Project: 6701 (Run 19, Clone 24, Gen 28) - No Credit

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Project: 6701 (Run 19, Clone 24, Gen 28) - No Credit

Post by Slythern »

Did not receive credit for this WU. Thanks in advance for any help you can spare, but don't take away time from science effort.
Log follows, seemed to upload OK.

Code: Select all

[10:03:56] + Processing work unit
[10:03:56] Core required: FahCore_a3.exe
[10:03:56] Core found.
[10:03:56] Working on queue slot 06 [July 20 10:03:56 UTC]
[10:03:56] + Working ...
[10:03:56] - Calling './FahCore_a3.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 06 -np 8 -checkpoint 10 -verbose -lifeline 2142 -version 629'

[10:03:56] *------------------------------*
[10:03:56] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[10:03:56] Version 2.22 (June 10, 2010)
[10:03:56] Preparing to commence simulation
[10:03:56] - Looking at optimizations...
[10:03:56] - Created dyn
[10:03:56] - Files status OK
[10:03:56] - Expanded 763817 -> 1404481 (decompressed 183.8 percent)
[10:03:56] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=763817 data_size=1404481, decompressed_data_size=1404481 diff=0
[10:03:56] - Digital signature verified
[10:03:56] Project: 6701 (Run 19, Clone 24, Gen 28)
[10:03:56] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[10:03:56] Entering M.D.
[10:04:03] Completed 0 out of 2000000 steps  (0%)
[10:10:45] Completed 20000 out of 2000000 steps  (1%)
[21:05:49] Completed 1980000 out of 2000000 steps  (99%)
[21:12:29] Completed 2000000 out of 2000000 steps  (100%)
[21:12:29] DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000
[21:12:39] Finished Work Unit:
[21:12:39] - Reading up to 687408 from "work/wudata_06.trr": Read 687408
[21:12:39] trr file hash check passed.
[21:12:39] - Reading up to 42659356 from "work/wudata_06.xtc": Read 42659356
[21:12:39] xtc file hash check passed.
[21:12:39] edr file hash check passed.
[21:12:39] logfile size: 277399
[21:12:39] Leaving Run
[21:12:43] - Writing 43626499 bytes of core data to disk...
[21:12:44]   ... Done.
[21:12:47] - Shutting down core
[21:12:47] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
[21:12:47] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
[21:12:47] Unit 6 finished with 92 percent of time to deadline remaining.
[21:12:47] Updated performance fraction: 0.948281
[21:12:47] Sending work to server
[21:12:47] Project: 6701 (Run 19, Clone 24, Gen 28)
[21:12:47] + Attempting to send results [July 20 21:12:47 UTC]
[21:12:47] - Reading file work/wuresults_06.dat from core
[21:12:47]   (Read 43626499 bytes from disk)
[21:12:47] Connecting to
[21:28:38] Posted data.
[21:28:38] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~44 kB/s
[21:28:40] - Averaged speed for that direction ~47 kB/s
[21:28:40] + Results successfully sent
[21:28:40] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[21:28:40] + Number of Units Completed: 109
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Joined: Thu Feb 04, 2010 3:30 am

Re: Project: 6701 (Run 19, Clone 24, Gen 28) - No Credit

Post by tzutzy »

I've got same issue with Project: 6701 (Run 42, Clone 34, Gen 18)
No biggie though, I think it's been my fault as a previous try to upload same unit was cancelled at the start.

--- Opening Log file [July 21 07:32:21 UTC]

# Windows SMP Console Edition #################################################

Folding@Home Client Version 6.29


Launch directory: g:\smp1
Executable: G:\smp1\FAH_smp.exe
Arguments: -send all -smp 2 -deino -forceasm -advmethods -local -verbosity 9

[07:32:21] - Ask before connecting: No
[07:32:21] - User name: tzutzy (Team 169927)
[07:32:21] - User ID: 555E2EF856900658
[07:32:21] - Machine ID: 1
[07:32:21] Loaded queue successfully.
[07:32:21] Attempting to return result(s) to server...
[07:32:21] Trying to send all finished work units
[07:32:21] Project: 6701 (Run 42, Clone 34, Gen 18)

[07:32:21] + Attempting to send results [July 21 07:32:21 UTC]
[07:32:21] - Reading file work/wuresults_03.dat from core
[07:32:21] (Read 43662596 bytes from disk)
[07:32:21] Connecting to
[07:47:58] Posted data.
[07:47:58] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~45 kB/s
[07:48:00] - Averaged speed for that direction ~53 kB/s
[07:48:00] + Results successfully sent
[07:48:00] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[07:48:00] + Number of Units Completed: 47

[07:48:14] + Sent 1 of 1 completed units to the server
[07:48:14] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2)
[07:48:14] Killing all core threads
[07:48:14] Killing 3 cores
[07:48:14] Killing core 0
[07:48:14] Killing core 1
[07:48:14] Killing core 2

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.
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Re: Project: 6701 (Run 19, Clone 24, Gen 28) - No Credit

Post by susato »

For several hours spanning parts of 7/20 and 7/21 there was an internal communication error between the vspg4* server family and the stats server (possibly assignment server too). Work units were received and acknowledged, but not reported to the stats server, so credit has not yet been issued for a number of p6701 and p6702 WU completed during that interval.

