκρατία|Ελληνική|greek|Athens|Thessaloniki|Pátrai|Piraeus|Larissa|Peristeri|Heraklion|Kallithea|Acharnes|Kalamaria|Nikaia|Glyfada)"

"Matches found:"        135
"Overall-score:"        3847880318
"Overall-WU:"   1929759

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  44079   "PC Magazine Greek Edition"     2465533890      984734
     2  36673   "ADSLgr - Greek aDSL Users"     1138295092      802168
     3  32378   "TheLab.GR"     67085830        16418
     4  838     "Greece"        58055882        18289
     5  236141  "Greek Team against COVID-19"   22110942        1019
     6  257054  "" 20457645        1131
     7  33226   "B.K. Folding Labs, Thessaloniki, Greece"       15504317        2154
     8  48896   ""       11235294        6926
     9  79535   "Greek_Folders" 8740137 11589
    10  240249  "(ETG) Extreme Techs of Greece" 6551375 770

"Slovakia"      "(Slovakia|_SK |-SK |\.sk |Slovenská republika|Slovenská_republika|Slovenská|Bratislava|Košice|Prešov|Nitra|Žilina|Banská Bystrica|Trnava|Trenčín|Poprad|Prievidza|Zvolen)"

"Matches found:"        20
"Overall-score:"        3078449622
"Overall-WU:"   484720

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  124205  ""      1831173323      320708
     2  124     "Slovakia"      1133861163      140388
     3  47295   ""    50197821        13874
     4  47372   "BOINC.SK"      30731701        3775
     5  246378  "Blockchain Slovakia"   15664368        980
     6  252782  ""    10974523        1265
     7  236905  "FoldingAtSlovakia"     4491323 389
     8  249028  "Orange Slovakia"       936461  67
     9  143567  ""     151715  579
    10  244626  ""     77876   133

"Estonia"       "(Estonia|_EE |-EE |\.ee |Eesti|Vabariik|Eesti|estonish|Tallinn|Tartu|Narva|Kohtla-Järve|Pärnu|Viljandi|Rakvere|Sillamäe|Maardu|Kuressaare|Võru|Valga)"

"Matches found:"        15
"Overall-score:"        2582371851
"Overall-WU:"   937478

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  385     "Estonia"       2445657597      807404
     2  254117  "Tallinn University of Technology"      129838397       127995
     3  262120  "AustralianStartupFolders"      2926762 80
     4  262965  "NaRvAnet"      2744138 509
     5  229279  "Folders_Against_Religious_Obnoxious_Unctuous_Tartuffery_(FAROUT)"      405698  806
     6  69909   ""       316975  383
     7  213411  "Universitas Tartuensis"        286195  118
     8  161964  "Eesti" 126451  18
     9  242411  "UKStartups"    27132   23
    10  262031  "University of Tartu HPC team"  17561   16

"Romania"       "(Romania|_RO |-RO |\.ro |România|Bucharest|Iasi|Cluj-Napoca|Timișoara|Craiova|Constanța|Galati|Brasov|Ploieşti|Braila|Oradea|Bacau)"

"Matches found:"        74
"Overall-score:"        2537278609
"Overall-WU:"   989377

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  228792  "Igromania"     1681558938      368638
     2  75559   "Team Romania"  472449877       135447
     3  12713   "folding@romania"       119600534       119719
     4  3044    "romania"       67365156        3281
     5  235366  ""        62189920        848
     6  68284   ""    53084492        319491
     7  157512  "University of Bucharest - Faculty of Business and Administration"      24032713        8740
     8  260970  "Politehnica University Timisoara Romania"      17401861        2295
     9  36178   "Particularii din Bucuresti - ROMANIA"  13018089        16073
    10  249235  " - Romanian Gamers" 6238654 802

"Denmark"       "(Denmark|Danmark|Kongeriget Danmark|Kongeriget_Danmark|Dansk|-DK |_DK |\.dk |Folding@dan|Copenhagen|Aarhus|Odense|Aalborg|Frederiksberg|Esbjerg|Horsens|Randers|Kolding|Vejle|Hvidovre|Greve)"

