FAHJ on laptop will not install
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FAHJ on laptop will not install
Hello. I already fold for almost two years now ( Computertotaal, 53650 ) and had to preform a new install on more machines.
On desktops the version with te commandline input, works fine.
On my two laptops Win XP and Win7 the latest version installs, but will not start up
No firewalls or Antivirus enabled, it simply will not start.
Could use some help
Thnx Anjo
On desktops the version with te commandline input, works fine.
On my two laptops Win XP and Win7 the latest version installs, but will not start up
No firewalls or Antivirus enabled, it simply will not start.
Could use some help
Thnx Anjo
Re: FAHJ on laptop will not install
Welcome to foldingforum.org, Anjo_Zwartkruis.
By the "latest version" do you mean one of the newer V6 versions or do you mean the V7 version? In either case, we'll need a description of your hardware and the choices that you made during installation.
If you mean V7, there's a special forum for the V7 beta: viewforum.php?f=67 Did you read the installation guide?
By the "latest version" do you mean one of the newer V6 versions or do you mean the V7 version? In either case, we'll need a description of your hardware and the choices that you made during installation.
If you mean V7, there's a special forum for the V7 beta: viewforum.php?f=67 Did you read the installation guide?
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Re: FAHJ on laptop will not install
Ver 6,23 the same one that folded the last months The one with the viewer in systray
Win& on Aspire 5315 with 3 Gb mem. WinXP on an NC6120 HP laptop with 1,5 Gb mem.
I performed the simple instaal with no parameters entered except -smp in the confog screen and my passkeynumber.
Win& on Aspire 5315 with 3 Gb mem. WinXP on an NC6120 HP laptop with 1,5 Gb mem.
I performed the simple instaal with no parameters entered except -smp in the confog screen and my passkeynumber.
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Re: FAHJ on laptop will not install
6.23 Windows XP/Vista/7/2003/2008 System tray (Systray) client installer with optional viewer ?
I don't think that is meant to run with -smp parameter (I could be wrong). Try taking it off and seeing if the client will run as an Uniproccesor client. [Additionaly try removing the passkey temporarily and folding as Anonymous and see if that helps.]
I don't think that is meant to run with -smp parameter (I could be wrong). Try taking it off and seeing if the client will run as an Uniproccesor client. [Additionaly try removing the passkey temporarily and folding as Anonymous and see if that helps.]
AMD 965 + Radeon HD 6950 + Win7 Home(x64) + V7.1.52
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Currently Working On: Finishing the summer semester.
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Re: FAHJ on laptop will not install
I allready did . performed a clean instaal after using configscreen > remove software and ran CCleaner afterwards
Still won't startup. Alo whwn I try to run is as admin.
Is there a possibility that MS did an update that blocks FAH??
Still won't startup. Alo whwn I try to run is as admin.
Is there a possibility that MS did an update that blocks FAH??
Re: FAHJ on laptop will not install
-smp is specifically desinged to run with multi-core processor CPUs or multiple CPUs. Both of those laptops have Uniprocessor hardware so the -smp flag will cause a problem. Moreover, I'm not sure what will happen if a WU was successful downloaded.
You should not need to run as admin if the client has a Read/Write data area. I presume you start it with a shortcut. What does it say?
You should not need to run as admin if the client has a Read/Write data area. I presume you start it with a shortcut. What does it say?
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Re: FAHJ on laptop will not install
No, MS has not blocked FAH.
Please confirm what -switches (paramters), if any, you are using.
Please also post the contents of the fahlog.txt file.
Please confirm what -switches (paramters), if any, you are using.
Please also post the contents of the fahlog.txt file.
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Re: FAHJ on laptop will not install
Code: Select all
--- Opening Log file [August 19 17:32:39 UTC]
# Windows CPU Systray Edition #################################################
Folding@Home Client Version 6.23
Launch directory: C:\Users\Mobile\AppData\Roaming\Folding@home-x86
[17:35:32] - Ask before connecting: No
[17:35:32] - User name: Anjo_Zwartkruis (Team 53650)
[17:35:32] - User ID not found locally
[17:35:32] + Requesting User ID from server
[17:35:33] - Machine ID: 2
[17:35:33] Work directory not found. Creating...
[17:35:33] Could not open work queue, generating new queue...
