I'm currently running a little rig i got for free 24/7. It's an Athlon x2 4600+ @ 2.4Ghz (refuses to overclock which sucks..) Now I know it's pretty poor, the PPD/w ratio isn't the best (65w) but every little helps right?
Three photos if you want to look at it:
It does 1400+ PPD which isn't the best I know. Still it was completely free and has no other use in life. It is running Ubuntu Server from a USB stick and I was wondering if i could put a low end GPU on this to help the PPD a bit?
My questions are, can Ubuntu server/linux in general run GPU folding and secondly, which GPU(s) could i use? I was thinking about a Nvidia GT610 or something. Again i know this isn't going to be a monster but I'm doing it on a cheap as possible basis.
Thanks for any advice.
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