Excellant!!!!!!!!!!! Just need a few smillie packs now.uncle_fungus wrote:I think I've got the profile-left code sorted. Just let me upload it to the server and see if it really does work.
Thanks for the offer btw dicecca112{LR}.
Excellant!!!!!!!!!!! Just need a few smillie packs now.uncle_fungus wrote:I think I've got the profile-left code sorted. Just let me upload it to the server and see if it really does work.
Thanks for the offer btw dicecca112{LR}.
Isnt that an Oxymoron? Runs and hidesuncle_fungus wrote:I've just installed the French Languages Pack(s), American English will be installed as soon as it gets validated by the phpbb translation team.
Are you calling me a BERK ?toTOW wrote:Berk I don't like this theme