Joined F@H again

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Joined F@H again

Post by kenwong »

just a few question:
1.How to know I have a correct setting (the F@H working propertly, but i don't know where it can upload the WU to the main server to gain points)

I still get my kenwong_HKEPC account page BLANK!!!

Code: Select all

--- Opening Log file [December 29 18:20:59 UTC] 

# Windows GPU Console Edition #################################################

                       Folding@Home Client Version 6.23



Launch directory: C:\Users\Wong Chun Cheung\AppData\Roaming\Folding@home-gpu

[18:20:59] - Ask before connecting: No
[18:20:59] - User name: Kenwong_HKEPC (Team 41751)
[18:20:59] - User ID: 3909ADBD727AA884
[18:20:59] - Machine ID: 1
[18:20:59] Loaded queue successfully.
[18:20:59] Initialization complete
[18:20:59] + Processing work unit
[18:20:59] Core required: FahCore_11.exe
[18:20:59] Core found.
[18:20:59] Working on queue slot 04 [December 29 18:20:59 UTC]
[18:20:59] + Working ...
[18:20:59] *------------------------------*
[18:20:59] Folding@Home GPU Core
[18:20:59] Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)
[18:20:59] Compiler  : Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 
[18:20:59] Build host: amoeba
[18:20:59] Board Type: Nvidia
[18:20:59] Core      : 
[18:20:59] Preparing to commence simulation
[18:20:59] - User disabled assembly optimizations.
[18:20:59] - Files status OK
[18:20:59] - Expanded 65065 -> 343707 (decompressed 528.2 percent)
[18:20:59] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=65065 data_size=343707, decompressed_data_size=343707 diff=0
[18:20:59] - Digital signature verified
[18:20:59] Project: 5783 (Run 0, Clone 40, Gen 334)
[18:21:00] Entering M.D.
[18:21:06] Will resume from checkpoint file
[18:21:06] Tpr hash work/wudata_04.tpr:  816243280 350431634 1690726605 1266191857 4063539851
[18:21:06] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100
[18:21:19] Working on GROwing Monsters And Cloning Shrimps
[18:22:10] Client config found, loading data.
[18:22:10] Starting GUI Server
[18:22:15] Resuming from checkpoint
[18:22:15] fcCheckPointResume: retreived and current tpr file hash:
[18:22:15]    0    816243280    816243280
[18:22:15]    1    350431634    350431634
[18:22:15]    2   1690726605   1690726605
[18:22:15]    3   1266191857   1266191857
[18:22:15]    4   4063539851   4063539851
[18:22:15] fcCheckPointResume: file hashes same.
[18:22:15] fcCheckPointResume: state restored.
[18:22:15] Verified work/wudata_04.log
[18:22:15] Verified work/wudata_04.edr
[18:22:15] Verified work/wudata_04.xtc
[18:26:05] Opening
[18:26:12] Opening C:\Users\Wong Chun Cheung\AppData\Roaming\Folding@home-gpu\MyFolding.html...
[18:35:04] Completed 1%
[18:47:57] Completed 2%
[19:00:50] Completed 3%
[19:10:37] Opening C:\Users\Wong Chun Cheung\AppData\Roaming\Folding@home-gpu\MyFolding.html...
[19:12:33] Opening
[19:13:48] Completed 4%
[19:26:51] Completed 5%
[19:39:44] Completed 6%
[19:52:15] Completed 7%
[20:04:53] Completed 8%
[20:17:26] Completed 9%
[20:29:58] Completed 10%
[20:42:33] Completed 11%
[20:55:08] Completed 12%
[21:07:44] Completed 13%
[21:20:19] Completed 14%
[21:32:54] Completed 15%
[21:45:26] Completed 16%
[21:58:00] Completed 17%
[22:10:35] Completed 18%
[22:23:09] Completed 19%
[22:35:43] Completed 20%
[22:48:18] Completed 21%
[23:00:47] Completed 22%
[23:13:21] Completed 23%
[23:25:53] Completed 24%
[23:38:26] Completed 25%
[23:51:00] Completed 26%
[00:03:33] Completed 27%
[00:16:10] Completed 28%
[00:20:58] + Working...
[00:28:45] Completed 29%
[00:41:21] Completed 30%
[00:46:22] Opening
[00:46:34] Opening
[00:54:55] Completed 31%
[01:07:51] Completed 32%
I have the log here.

