I'm wondering if this is a common problem and if there's a fix.
I have three different scores for my username.
Code: Select all
1: 267,390 @ my FAH profile https://stats.foldingathome.org/donor/Crawdaddy79
- This hasn't changed in a day, since I enabled a passkey.
2: 497,150 @ my Web Control screen http://www.crawspace.com/web3/20200321_folding_webctrl.png
- This reset from 267,390 to 0 once I entered a passkey. I've gained 497k since.
3: 604,820 @ Extreme Overclocking https://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/user_summary.php?s=&u=13878
- This seems to add both together, but not really.
Would getting another passkey allow my stats to match across the board or is there some behind-the-scenes database finagling that has to happen?
Thank you for your help.