"Matches found:"        192
"Overall-score:"        2409085939
"Overall-WU:"   1237267

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  244     "Denmark"       492167576       40753
     2  34688   ""       422417244       545831
     3  237006  "Dansk Esport"  403406546       29339
     4  1675    ""        351109808       14459
     5  13939   ""   127779482       286354
     6  249218  ""  98331762        14457
     7  69476   "Ranger_Carl_DK"        48067717        21100
     8  250770  " / Data-Link"        44919620        2381
     9  33337   "Team"     38103785        129576
    10  34155   "#anime-dk"     37135447        15290

"Italy" "(Italy|_IT |\.it |folding@ita|Italia|Repubblica Italiana|Repubblica_Italiana|Italiana| Rome |Milan|Naples| Turin |Palermo|Genoa|Bologna|Florence|Catania| Bari |Messina)"

"Matches found:"        334
"Overall-score:"        2314723952
"Overall-WU:"   959307

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  61171   "BOINC.Italy"   464887111       70845
     2  246330  "Italia@home"   379044234       22238
     3  46729   "THG Italia Folding@Home Team"  364568648       321372
     4  123     "Folding_Research_Italy"        146921239       37713
     5  257463  "[email protected]"      138109582       14127
     6  38674   ""      116538459       11558
     7  1344    "Italia"        98141993        16983
     8  226128  "Mediatech Italy"       92395618        39481
     9  247705  "Tammilanit"    50225852        1170
    10  223398  " Italia - Web Design, Networking & Automation"       25690154        38859

"Austria"       "(Austria|Oestereich|Östereich|östereich|-AT |_AT |\.at |Folding@aus|Wien|Vienna|Graz|Linz|Salzburg|Innsbruck|Klagenfurt|Villach| Wels |Sankt Pölten|Dornbirn)"

"Matches found:"        125
"Overall-score:"        2242086681
"Overall-WU:"   221747

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  1604    "austria"       918302062       67648
     2  11246   "[email protected]"     289411823       23974
     3  239053  "Uni Wien INF/WINF"     225269754       21826
     4  245443  "TeamAustria"   215029429       16781
     5  262259  "FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences, Austria" 97498313        4110
     6  53791   "HTU Wien"      67779356        10402
     7  158914  "uni salzburg"  48750013        1861
     8  255145  "FH Campus Wien"        44524360        2494
     9  258331  ""        41506258        3438
    10  255190  "Wiener Corona Griller" 40056385        3328

...AND SO ON....
Hmmm... added Konstanz to germany as well..... In Germany, it looks like as there is a folding-contest between Universities ongoing....

And just my personal favorites:
One (small) country, one team at all, no excuses, straight... still folding:

Code: Select all


"Liechtenstein" "(Liechtenstein|_LI |-LI |\.li |Fürstentum Liechtenstein|Fürstentum_Liechtenstein|Schaan|Vaduz|Triesen|Balzers| Eschen |Triesenberg|Ruggell|Gamprin|Schellenberg|Malbun)"

"Matches found:"        1
"Overall-score:"        12736
"Overall-WU:"   10

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"
     1  264477  "Liechtenstein Power Team"      12736   10

Last edited by mmou on Mon Nov 09, 2020 7:19 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun May 03, 2020 6:19 pm

Re: skript interpolating nations from team-stats

Post by mmou »

Add-on / new: -- to determain / calculate differences between previous nations-csv-output.
This is an addition to the previously distributed

It might be interesting to see the dynamics of the particular countries / teams instead of just viewing the
actual score.

Content of

Code: Select all


# -- Build a diff / add columns showing differences between 2 nations-output

# This (told you so -- ugly quick-and-dirty) shell-script takes 2 different previously
# generated outputs from the nations-script, parses them  and calculates the differences 
# between them, providing output by adding some xtra-columns on the right to show 
# differences in ranking, score and WU. 

# Compared to the its  ugly. Test on your own risk
# without any warranty. Free to use, free to be picked
# up and enhanced, but use on your own risk in the matter of GPLv3 (and so on....).

# Prepare:
# Same as already mentioned for -- 
# You should have the binary-calculator "bc" installed on your linux-system.
# Using UFT-8 as charset while cut/paste country.conf and the viewing the results is
# a good idea I think...

