My scores aren't lining up.

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My scores aren't lining up.

Post by Crawdaddy79 »

Hello Folders,

I'm wondering if this is a common problem and if there's a fix.

I have three different scores for my username.

Code: Select all

1: 267,390 @ my FAH profile  
- This hasn't changed in a day, since I enabled a passkey.

2: 497,150 @ my Web Control screen
- This reset from 267,390 to 0 once I entered a passkey.  I've gained 497k since.

3: 604,820 @ Extreme Overclocking
- This seems to add both together, but not really.  
I had a PC crash after entering my passkey (without rebooting the client). Upon restart I noticed it was running as Anonymous and re-input my information.

Would getting another passkey allow my stats to match across the board or is there some behind-the-scenes database finagling that has to happen?

Thank you for your help.
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Re: My scores aren't lining up.

Post by kiore »

Just use the passkey and same name and team for everything if you enter a new passkey it will require 10 new work units to qualify for the quick return bonus (QRB). Sorry but it not possible to combine different points recorded under different names. This will sort itself out once you are set up and running with the desired name passkey and team.
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Re: My scores aren't lining up.

Post by Crawdaddy79 »

Hi kiore,

All of these points were created under the same name (Crawdaddy79). My first 100k or so was from ten years ago. (I just restarted because of COVID.)

I'm wondering what the issue is for my points not updating at the official folding stats site, yet they are for the EOC stats site, and I'm worried that re-doing the passkey might mess things up again.

Is it normal for the web control client to reset to zero when a passkey is entered?
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Re: My scores aren't lining up.

Post by bruce »

The Name is shared with anybody that wants to use it, not just you. The {Name,Passkey} pair is unique because your passkey is unique.
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