Hey guys,
Though the webpage overhaul a couple months ago is very nice and made the site much simpler, I noticed that the FAQ pages stayed pretty much the same. I was looking at the Main FAQ and noticed that there's a lot of really useful information there, but parts of it seemed a bit out of date, especially the stuff about the old screensaver client. I also thought that some of the answers could use some slight expansion or further explanations. I therefore copied the FAQ into my Wikipedia personal sandbox, and made an initial stab at providing some of the answers myself. It's fully editable by anyone, so if you've always wanted to change something in the Main FAQ, or if you feel that you can further improve the answers, feel free to edit away!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jessemv/sandbox I indicated a change by striking through the original text before putting my own text below it.
My copy-paste job only preserved the links where the URL was explicitly written in-text, but I added a few more links in as well. Also, I thought that some of questions were a bit out of order, so I moved them around. If you feel that there's a better order, feel free to move them yourself. It certainly is a very long FAQ, but then again there's a lot of potential questions to cover. The Errors section now only has one question in it though; the others didn't seem to be brought up much in this forum.
-Jesse V.