anko1 wrote:Oh, thanks. I thought that maybe I could qfix the wuresults_05 file. Is that for the redo of the wu?
Yes, qfix can repair any queue entry, but only under certain conditions.
When the status READY is seen in queueinfo, that means the WU in that slot still needs to be completed.
After a WU reaches 100%, the core shuts down, several of the files are compined into a single file called wuresults_^ ready to be uploaded. The other files are deleted, and the status is changed from READY to (I don't remember the next word).
With a typical EUE, partial results are moved into wuresults_* and the queue is updated, and uploading proceeds.
With certain really bad EUEs, the WU is deleted rather than uploaded. In other conditions, something hangs and the client must be killed.
Though it's never supposed to happen, In those situations, it's possible to have a queue that says the entry is EMPTY bue the wuresults actually was created. That's something that qfix can repair.
It's also possible to have a wuresults file but the queue may not be EMPTY. Qfix will not fix that condition, but you can. In this situation, you can delete the WU (which makes READY into EMPTY). Then qfix can repair it.
Qfix can fix wuresults_05 provided (A) The wuresults file has been stored by the FahCore, (B) The queue entry says it is EMPTY, and (C) the PRCG contained in the wuresults matches the PRCG that used to be in the corresponding queue entry.