Technically speaking the Assignment Servers are working find. It's a Work Server that's out of commission. Your client contacts as Assignment Server which assigns you to a Work Server. As GreyWhiskers explained above, there are several different Work Server which are serving bigadv WUs. Only one of those Work Servers is out of commission.huyetma wrote:RR, lol
I can feel your pain. I have 2 sr2 they all can not get bigadv.
Probably need to shutdown to save electric, while AS out of commission.
Unfortunately, all of those work servers, combined, have fewer Trajectories than the number of people who are competing for bigadv WUs. It's the serial nature of the trajectories that causes them to be perpetually almost out of WUs. Every time somebody completes a WU, the server generates the next WU for that trajectory. It is immediately assigned to some lucky person, leaving some unknown number of unlucky people being told that there's no bigadv work for them.
My point is that the Pande Group has no method of telling folks that the demand exceeds the supply. Adjusting the minimum number of cores from, say 8, to say 12, on some (or all) of the existing projects would provide a consistent answer to all the i7's and dual-quads: "We have no work for you right now" rather than the inconsistent "We only have enough WUs for a small percentage of lucky people"
Switching your machine to Standard SMP or shutting it down temporarily is exactly what needs to happen right now -- until the new projects that are almost ready to release complete the necessary testing steps.