Please omit the name "kenwong@HKEPC" I found that name got error(sybmol @)
I have a new name here kenwong_HKEPC
2.If I have more than one PC, how can I setup the name? (use the same name in all pc??)
3.I found that if I change the setting, the working will reset to 0/XXX (ZERO), How can I keep both working process when changing the setting (GPU usage)
4.How often will this client upload the working state to the main server? And how big will it upload (i am using ADSL).
5.If I shut down/reboot or logout my PC(NOT 24X7 on), Should I wait one WU finish and reboot?
Posts: 20824
Joined: Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:13 pm
Location: So. Cal.

Re: Joined F@H again

Post by bruce »

If you use an email address for your FAH User Name, the Stanford statistics will only display the part in front of the @ symbol to help minimize spam-bots. When you use the Stanford website for your statistics, you need to query usting the full string, not just the name that's displayed.

In any case, I see no stastics yet for names starting with Kenwong_HKEPC@

Note: You will have creditied points only after completing these three steps.
1) Successfully finish a WU (i.e.- reach 100%)
2) Successfully upload the results to the Server
3) Wait until the Stats update (generally about an hour).

The client knows how to upload the results and which server(s) it can be sent to. No action is required other than to make sure that the client can connect to the internet.

You can run FAH on as many computers as you either own or you have (written) permission from the owner. Most people use the same User Name and Team Number on all of their clients so that the stats site only shows the total. A few folks have found reasons to want them kept separately. It's up to you.

Changing configuration or shutting the client down and restarting will generally NOT restart from zero. It should restart from the last checkpoint, which may be from zero if no checkpoints have been written yet.

Work Units (WUs) are not all the same size. Some will finish faster than others. For the WU that I see in the log that you posted, you have completed 32% between 18:22 and 01:07 so that particullar WU will upload results about 8.6 hours after the WU was downloaded so three times per day.
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:10 am

Re: Joined F@H again

Post by kenwong »

Thank you. I stated that user name changed. I have removed the previous name and deleted the log of "KENWONG@HKEPC". I think that's ok now and "Kenwong_HKEPC" is my new name and I will use it as long as it can.
Also, Thanks for solving the problems. Also, my computer has 3 user accounts (A/B/C) I am currently using A, and B/C is for other members of my family, how can I told them to setup the F@H, or it will autorun on every login/startup pc? Should I/they open the setting everytime? And Will the F@H work on 3 DIFFERENT WU or both are the same in one PC?

However, I have installed the FAHMON software to monitor the F@H, I found that the PPD keeps 0% since last night and I have let it run whole night without shutting down.

Please help again!!
Posts: 20824
Joined: Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:13 pm
Location: So. Cal.

Re: Joined F@H again

Post by bruce »

FAH has been designed for computers with a single account and it's easiest to install in that environment. It can be used with multiple accounts but there are a couple of options that should be considered.

a) Certainly the simplest approach is to run the client in only one account. This is the simplest method, but it presumes that one account is logged on most of the time.

b) If only one account is used at a time, they can all work on the same WU. FAH must be installed in a shared folder and each account should start the client when it logs on. If you leave one account running while fast-user-switching to another account, you will create errors.

c) Running FAH as a service is an advanced technique which is, in fact, probably easier that setting up a shared folder but running a GPU client as a service is NOT recommended. If you decide to run the Classic or the SMP client this way, please run it manually to get familiar with it and then ask for more information.

I suspect that your computer power-saving features may be suspending processing during the night. Most people disable power savings features for the CPU so that FAH processing continues without interruption.
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:10 am

Re: Joined F@H again

Post by kenwong »

bruce wrote:FAH has been designed for computers with a single account and it's easiest to install in that environment. It can be used with multiple accounts but there are a couple of options that should be considered.

a) Certainly the simplest approach is to run the client in only one account. This is the simplest method, but it presumes that one account is logged on most of the time.

b) If only one account is used at a time, they can all work on the same WU. FAH must be installed in a shared folder and each account should start the client when it logs on. If you leave one account running while fast-user-switching to another account, you will create errors.

c) Running FAH as a service is an advanced technique which is, in fact, probably easier that setting up a shared folder but running a GPU client as a service is NOT recommended. If you decide to run the Classic or the SMP client this way, please run it manually to get familiar with it and then ask for more information.

I suspect that your computer power-saving features may be suspending processing during the night. Most people disable power savings features for the CPU so that FAH processing continues without interruption.
Thanks for info again :P
I decided to ONLY RUN F@H in my own account and not tell other member to run. so that i can treat it as SINGLE USER and will not run the same project in different account

I also found that the FAHMON cannot calculate the PPD while the fahspy can. I think that's the little bug of FAHMON here...

I have finished my 1st WU with 783points. Thanks bruce at all! :mrgreen:
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