# Usage:
# cut/paste -- drop this script into your previosly created folder for the stuff.
# (ugly temp-files will be created there).
# CD into this directory (!),
# do "chmod u+x",
# have a backup (always a good idea!),
# may be You would like to review the code below (wearing dark sunglasses ?)...
# You need to have 2 different outputs of the
# i.e.:   
#   ./ > older.csv   (generated, based on an older daily_team_summary.txt)
#   ./ > newer.csv   (generated, based on an newer daily_team_summary.txt)
# then you may want to do:
# ./ older.csv newer.csv > result.csv

# You may watch the results as .csv (i.e using libreoffice-calc), then do:
# libreoffice result.csv
# choose TAB as seperator, choose UTF8 as charset, choose "quoted-text-fields"-option.
# You may want to restrict width of several columns to less characters manually.

# Gaps:
# This script is straight-forward, not performance-optimized. Takes some time to parse and calculate.
# be patient. it reacts sensible to corrupted input-data as well, I didn't spent time in 
# sanity-checks. 

# minimal pre-flight-check:
if [ ! -f "$1" -o ! -f "$2" ]
   echo "File(s) not found" 1>&2

# Some definitions / don't change:

# dont touch...  enshure, that sort has a normal behaviour.
export LC_ALL="C"

#  dont touch... The field-delimiter within the original-dataset is a single <TAB>.
# In cases if you just cut+paste this script (TAB's get broken). So we just generate it.
XDELIMITER=`echo " " | sed -e's/ /\t/'`

# sed-foo: placing some field-identifier in the second column of the older.csv to improve matching on team-numbers and
# escape '"'-chars as well:

# empty tmp-file:

# set Internal-Field-Seperator to lienbreak:

# Initialize MODE-Flag to default

# Parse the newer.csv line by line, place the field-delimiter on the beginning of every line (even if it'd empty)
# escaping '"'-chars as well....  as NLINE 
for NLINE in `cat "$NEWFILE" | sed -e 's/^/'"$XDELIMITER"'/ ; s/"/ESCAPEQUOTEESCAPE/g'`
   # for every line:
   # grab content of column2 (previously column1 in originalfile)
   XIDENT=`echo "$NLINE" | cut -f2 -d"$XDELIMITER"`

   # if empty -- i.e. blank line.... Reset mode-flag
   if [ -z "$XIDENT" ]

   # if first column contains "rank" then print enhanced header global ranking to output-file
       echo '"rank"'"$XDELIMITER"'"score"'"$XDELIMITER"'"group"'"$XDELIMITER"'"diff-rank"'"$XDELIMITER"'"diff-score"' >> "$XOUTMP"

   # if first column contains "team_rank" then print enhanced header for team-detail-ranking to output-file
       echo '"team_rank"'"$XDELIMITER"'"team_id_num"'"$XDELIMITER"'"team_name"'"$XDELIMITER"'"team_score"'"$XDELIMITER"'"team_WU"'"$XDELIMITER"'"diff-rank"'"$XDELIMITER"'"diff-score"'"$XDELIMITER"'"diff-wu"' >> "$XOUTMP"

   # if not one of the above and MODE is just default then just print the line (removing previously inserted delimiter at the beginning)
   elif [ "$XMODE" = "none" ]
      echo "$NLINE" | cut -f2-100 -d"$XDELIMITER" >> "$XOUTMP"

   # if not one of the above and MODE="group" then handle the line as global-score-line
   elif [ "$XMODE" = "group" ]
      # extract countryname-column-value for use as search-key  
      XKEY=`echo "$NLINE" | cut -f4 -d"$XDELIMITER"`
      # grep for the countryname within the prepared older.csv-tempfile and pick just the first matching line as OLINE
      OLINE=`grep -- "$YKEY" "$XTMPFILE" | head -1`