The PG has fixed the server communication problem, and the associated recrediting is on their to-do list.
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Joined: Tue May 25, 2010 5:16 pm

Re: Project: 6701 (Run 19, Clone 24, Gen 28) - No Credit

Post by Slythern »

Thanks susato!
Posts: 53
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:16 pm

Re: Project: 6701 (Run 19, Clone 24, Gen 28) - No Credit

Post by Bob8421 »

susato wrote:The PG has fixed the server communication problem, and the associated recrediting is on their to-do list.
Is the crediting of bonus points for the first day or two of project 6701 still on their to-do list? I submitted a 6701 work unit on June 13th and still have not gotten the missing bonus points for it.

I refuse to use the word "recrediting" when referring to something that never got credited in the first place!
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Joined: Thu Feb 04, 2010 3:30 am

Re: Project: 6701 (Run 19, Clone 24, Gen 28) - No Credit

Post by tzutzy »

Whoops, now I got too much credit, received what seems like 4x the amount I should've. Rough Credit expected was around 2600-2800, I got 10920 on the 22nd of July around 15.00 according to Kakao stats.
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Re: Project: 6701 (Run 19, Clone 24, Gen 28) - No Credit

Post by bruce »

Bob8421 wrote:I refuse to use the word "recrediting" when referring to something that never got credited in the first place!
The word "recrediting" is the one used by the Pande Group. From their perspective, "crediting" is a process that runs automatically and most of the time, successfully adds points to the stats server. When it is unsuccessful, they have to perform a different procedure which involves a number of manual steps which they call that "recrediting." I understand your perspective as well as theirs.

This seems to imply that the recrediting has been completed.

I don't know if bonuses have been included or not. The bonus policy specifically states that bonuses may not be awarded, even if your WU is delayed by a server problem that is beyond anyone's control.

If you did submit a WU that has not received credit, please report the Project/Run/Clone/Gen numbers and a Mod will attempt to track the records.
tzutzy wrote:Whoops, now I got too much credit, received what seems like 4x the amount I should've.
It does look like the recrediting might have been processed twice.

Hi Slythern (team 36362),
Your WU (P6701 R19 C24 G28) was added to the stats database on 2010-07-22 07:20:37 for 6622.91 points of credit.
Hi Slythern (team 36362),
Your WU (P6701 R19 C24 G28) was added to the stats database on 2010-07-22 07:22:50 for 6622.91 points of credit.

Hi tzutzy (team 169927),
Your WU (P6701 R42 C34 G18) was added to the stats database on 2010-07-22 07:20:37 for 2972.07 points of credit.
Hi tzutzy (team 169927),
Your WU (P6701 R42 C34 G18) was added to the stats database on 2010-07-22 07:22:50 for 2972.07 points of credit.
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Re: Project: 6701 (Run 19, Clone 24, Gen 28) - No Credit

Post by VijayPande »

PS We keep track of every WU as they come back, so it should not be possible to over credit. If a WU has already been credited, then the recredit won't credit it again. This is the same WU db that the Mods have access to tell whether a WU has been credited.
Prof. Vijay Pande, PhD
Departments of Chemistry, Structural Biology, and Computer Science
Chair, Biophysics
Director, Folding@home Distributed Computing Project
Stanford University
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Re: Project: 6701 (Run 19, Clone 24, Gen 28) - No Credit

Post by poiuyut »

Thanks for the recredit!
I seem to have been overcredited as well though. The relevant update was for 27631 points. I was only expecting around 6000 for the Project: 6702 (Run 2, Clone 3, Gen 15) recredit, and around 3200 for the normal submission of a Project: 6023 (Run 0, Clone 149, Gen 221). May I ask which units the other ~18000 points are for? I don't remember any other units being uncredited.
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Re: Project: 6701 (Run 19, Clone 24, Gen 28) - No Credit

Post by Grendel »

Maybe it's a donor appreciation thing ;) Got a big chunk too, altho no idea what for or how much is recredited since I'm not keeping close tabs on what's outstanding. I'm not complaining tho. :)
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Re: Project: 6701 (Run 19, Clone 24, Gen 28) - No Credit

Post by susato »

JUST GUESSING HERE - but the recrediting may have covered some missing points from a server outage around June 19-20. Further speculation is pointless so I'm going to invoke my special mod powers to claim the last word on the subject and lock the thread.