Simplified version of what you are saying.
No. What you are saying is great and I don't disagree. A unified explanation of the entire point system would be great.
No I am talking about just basic stuff;who,what, where, why, when, how.
From two years ago I get the following regarding when and how:
Q: How long will this bonus program last?
A: It depends. We will continually be evaluating this bonus program and may alter or remove it at any time. We anticipate maintaining it at least through the initial cohort of 2681 work units, but everything depends on how the bonus trial goes.
OK, when will it be evaluated? once a month, every 3 months, or just once every 2 years
This would imply that unless donors here otherwise, the project is continuous ?
Who will evaluate it and who will communicate that evaluation(where can I follow it?)
How will it be evaluated?
1. based on the speed of WU returned?
2. based on the server ability to handle increase of WU?
3. based on supply and demand of complex WU?
4. based on Political affect on donors and the moral of the overall project?
All of the above combined? The phase of the moon on off presidential election years?
This is project management 101. You make goals, you outline a plan.....AND YOU ESTABLISH A METHOD OF EVALUATING THE EXECUTION/REALIZATION OF THOSE GOALS.
I see the first part and not the second.
Since the second part is undefined, any change in the Plan of action is by definition arbitrary.
More boilerplate added after the fact:
Q: What happens to the bonus program at the end of this trial?
A: We will evaluate several types of results from the trial: distribution of return times for the WU, fraction of WU requiring reassignment, number of machines assigned by their users to fold these WU, reported problems with the WU and bonus system, and donor feedback posted on the forum. We will also consult with the forum mods and admins and with our beta testers. At that point we will decide whether to continue, revise, or shut down the bonus program. As in any trial, however, we reserve the right to stop it or put it on temporary hold if serious problems are noted.
When does the trial end?
where can I see updates? (official reviews, not just forum chatter)
Apparently all my hypothetical questions have been answered already.
My point is that donors have an expectation of greater direction and continuity, rather than random adjustments every two years without warning.