      # if the OLINE line is not empty -- means, that there was a previous matching value in older.csv:  
      if [ -n "$OLINE" ]
         # extract rank- and score-columns from NLINE and OLINE as well, stripping off previously inserted field-identifier of OLINE-column2
         NRANK=`echo "$NLINE"  | cut -f2 -d"$XDELIMITER"`
         NSCORE=`echo "$NLINE"  | cut -f3 -d"$XDELIMITER"`
         ORANK=`echo "$OLINE"  | cut -f1 -d"$XDELIMITER"`
         OSCORE=`echo "$OLINE"  | cut -f2 -d"$XDELIMITER" | cut -f2 -d"="`

         # just print the line (removing previously inserted delimiter at the beginning) to the output w/o trailing newline...
         XORIG=`echo -n "$NLINE" | cut -f2-100 -d"$XDELIMITER"`
         echo -n  "$XORIG" >> "$XOUTMP" >> "$XOUTMP"
         # Let BC do the calculations and print out the rest of the line (as additional columns)... 
        echo "a=($NRANK - $ORANK) * -1 ; b=$NSCORE - $OSCORE"' ; print "\t",a,"\t",b,"\n"' | bc >> "$XOUTMP"

      # if there is no matching value in older.csv: its a newcomer... previous results must e assumed as 0
         # print the original line and add the actual values as difference.... 
         XORIG=`echo -n "$NLINE" | cut -f2-100 -d"$XDELIMITER"`
         echo -n  "$XORIG" >> "$XOUTMP"
         NCRED=`echo "$NLINE"  | cut -f3 -d"$XDELIMITER"`
         echo "$XDELIMITER"'"newcomer"'"$XDELIMITER$NCRED" >> "$XOUTMP"

   # if not one of the above and MODE="team" then handle the line as team-score-line
   elif [ "$XMODE" = "team" ]

      # extract team-number-column-value for use as search-key   
      XKEY=`echo "$NLINE" | cut -f3 -d"$XDELIMITER"`

      # grep for the team-number within the prepared older.csv-tempfile using inserted identifier "XIDENTF=" to gain a proper, unique match. 
      # pick the first found match (improper, in case of rankings at teams who are assigned to more then one country by
      # There are some few cases only -- I don't like to fix for the moment, this would need improvements data-formats -- not within this scripts 
      # and not now. Sorry  --  we need to live with that for the moment.
      OLINE=`grep -- "$YKEY" "$XTMPFILE" | head -1`

      # if the OLINE line is not empty -- means, that there was a previous matching value in older.csv:        
      if [ -n "$OLINE" ]
         # extract rank- score- and WU-columns from NLINE and OLINE as well
         NRANK=`echo "$NLINE"  | cut -f2 -d"$XDELIMITER"`
         NSCORE=`echo "$NLINE"  | cut -f5 -d"$XDELIMITER"`
         NWORK=`echo "$NLINE"  | cut -f6 -d"$XDELIMITER"`
         ORANK=`echo "$OLINE"  | cut -f1 -d"$XDELIMITER"`
         OSCORE=`echo "$OLINE"  | cut -f4 -d"$XDELIMITER"`
         OWORK=`echo "$OLINE"  | cut -f5 -d"$XDELIMITER"`

         # just print the line (removing previously inserted delimiter at the beginning) to the output w/o trailing newline...
         XORIG=`echo -n "$NLINE" | cut -f2-100 -d"$XDELIMITER"`
         echo -n  "$XORIG" >> "$XOUTMP" >> "$XOUTMP"
         # Let BC do the calculations and print out the rest of the line (as additional columns)... 
         echo "a=($NRANK - $ORANK) * -1 ; b=$NSCORE-$OSCORE ; c=$NWORK-$OWORK"' ; print "\t",a,"\t",b,"\t",c,"\n"' | bc >> "$XOUTMP"

      # if there is no matching value in older.csv: its a newcomer... previous results must e assumed as 0
         # print the original line and add the actual points/WU as difference...
         XORIG=`echo -n "$NLINE" | cut -f2-100 -d"$XDELIMITER"` 
         NCRED=`echo "$NLINE"  | cut -f5,6 -d"$XDELIMITER"`
         echo -n  "$XORIG" >> "$XOUTMP"
         echo "$XDELIMITER"'"newcomer"'"$XDELIMITER$NCRED" >> "$XOUTMP"


   # if first column contains "rank" then set the mode to "group" for the next rounds/lines

   # if first column contains "team_rank" then set the mode to "team" for the next rounds/lines


# finally write out the output-tmp replacing the Quote-escape by '"'-chars
cat "$XOUTMP" | sed -e 's/ESCAPEQUOTEESCAPE/"/g'

# thats it....

Here is some sample-output.
You may want to view this as CSV using Libreoffice-Calc.