[17:35:33] Initialization complete
[17:35:33] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[17:35:33] + Attempting to get work packet
[17:35:33] - Connecting to assignment server
[17:35:34] - Successful: assigned to (
[17:35:34] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[17:35:34] Loaded queue successfully.
[17:35:40] + Closed connections
[17:35:40] + Processing work unit
[17:35:40] Work type a4 not eligible for variable processors
[17:35:40] Core required: FahCore_a4.exe
[17:35:40] Core not found.
[17:35:40] - Core is not present or corrupted.
[17:35:40] - Attempting to download new core...
[17:35:40] + Downloading new core: FahCore_a4.exe
[17:35:40] + 10240 bytes downloaded
[17:35:56] + 3028899 bytes downloaded
[17:35:56] Verifying core Core_a4.fah...
[17:35:56] Signature is VALID
[17:35:56] Trying to unzip core FahCore_a4.exe
[17:35:59] Decompressed FahCore_a4.exe (10057216 bytes) successfully
[17:36:04] + Core successfully engaged
[17:36:09] + Processing work unit
[17:36:09] Work type a4 not eligible for variable processors
[17:36:09] Core required: FahCore_a4.exe
[17:36:09] Core found.
[17:36:09] Working on queue slot 01 [August 19 17:36:09 UTC]
[17:36:09] + Working ...
[17:36:11] *------------------------------*
[17:36:11] Folding@Home Gromacs GB Core
[17:36:11] Version 2.27 (Dec. 15, 2010)
[17:36:11] Preparing to commence simulation
[17:36:11] - Looking at optimizations...
[17:36:11] - Created dyn
[17:36:11] - Files status OK
[17:36:11] - Expanded 52744 -> 197212 (decompressed 373.9 percent)
[17:36:11] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=52744 data_size=197212, decompressed_data_size=197212 diff=0
[17:36:11] - Digital signature verified
[17:36:11] Project: 7020 (Run 3, Clone 111, Gen 16)
[17:36:12] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[17:36:12] Entering M.D.
[17:36:18] Mapping NT from 1 to 1
[17:36:18] Completed 0 out of 10000000 steps (0%)
[18:12:26] Completed 100000 out of 10000000 steps (1%)
[18:47:28] Completed 200000 out of 10000000 steps (2%)
[19:22:35] Completed 300000 out of 10000000 steps (3%)
[19:57:26] Completed 400000 out of 10000000 steps (4%)
[20:32:21] Completed 500000 out of 10000000 steps (5%)
[21:07:13] Completed 600000 out of 10000000 steps (6%)
[21:42:56] Completed 700000 out of 10000000 steps (7%)
[22:18:01] Completed 800000 out of 10000000 steps (8%)
[22:53:49] Completed 900000 out of 10000000 steps (9%)
[23:28:42] Completed 1000000 out of 10000000 steps (10%)
[23:35:33] + Working...
[00:03:58] Completed 1100000 out of 10000000 steps (11%)
[00:39:31] Completed 1200000 out of 10000000 steps (12%)
[00:48:12] Opening http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=53650...
[06:44:55] + Working...
Re: FAHJ on laptop will not install
At a rate of about half hour per frame, it's going to take more than 2 days to complete if you run 24x7 but it looks like it was working on August 19. Are you starting the client manually or have you added a shortcut to the startup folder?
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Re: FAHJ on laptop will not install
SOLVED, at least on my main-used laptop
I removed FAH 9 again) and did a new download a.dn after disabling my virus-an Internetprotection - which I allways do when istalling FAH-did a new install.Now my systrayicon is back, I could fill in my name etc and it is running again.
Thnx guys for the support.
@ bruce the shortcut in the startupfolder didn't do anything, had to lacate the folder and doubleclick in the icon.Now it starts properly with the shortcut.I also slowed down the CPU-use to 50% due to overheating my Aspire
Kind Regards Anjo

I removed FAH 9 again) and did a new download a.dn after disabling my virus-an Internetprotection - which I allways do when istalling FAH-did a new install.Now my systrayicon is back, I could fill in my name etc and it is running again.
Thnx guys for the support.
@ bruce the shortcut in the startupfolder didn't do anything, had to lacate the folder and doubleclick in the icon.Now it starts properly with the shortcut.I also slowed down the CPU-use to 50% due to overheating my Aspire
Kind Regards Anjo