Search found 6 matches

by Doctor_Love
Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:28 pm
Forum: Issues with a specific WU
Topic: Nouveau client smp 6.22 MPICH
Replies: 16
Views: 3029

Nouveau client smp 6.22 MPICH

Nouveau client smp 6.22 MPICH et premier EUE pour une Wu 2653 sur un total de 880 ??? bravo le nouveau client de stanford ??? --- Opening Log file [August 4 05:43:13 UTC] # Windows SMP Console Edition ################################################# #################################################...
by Doctor_Love
Mon May 26, 2008 6:42 pm
Forum: Issues with a specific WU
Topic: Project 2653 credit not received
Replies: 9
Views: 2020

Re: Project 2653 credit not received

Except a cleaning of the base of register yesterday with (CCleaner) and the purge of Prefetch
I realize regularly these operations without consequence until now on the return of result of the customer SMP

Thank you
by Doctor_Love
Mon May 26, 2008 5:13 pm
Forum: Issues with a specific WU
Topic: Project 2653 credit not received
Replies: 9
Views: 2020

Re: Project 2653 credit not received

ChelseaOilman wrote:Your not doing any sneakernetting are you?
I am tres bad in English that this sentence means? (que veut dire cette phrase?)
by Doctor_Love
Mon May 26, 2008 4:09 pm
Forum: Issues with a specific WU
Topic: Project 2653 credit not received
Replies: 9
Views: 2020

Project 2653 credit not received

Hello On two projects send yesterday evening one seems not credite in my statistics Thank you in advance of retablir the missing credit. User => Doctor_Love Team => 35819 Project => 2653 (Run 34, Clone 10, Gen 65) [06:38:41] *------------------------------* [06:38:41] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core [...
by Doctor_Love
Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:15 pm
Forum: Issues with a specific WU
Topic: Stanford ne credite plus les projets 3906 / 3907 ???
Replies: 11
Views: 2897

Re: Stanford ne credite plus les projets 3906 / 3907 ???

Je suis lamentable en anglais mais un grand merci à Bruce & VijayPande pour vos réponses.
Le problème semble résolu puisque les 12 projets énumérés ont été comptabilisés dans mes
statistiques aujourd'hui même.

Thank you very much
by Doctor_Love
Sun Mar 30, 2008 10:59 pm
Forum: Issues with a specific WU
Topic: Stanford ne credite plus les projets 3906 / 3907 ???
Replies: 11
Views: 2897

Stanford ne credite plus les projets 3906 / 3907 ???

Hello Stanford ne credite plus les projets 3906 / 3907 depuis 2 jours ??? 12 Wu's non comptabilisée à mon actif ces derniere 48 heures ??? User name: Doctor_Love Team: 35819 projet: 3906 (Run 485, Clone 3, Gen 4) No Credit le 29 Mars projet: 3906 (Run 657, Clone 4, Gen 2) No Credit le 29 Mars projet...