Code: Select all

"Rankings overall:"
"rank"  "score" "group" "diff-rank"     "diff-score"
     1  149463131698    "Norway"        0       1547380135
     2  121005944310    "Russia"        0       500972303
     3  36252359184     "Sweden"        0       629323550
     4  27497962228     "Germany"       0       956683158
     5  19113962712     "United_Kingdom"        0       310495841
     6  16511287734     "Netherlands"   0       853667289
     7  9316949001      "Poland"        0       482296761
     8  8427451887      "Ukraine"       0       69639505
     9  6276407130      "Ireland"       0       63395970
    10  5979611259      "Belarus"       0       21481131
    11  5568353990      "Portugal"      0       116985758
    12  4686558528      "Lithuania"     0       76313757
    13  3847880318      "Greece"        0       21236817
    14  3078449622      "Slovakia"      0       105074698
    15  2582371851      "Estonia"       1       90413770
    16  2537278609      "Romania"       -1      24019309
    17  2409085939      "Denmark"       0       102135733
    18  2314723952      "Italy" 0       108842379
    19  2242086681      "Austria"       1       227066681
    20  2158879099      "Hungary"       -1      109540011
    21  2070271658      "Finland"       0       94855917
    22  1707818297      "Belgium"       0       121844939
    23  1636085674      "France"        0       61700721
    24  1480505832      "Europe"        0       138430719
    25  1229502712      "Turkey"        0       11903818
    26  833339323       "Georgia"       0       92242655
    27  647189284       "Latvia"        0       13848558
    28  611890580       "Spain" 0       51787321
    29  590008676       "Switzerland"   0       61021731
    30  515089417       "Bulgaria"      0       14813318
    31  434154750       "Iceland"       0       27081916
    32  181154269       "Croatia"       0       8305986
    33  153551894       "Luxembourg"    0       36032486
    34  115512431       "Serbia"        0       8934357
    35  58213809        "Malta" 0       5754214
    36  57106529        "Slovenia"      0       7594156
    37  48568311        "Moldova"       0       428779
    38  31948704        "Kazakhstan"    0       182703
    39  27505508        "Montenegro"    0       6390
    40  23027840        "Azerbaijan"    0       1820177
    41  16192436        "Bosnia_and_Herzegovina"        0       1255965
    42  3256634 "North_Macedonia"       0       0
    43  3077374 "Andorra"       0       0
    44  2664522 "Cyprus"        0       135550
    45  787312  "Armenia"       0       0
    46  213806  "San_Marino"    0       0
    47  67577   "Monaco"        0       10098
    48  12736   "Liechtenstein" 0       4706
    49  1097    "Albania"       0       0
    50  0       "Vatican"       0       0

"Norway"        "(Norway|_NO |-NO |\.no |Kongerike Norge|Kongerike_Norge|Norge|Kongeriket Noreg|Kongeriket_Noreg|Noreg|Norgga|gonagasriika|Norgga|norvegian|Oslo|Bergen|Trondheim|Stavanger|Drammen|Fredrikstad|Kristiansand|Sandnes|Asker|Tromsø|Sarpsborg|Skien)"

"Matches found:"        133
"Overall-score:"        149463131698
"Overall-WU:"   10579910

