k1wi wrote:I don't know whether it's just me but it looks like the new post count is back to working normally...
Went from 8000 to 2!
Yes, mine reset very recently, and I wasn't sure what happened. I thought I had hit the max and reset.
I'm also seeing that the pages and PHP scripts seem to load faster than before.
F@h is now the top computing platform on the planet and nothing unites people like a dedicated fight against a common enemy. This virus affects all of us. Lets end it together.
k1wi wrote:The site was unresponsive for me about 14 hours ago so I wonder if there has been an upgrade.
Mint forums (which like the xkcd forums also uses phpBB) was down for me a short while ago, so I think they were upgrading there too.
Yep, the forum is faster on the mobile version as well.
F@h is now the top computing platform on the planet and nothing unites people like a dedicated fight against a common enemy. This virus affects all of us. Lets end it together.
The "new post" count keeps resetting, as does the list. It's been so long, I forget, ( ) is this normal behavior? IIRC, I think it used to show a list of all posts in the last few weeks, no?
F@h is now the top computing platform on the planet and nothing unites people like a dedicated fight against a common enemy. This virus affects all of us. Lets end it together.
Yes, the new post count would reset. I just don't remember it resetting so quickly- it seems like it's doing so every several hours now, while I remember it being more along the lines of every day or every other day. But truthfully I forget what the reset interval was.
Humm.... I am pretty sure that it was never for the last few weeks. I remember that it would be less than a day since I used to check frequently and would occasionally get "0 new posts"
Now ↞ Very Soon ↔ Soon ↔ Soon-ish ↔ Not Soon ↠ End Of Time
It's now showing 0 new posts for me, even though there were several today. (it's getting late here, so it may have reset at the midnight mark at the host's location) I suggest that the New Posts feed should show the posts from up to a week or two ago. The old behavior of listing everything is more desirable than what's happening now, as an available list of recent posts makes it easy to follow discussions and quickly find recent threads that could answer a question.
F@h is now the top computing platform on the planet and nothing unites people like a dedicated fight against a common enemy. This virus affects all of us. Lets end it together.
I use "View unread posts" and it always seems to work for me. If I want to include more than just the ones it considers unread, "View active topics" seems to work pretty well, too.
View new posts does appear to be working "correctly" as far as the way it was designed to work. It is a list of posts made since you last visited (either logging in afresh, or, an interval since your session was last active).