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"       "diff-rank"     "diff-score"    "diff-wu"
     1  37651   ""   147302693140    10022988        0       1494017331      24516
     2  37827   "Team-Norway"   976283674       257618  0       13046957        1098
     3  223761  "NorgemenND"    341644293       18088   0       0       0
     4  238979  "MensaNorway"   164309366       8118    0       14474430        562
     5  224474  "macrosloth"    113434516       27635   0       1668544 157
     6  158298  "Argur@Trondheim"       86320279        10001   0       0       0
     7  153767  "Bretting@Norge"        71133311        34715   0       0       0
     8  1152    "norway"        63834791        3342    0       5660341 201
     9  242538  "Atea Norway"   44948055        2176    1       5113801 138
    10  251978  "Knowit Bergen" 41645415        963     -1      87040   2
    11  252269  "HackThecrisisNorway"   39778185        3214    0       2972182 179
    12  250904  "ArrowECSNorway"        28621542        1917    0       272001  7
    13  241724  ""      23677969        445     1       5217124 59
    14  238256  ""    22489222        3022    -1      302177  222
    15  236694  "NorwayNerds"   14134432        371     0       0       0
    16  144270  ""      10923481        36787   0       0       0
    17  262277  "Einstein Data & Design Norway" 8831040 556     1       1258524 39
    18  71876   "Team Oslo"     7648616 14610   -1      0       0

"Sweden"        "(Sweden|-SE |_SE |\.se |Folding@swe|Svenska|Konungariket Sverige|Konungariket_Sverige|Sverige|Svensk|Stockholm|Gothenburg|Malmo|Uppsala|Sollentuna|Västerås|Örebro|Linköping|Helsingborg|Jönköping|Norrköping|Huddinge)"

"Matches found:"        153
"Overall-score:"        36252359184
"Overall-WU:"   5494372

"team_rank"     "team_id_num"   "team_name"     "team_score"    "team_WU"       "diff-rank"     "diff-score"    "diff-wu"
     1  37451   "[email protected]"       32022619220     4830019 0       476790216       17174
     2  74600   "Team DF.LTH.SE"        2084755703      316069  0       9679080 578
     3  233257  "B C E Sweden"  576498292       15702   0       3399829 82
     4  831     "Sweden"        388971834       41767   0       35351441        1671
     5  245476  ""       242846035       6931    0       33455986        846
     6  42956   "Erik Walfridsson, Kalmar, Sweden"      163416572       34794   0       2022689 65
     7  256457  "RISE ICE Lulea Sweden" 163365141       7239    0       12477231        583
     8  255108  "MensaSweden"   115181536       4618    0       23604514        616
     9  239347  "Svensk Karnkraft AB"   94840455        6578    0       11087651        749
    10  249100  "Intel DPGS Labs Sweden "       77319968        3562    0       0       0
    11  257529  " folding team"  55731305        2285    0       2591953 86
    12  36990   "Techsweden Folding Team"       47069200        64126   0       0       0
    13  244342  "SwedenAgainstCorona"   40553325        3029    0       2605043 151
    14  231252  "EITS-SE"       31261913        7689    0       3503124 327
    15  238550  "swedencpp"     26550611        1971    0       4824550 233
    16  249     "Team Sweden"   19892817        67092   0       113934  35
    17  257363  "videocrewsweden"       14286474        1251    0       165604  88
    18  246691  "Team Waterdragon Sweden"       10582351        1078    0       1412817 106
    19  10855   " students"       8450479 2295    0       1161077 47
    20  257643  "Svenska SandarAmatorer"        6886832 2019    1       711563  158
    21  252774  "Stockholm Folders"     6845691 173     -1      0       0
    22  58968   "Team" 5824188 24005   0       0       0
    23  248444  "Stockholm Science & Innovation School" 5795333 1905    0       0       0
    24  254054  "Parkering Malmo"       5699250 1135    0       617551  118
    25  210289  "Ubuntu Sverige"        3904622 5403    0       28265   23


Posts: 19
Joined: Sun May 03, 2020 6:19 pm

Re: skript interpolating nations from team-stats

Post by mmou »

One interesting aspect working / watching the results by these scripts are shown today.

France has generally not as many points, because many folders unite within the international
team "francophone" already, but therefore could not be applied to a single countries result.

Today I'm wondering -- From yesterday until today it showed, that the France-group lost another 8 million points ---
What?! -- A negative result? ---- What's this? -- Cheating? Disqualified? Statistics-bug? ---


I investigated and found out that the team 263953 "FranceAmericasFriendship" (previously matched to "France")
scoring 12.842.888 points just renamed to "IAmOneInAMillion" and therefore was not recognized by the France-selection anymore.

Post Reply